How Deans and Department Chairs Access SOQs for Instructors in their Department(s) (OnBase)
This article covers how deans and department chairs can access SOQs (Student Opinion Questionnaires) for instructors in their college/department(s) in OnBase.
1. Log in to the campus portal and select the OnBase icon in the Titan Online widget.
2. Select the SOQ Search for Deans and Chairs from the query types list on the left.
![OnBase Custom Queries homepage](
3. Enter one or more search criteria and then click Search.
If you do not enter any search criteria, it may take time for the search to run as it will be showing you all SOQs for all instructors for all available terms/semesters. Depending on your access, this may result in thousands of search results. It's highly recommended that you enter at least one search criterion to narrow down your results.
![search criteria](
Regardless of the criteria that you enter, you will only see data for the colleges/departments that you have access to view.
- Term allows you to search by semester/term. Enter terms as Fall 2023 or Spring 2024.
- Course Name allows you to search by the course prefix such as MATH. Can be used with Catalog Number to find SOQs for a specific course (e.g., MATH-115).
- Department Name allows you to search for SOQs for a specific department by entering the department name. Be sure to enter the name of the department (e.g., Mathematics) and not the department ID (10163).
- Department ID allows you to search for SOQs for a specific department by entering the department ID. Be sure to enter the department ID (e.g., 10163) and not the department name (Mathematics).
- CWID allows you to search for SOQs by the instructor's Campus-Wide ID (CWID).
- First Name allows you to search by an instructor's first name. You may want to use this in conjunction with Last Name to find a specific instructor.
- Last Name allows you to search by an instructor's first name. Depending on the last name, you may want to use this in conjunction with First Name to find a specific instructor.
- Catalog Number allows you to search for SOQs for a specific catalog number such as 115. Should be used with Course Name to find SOQs for a specific course (e.g., MATH-115).
- Click the Clear Keywords button to clear all of your settings and start again.
- Click Search once you have entered your search criteria.
4. In the custom query results pane, you will typically see at least three documents for each instructor: one Summary per department, one Statistics per course section, and one Comments per course section. Double click on the document you want to view. To see more details about each row, use the scroll bar at the bottom of the search results.
If an instructor teaches only one course in the department, the Summary and Statistics documents may contain the same information.
If an instructor teaches multiple courses and/or course sections, you will see a Statistics and Comments document for each course/course section.
- The Summary document provides an overall summary of the SOQ data for the instructor in all courses they teach in that department.
- The Statistics document provides the statistical data of the SOQs for a specific course and section.
- The Comments document provides all of the comments students entered about the instructor for the specific course and section.
- Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the search results to view more columns in the search results.
- Click on a column to sort the column alphabetically or numerically, depending on the type of data in the column. Click the column again to sort in reverse order.
- Enter additional search criteria in the search boxes under each column header to filter the results (e.g., in the example above, entering 320 in the Document Title column will filter the results to only show the documents for MATH-320).
5. Documents will open in the document pane beneath the custom query results pane. Click the arrow at the top right to view the next document in the search results. To save a PDF copy of the document, click on the Print icon. Click on the x at the top right of the window to close the document.
Want to open a document in a new window? Right-click on the document in the Custom Query Results and choose Open in New Window.
- Click Previous Document to go to the previous document in the search results.
- Click Next Document to go to the next document in the search results.
- Use the + and - buttons to zoom in/out of the document.
- Click the download button to download this document to your computer.
6. To download multiple documents, highlight the documents you want to download in the Custom Query Results pane.
To highlight documents, start by clicking on one document.
To select all documents in a range, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click on the last document in the range you want to select.
To select individual documents, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on each document you want to highlight.
To remove a document from your selection, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on the document you want to un-highlight.
6.1. Right-click on the highlighted document(s), select Send To, and then select File.
![send to file menu](
- After right-clicking on the highlighted document(s), select Send To.
- Then select File.
6.2. Click Save to export the documents into a .zip archive.
Note that even if you choose to "save as" a different file type, multiple documents are always downloaded as a .zip file.
![save to file pop-up window](
6.3. You can close this pop-up window once the file is downloaded.
![file has been exported](
6.4. Once the .zip file has been created and downloaded, it will appear in your Downloads folder.
Depending on how many files you are choosing to download together, this process may take several minutes.
![zip file in Downloads folder](
The name of the .zip archive is just If you are planning on downloading more documents (e.g., for another instructor), you may want to rename or unzip this file now so you remember what documents are included in this .zip file.
Need More Help?
Questions about SOQs?
Contact [email protected] or view the SOQ website for additional assistance.
Technical issues accessing your portal or the SOQ search?
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.
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