Viewing Leave Balances and Accrual Rates
This article covers how employees can view their leave balances and leave accrual rates.
Viewing your available leave balances can help you track your available sick leave, vacation leave, personal holiday, compensatory time, and state service.
The Graduated Vacation Chart shows how much leave you accrue each month based on your years of service.
1. Log in to the campus portal and select Employee Homepage.
View How Do I Access the Employee Homepage/Employee Self Service? for step-by-step instructions.
3. Select CSU Employee Balance Inquiry.

4. Click on a tab to view information on that leave type or click Show all columns to view all available leave types on the same screen.
The Employee Balance Inquiry screen appears. Click on a tab or click the Show all columns icon to view all tabs on a single screen.
Absence Balances tab
- Sick, Vacation, and Personal Holiday
Compensatory Time tab
- CTO, Holiday Credit, Holiday CTO, Excess, and ADO balances
Service Accrual tab
- Service Accrual, Service Accrual Carryover, Sick Carryover, Vacation Carryover, and Service Accrual Carryover FTE
PTO Balances tab
- PTO Balances
ETO Balances tab
- ETO Balances
Show all columns
- View all of the tabs on a single screen
5. Click Details to view additional details on your balances.
5.1. Click on a link to view details for that balance type. Click Return to Summary to go back to the previous page.
Note that when CHRS first goes live, there will only be a lump sum number marked as "conversion" but as time goes on and you accrue more leave credits/state service, those accruals will appear as individual rows in this view.
- Click on a link in the Absences and State Service section to view details of absence leave types such as Vacation, Sick, Personal Holiday, and Vacation SS.
- Click on a link in the Compensatory Time section to view details of compensatory time such as CTO, Holiday CTO, and ADO.
- Details of your selected balance type will appear in the table.
- Click Return to Summary to go back to the previous page.
6. Click Graduated Vacation Chart to view the leave accrual rates based on years of service.

Need More Help?
For questions about your specific entries or reporting requirements for your position, contact your department timekeeper or Payroll at 657-278-2521 or [email protected].
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
Gennie Hardy
As a manager, how do I look up my staff balances?
Camille Johnson
Hi Gennie! To view leave balances for employees that report to you, you can use the Manager Balance Inquiry. You can view the Manager: Running Absence Management Reports guide for instructions on accessing and using that function at:
Sheba Dixon
Can someone explain what is Vacation SS? Me and my colleagues were looking over our balances and could not figure out what it represents.
Camille Johnson
Hi Sheba! Vacation SS tracks your service months for vacation accrual. Basically, the Vacation SS balance is showing you how many months of service you have earned. Years/months of service is then used to determine how many vacation credits you collect per period.
The Summary of Vacation and CTO Maximum Credits ( documents how many hours/days of vacation time you can receive based on the balance listed in your Vacation SS table. For example, if your Vacation SS balance is 77, then that means that you accrue 11 1/3 vacation hours monthly/17 vacation days yearly.