Adding Navigation Tiles to your Campus Solutions Homepages

This article covers how faculty and staff with access to Campus Solutions/Student Administration can add navigation tiles to their various homepages (e.g., My Homepage-1).

Want to learn how to move navigation tiles around? View Campus Solutions Tile Management.

Choose the method you want to use to add tiles

Add Tiles Using Your Favorites

1. Click on the NavBar icon at the top right.

Note you can also access your favorites using the Favorites icon on the left of your homepage.

NavBar icon

2. Select Favorites.

NavBar menu

3. Select one of your favorites.

favorites menu

4. Click on the Actions menu and then select Add To Homepage.

Add to homepage
  1. Click on Actions menu (three dots) at the top right.
  2. Select Add To Homepage.

5. Give your navigation tile a name. Then select the homepage where you want to add the tile. Or create a new homepage (if available).

add to homepage screen
  1. Enter a name for your navigation tile. You can also keep the default name that appears which is the same as the functionality (e.g., My Queries).
  2. Choose the homepage where you want the navigation tile to be added.
  3. Or, if available, create a new homepage by entering a name for your homepage and then click Add.

6. You'll see a confirmation that your navigation tile was added. Click OK.

navigation tile added

7. You will now see the tile you added on the homepage that you added it to.

updated My Homepage with new tile

8. Repeat these steps to add any additional tiles you wish to have on your homepage.

Add Tiles Using Menu in NavBar

1. Click on the NavBar icon at the top right.

NavBar icon

2. Select Menu.

NavBar menu

3. Click on the menus to access the functionality you want to add as a navigation tile.

navigate to functionality

4. Click on the Actions menu and then select Add To Homepage.

Add to homepage
  1. Click on Actions menu (three dots) at the top right.
  2. Select Add To Homepage.

5. Give your navigation tile a name. Then select the homepage where you want to add the tile. Or create a new homepage (if available).

add to homepage screen
  1. Enter a name for your navigation tile. You can also keep the default name that appears which is the same as the functionality (e.g., Manage Service Indicators).
  2. Choose the homepage where you want the navigation tile to be added.
  3. Or, if available, create a new homepage by entering a name for your homepage and then click Add.

6. You'll see a confirmation that your navigation tile was added. Click OK.

navigation tile added

7. You will now see the tile you added on the homepage that you added it to.

updated My Homepage-1 with new tile

8. Repeat these steps to add any additional tiles you wish to have on your homepage(s).

Add Tiles By Personalizing Homepage

1. First, go to the homepage that you want to add the navigation tile to.

My Homepage-1 in Campus Solutions

2. Click on the Actions menu (three dots) at the top right.

actions menu icon

3. Select Personalize Homepage.

actions menu expanded

4. Click Add Tile.

personalize homepage screen

5. Select the section where the tile you want to add is located.

If you're not sure under what section the tile you want is located, you can click on a section to explore the options and return back to this screen if needed.

Add Tile screen

6. Select the navigation tile you want to add. Or click the left arrow to go back to the previous screen.

select navigation tile or go back
  1. Select the navigation tile you want to add.
  2. Click the left arrow to go back to the previous screen.

7. Continue adding as many tiles as you would like. Once you are done, click Save to save your changes.

personalize homepage screen with save button highlighted

8. You will now see the tile(s) you added on the homepage you personalized.

updated My Homepage-1

Need More Help?

For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].


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