Viewing Application Status and To-dos in the Student Center
This article provides instructions on viewing applicant status information and to-do items in the Student Center.
The Student Center screen is your view of what the student sees on their self-service page. This view helps you get a sense of a student's checklist items, service indicators (holds), class lists, and other vital student information.
1. Access the Student Services Center in Campus Solutions (Student Admin).
- Open the NavBar by clicking on the compass icon.
- Click on the Menu tile to view more options.
- Select Campus Community.
- Click Student Services Ctr (Student).
2. Enter your search criteria and click Search to look up a student.
You can click the magnifying glass to open a Look Up window if you need to look up field definitions or make a more refined search.

- Enter the student's CWID into the ID field.
OR - Search for the student by name.
- Click Search.
3. The To-Do list box shows any outstanding items associated with the student. The Application Status page allows for viewing application or waitlist information.
- The To-Do List summarizes tasks that need to completed or requirements that need to be submitted by the student. Click More to view additional details about the to-do list items.
- The Admissions section contains links to view specific information on an application. Click Application Status to view basic application data and standing.
1. After clicking More on the To-Do List box, you will be taken to the Advisee To Dos page with a table listing the to-do items, due dates, and statuses. To view additional information about an item, click on its name.

2. The To Do Item Detail page shows information on the type of requirement, deadline, contact point, and item description.

- For required transcripts, the name of the school, academic career, student career number, and associated application number is stated.
- The due date is listed.
- The department requiring the item is noted, along with a link to the department's website/contact page.
- Further details on what is needed and how to proceed are listed in the Description section.
- Click Return to go back to the Student Center page.
1. The Application Status page summarizes the application data and contains links to view additional details and the applicant's to-do list.

- The information box contains the application number, term, date, and academic degree plan.
- Click View Detailed Information for this Application to view the Application Status Detail page that shows academic level, admit type, residency, placement, and application status.
- Click View All To Do Items to view the applicant's to-do list.
- Click Cancel to return to the Student Center page.
2. The Application Status Detail page includes more specific information about the application including academic level, admit type, residency status (not to be used for fees or tuition), and status of the placement exams (ELM and EPT). Below this box of information is the applicant’s admission status and any information about that status.

- Academic Level indicates the class level of the student based on degree type/units accumulated (i.e. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate.)
- Admit Type indicates whether the applicant is a continuing, readmitted, transfer, or new student. (e.g. first time student, returning student, transfer, etc.)
- Residency will indicate the student's residency status at the time of application and residency status to be used for tuition purposes.
- Math/QR and Written Comm indicate the student's ELM and EPT placement status.
- Application Status indicates the stage of the application (e.g. pending decision, admitted, etc.)
Need More Help?
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
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