View, Rework, or Cancel an Absence Entry
This article covers how employees can view the status of their absences, rework/correct an absence, and cancel an absence.
Prefer to watch a quick video?
- Video: Editing and Canceling Absences (4 minutes)
Absence has been approved
This email indicates the absence request has been approved. Check the Comments to see if your manager has added any additional information.
Absence has been denied
This email indicates that your absence request has been denied. Typically the Comments will tell you why the request was denied, but you can reach out to your manager if you're not sure.
Note that you can still modify and re-submit a denied absence request.
1. Log in to the campus portal and select Employee Homepage.
View How Do I Access the Employee Homepage/Employee Self Service? for step-by-step instructions.
What do you want to do?
You can use the View Requests feature to view the status of all of your absence requests, including any comments entered by you or your manager.
1. Click View Requests.

2. You will see all of your current absence requests and the status of each one. Click on an absence request to view more details, including any comments added by your manager.
You'll receive an email when you absence entry is approved, denied, or sent back to you for rework/correction and the email will include any comments added by your manager. This is just another place you can look up the status and comments.

- Submitted = you have submitted the absence request to your manager but it has not been approved/denied/pushed back.
- Denied = your manager has denied the absence request. You can still rework/correct the absence request and re-submit it if you wish.
- Approved = your manager has approved the absence request.
- Push Back = your manager has sent the absence request back to you for rework/correction.
- Canceled = the absence request has been successfully canceled, including your manager approving the cancellation (if applicable). You can click on this absence request to modify/rework the absence.
3. You will see the details of the absence request, including the current Status. Click on Request History to view more details about when it was submitted and the approval history.
Notice that the absence below can be modified and re-submitted since the status is Denied. Learn more in the Rework/Correct an absence section.
- The Status will show the current status of the absence.
- Click on Request History to view more details about when it was submitted and the approval history.
4. You will see a history of the absence request, including any comments added about the absence request. Click the x to close the window when you are done.

- The Request History will usually start with your submission of the absence request.
- Each subsequent entry will include any approval, denial, push back, and re-submission and include any comments added at each step.
- Click the x to close this window.
5. Click CSU Time to go back to the previous menu.
If you click Return to View Requests, you will see your list of absence requests, but no left menu. Clicking on CSU Time will take you back to view your requests and the left menu.

You can rework/make a correction to an absence request if you notice an error with your submission or if your timekeeper or manager asks you to make a correction. You can also modify a canceled request after you have canceled it and your manager has approved the cancellation (if applicable).
What is the status of the absence request?
Depending on the current status of the absence request, you will need to use either the Cancel Absences feature or View Requests feature.
You can use the View Requests feature to modify and re-submit your absence request.
1. Click View Requests.

2. Click on the absence request that you want to rework/correct.
Remember you can rework absences that are Canceled, Denied, or Submitted.

3. Update the details of the absence request such as the type, date(s), and Partial Days as applicable. Click Forecast to check you have enough leave credits for the absence. Enter a comment to let your manager know that you are resubmitting this absence request with changes and any other details. Then click Submit.
- Update the details of the absence request (e.g., absence name/type, date(s), Partial Days).
- Click Forecast to check that you have enough leave credits to cover the absence.
- Update the Comments to indicate that you are resubmitting this absence request with changes and any other details you want your manager to know.
- Click Add Attachment to add an attachment to the absence request (e.g., doctor's note, jury duty summons, etc.).
- Click Request History if you want to view the comments that were entered when the absence request was denied/pushed back.
- Then click Submit to re-submit this absence request for approval.
4. Click Yes to confirm you want to submit the absence request.

5. You will see a message that the absence request was submitted successfully.

You will need to use the Cancel Absences feature to cancel the absence request, then select the absence request under View Requests to rework/correct the entry and re-submit it.
1. Click Cancel Absences.

3. Enter an optional comment about why you are canceling the absence. Then click Cancel Absence.
- Enter an optional comment about why you are canceling the absence request.
- Then click Cancel Absence.
4. Click Yes to confirm you want to cancel the absence request.

5. If the absence status was Submitted, you will see a confirmation that the absence request was canceled. You can skip to step 7 below to continue.

6. If the absence status was Approved, you will see a confirmation that the absence request was submitted for cancellation.
You will need to wait until your manager approves the cancellation request to proceed to the next step.

6.1. You will receive an email notification when the cancellation request has been approved by your manager.

7. Select CSU Time on Employee Self Service and then select View Requests. Then click on the canceled absence request.
- Select View Requests under CSU Time on Employee Self Service.
- Then click on the canceled absence request.
8. Update the details of the absence request such as the type, date(s), and Partial Days as applicable. Click Forecast to check you have enough leave credits for the absence. Enter a comment to let your manager know that you are resubmitting this absence request with changes and any other details. Then click Submit.
- Update the details of the absence request (e.g., absence name/type, date(s), Partial Days).
- Click Forecast to check that you have enough leave credits to cover the absence.
- Update the Comments to indicate that you are resubmitting this absence request with changes and any other details you want your manager to know.
- Click Add Attachment to add an attachment to the absence request (e.g., jury duty summons, etc.).
- Then click Submit to re-submit this absence request for approval.
9. Click Yes to confirm you want to submit the absence request.

10. You will see a message that the absence request was submitted successfully. Click CSU Time to go back to the previous menu.

11. You will also receive an email confirmation that your absence request was submitted and you'll get additional emails when you absence entry is approved, denied, or sent back to you for correction.

Use the instructions above to view the status of your absence request.
You can cancel an absence if it no longer applies, even if the absence has been approved by your manager.
You cannot submit a new absence request that includes date(s) in a canceled absence request. You will need to rework/correct the existing absence request and re-submit it.
1. Click Cancel Absences.

4. Click Yes to confirm you want to cancel the absence request.

5. If the absence status was Submitted, you will see a confirmation that the absence request was canceled.

6. If the absence status was Approved, you will see a confirmation that the absence request was submitted for cancellation.
You will need to wait until your manager approves the cancellation request to proceed to the next step.

6.1. You will receive an email notification when the cancellation request has been approved by your manager.

Need More Help?
For questions about your specific entries or reporting requirements for your position, contact your department timekeeper or Payroll at 657-278-2521 or [email protected].
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
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