How do I set up my Faculty360 portfolio?

This article summarizes the step-by-step process of building your faculty portfolio in Interfolio using the Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty360) feature.

Need an overview of Faculty360? View the Faculty360 Overview video on YouTube.

1.1. If it's your first time opening your Interfolio account, you may receive a welcome prompt. Click Take a Tour for a website tour or click the X to close the prompt.

Interfolio welcome prompt
  1. Click Take a Tour to view a brief tour of the Interfolio site features.
  2. Click the X to skip the tour and close the prompt.

Generating a CV is a way to consolidate information to view all the data that has been added to your Faculty360 portfolio thus far.

2.1. Select Legacy Vitas from the Vitas & Biosketches menu on the Interfolio homepage.

navigation menu
  1. Click the caret to expand the Vitas & Biosketches menu.
  2. Select Legacy Vitas.

2.2. Click the Add button.

Vitas & Biosketches legacy page

2.3. Type in a name for your CV. Then, select a template from the drop-down menu. Click Save and Edit to continue.

Add CV prompt
  1. Enter a name for the CV.
  2. Select a template from the drop-down menu. In most cases, you will be using the StandardCV template.
  3. Click Save and Edit to proceed to the vita editor.

2.4. After verifying that the CV name and description are correct, select the items that you would like shown on your CV. Click the chevron next to a section title to view items under that section. You may edit the section title, select or remove items, and reorder sections. When you have edited the CV to your satisfaction, click Save and Preview.

Vita editor page
  1. You can make changes to the CV name and description, if necessary.
  2. Use the radio buttons to set what you would like to show on your CV.
  3. Click the chevron to view entries within a section.
  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the section title on your CV. Note, that this new title will be reflected on your CV but not in Faculty360 itself.
  5. Use the drop-down menus to reorder sections on your CV or mark them as "do not show."
  6. Place a check next to the items that you want shown on your CV. You can place a check in the table header to select all items in that section. You can also use the Select All in All Sections button if you want all items on your Faculty360 portfolio to be displayed on your CV.
  7. Click Save and Preview to proceed to export your CV.

2.5. Verify that the populated Vita Options are correct. Next, select a citation format and date range for your CV. Then, click Refresh Vita to view a preview of your CV.

View Vita screen
  1. The vita type will populate as the CV from which you originated. You can make changes to this if needed.
  2. Select the citation format for your CV.
  3. Set a date range for your CV. Selecting the All radio button will import every item on your CV. If you select the Custom button and enter a begin and end date, your CV will only show activities that fall within that timeframe.
  4. Click Refresh Vita.
  5. A preview will be generated which you can view at the bottom of the page.

2.6. If you would prefer to export your vita and view it as a separate file, click Export/Share. Then, select how you would like your CV to be exported.

View Vita page
  1. Click the Export/Share button.
  2. Select which format you want to export your CV as. The file will download into the default downloads folder on your computer.

3.1. Select Profile from the navigation menu. Review the information in the Personal Information, Contact Information, Current Position, and Education fields for accuracy. You may edit certain fields and enter additional information if you wish.

Profile page with some blocks expanded
  1. Click Profile.
  2. Review the Personal Information block. You can add/change a profile photo and modify your first/preferred name, suffix, honorific, and languages. To request changes to your middle initial and/or last name, take an updated Social Security Card reflecting your correct name to the Payroll Office (CP-700). Note that there is a 2 MB size limit for photos.
  3. Review the Contact Information block. If any of this information needs to be updated, contact your Department IT Coordinator (DITC).
  4. Review the Current Position block. To make changes to your listed faculty rank, contact [email protected].
  5. Review the Education block. You can add and remove information yourself, but if your highest degree earned is not accurately reflected, contact [email protected] to request and adjustment.

3.2. Enter information into the remaining profile fields, if desired.

You can click the Help buttons to learn more about what type of information should be added into each block.

Profile page

It is recommended to update your activities periodically to stay on top of your professional accomplishments.

By default, activities entered into Faculty360 will be published on your public faculty profile unless specified otherwise. If you do not want an activity posted publicly, select No from the Publicly Displayed drop-down menu in the activity classifications.

4.1. View information on activities entered by other campus entities

4.1.1. Some campus departments are responsible for entering certain activities on behalf of faculty. Verify that this information is correct and contact the appropriate department if adjustments are required.

Activities page
  1. After the census date, the Courses Taught at CSUF from 2008 to Present section will be populated with catalog data pulled from the campus student records and academic management system.
  2. The Office of Grants and Contracts will enter sponsored grants into the Grants section. Note that you may manually input non-sponsored grant and contract information yourself. Please contact the Office of Grants and Contracts if modifications need to be made to your sponsored grant entries.
  3. Twice a year, the Academic Senate will enter university and senate committee appointments into the Institutional Committees section. If the information listed here is incorrect, please check the committee list on the senate website, then contact the Academic Senate if updates are needed.
4.2. View information on reviewing matched activities found by Interfolio Data Service

4.2.1. If Interfolio has found publication data matching you, you can view and approve these matches through the Matched Activities section of your Interfolio homepage. Approved matches will be listed in the Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity section of your portfolio.

Interfolio Data Service only pulls information about the following Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity publication types: books, book chapters, journal articles, and conference proceedings. If you need to enter a different kind of activity, view instructions on:

Matched Activities on homepage
4.3. View information on importing activities from other sources (ORCID, Google Scholar, Medline/PubMed, ARXIV)

4.3.1. You have the option to import activities that aren't caught by Interfolio Data Service. You can use ORCID, Google Scholar, Medline/PubMed, ARXIV, or an external file from your computer.

You can import into all activity sections that you have also recorded on ORCID. If you're importing from Google Scholar, Medline/PubMed, or ARXIV, you will only be able to import Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities. Other activity fields will require manual input if not matched through Interfolio Data Service or importing from the platforms previously mentioned.

Interfolio homepage
  1. On the Activities page you can view all activities added to your portfolio. You can also import entries into the Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities section. View instructions on importing Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities.
  2. On the Vitas and Biosketches page you can import activity information from your ORCID account. View instructions on importing activities from ORCID.
  3. The Add Activity block on the homepage allows you to select an activity type from the drop-down menu, which will take you to the input form for that activity type. View instructions on importing Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities.
  4. The Import button in the Import Activities block will take you to the Scholarly Contributions & Creative Productions input page where you can choose to import an activity. View instructions on importing Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities.
4.4. View information on manually adding activities

Aside from Courses Taught at CSUF from 2008 to Present, Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities, Grants, and Institutional Committees, all other activity types require manual entry if not being imported from ORCID.

Interfolio homepage
  1. Go to the Activities page to click Add underneath an activity section.
  2. Select an activity type from the Add Activity drop-down menu, then click Go.

4.4.2. Provide information about the activity in the Input Form fields. Then, set the Activity Classifications. Click a Save button when you have completed entering the activity.

Note that depending on the activity type, the input form may look different from what's pictured here, though you will need to add details and set classifications for all activity types that you enter. Some activity type may also allow you to add attachments.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

activity input form
  1. Enter the activity details into the input form.
  2. Set the activity classifications using the drop-down menus. You can click on a question mark to learn more about a field. Note that the selection in the Publicly Displayed menu will determine whether or not an activity is displayed on your public faculty portfolio.
  3. Click one of the Save buttons.

Need More Help?

View all CSUF Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty360) user guides and video tutorials.

Faculty Activity Reporting help guides by Interfolio Support

For questions about and suggestions for Interfolio and faculty profiles, contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at [email protected]

For technical support, contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].

You are done. Great job!


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