Archiving Proposals
Find a proposal that I want to Archive

Check Rationale Section 3

Check Section 6

Sometimes there is not an Enrollment Requirement Group (ERG) listed. At the Scheduling Step, a comment or the ERG number would be entered.
Show Markup

This will show the changes being made. In this proposal you can see changes by other users. There is a style sheet that assists with a unified look in different situations. In this case the removal of "grade of" does not match the guide.


Note: If there is more than 1 user on the archiving step, talk to the other user before force approving. Only if the other user is comfortable with you force approving to complete the proposal, should you move forward.
Final Steps
Now that the proposal is completed theses are the last steps:
Click on the Print Icon.
Click on Print Options.
Click these 5 boxes.
Click Print Proposal.
Select Save as PDF.
Click Save.

Remember to save the document to a designated folder that is easily accessible.
Click on the files icon and check if there any documents that need to be attached.
If there are no files attached, when saving the proposal as a PDF, this is where you would be naming the document.
If there are files attached, Download the files to the designated folder, save those files as a PDF. Within Adobe, you can combine the files into a single PDF. Once this is completed, continue with naming the document.

Since there are no files attached to this proposal we can name the proposal shown below
Math 280 is the course that is being archived.
PCCF is the name of the proposal type (Prerequisite/Co-requisite Change Form)
2213* is the term that the change will take effect.
*Scheduling will distribute term numbers for the current and next year
Archiving a course proposal is now complete.
Find a proposal that I want to Archive

Check Rationale Section 5

1. Required Courses
a. Remove the following courses from the Required courses:
ACCT 505 - Seminar in Auditing /ACCT 521 - Seminar in Management Control Systems /ACCT 570 - Seminar in Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders
b. Add the following courses to the Required courses:
ACCT 503 – Seminar in Accounting Data Analytics/ ACCT 507 – Accounting Information Systems
2. Electives in Accounting
a. Remove the following courses from the Electives in Accounting:
ACCT 503 Seminar in Contemporary Accounting Problems/ ACCT 507 Seminar in Accounting Information Systems/ ACCT 508 Seminar in Tax Planning/ ACCT 518 Seminar in International Accounting/ ACCT 571 Tax Research, Practice and Procedures/ ACCT 573 Seminar in Taxation of Property Transactions/ ACCT 574 Seminar in Taxation of International Business Operations/ ACCT 575 Seminar in Estate, Gift, Inheritance Taxes and Estate Planning/ ACCT 576 Seminar in State and Local Taxation/ ACCT 577 Seminar in Taxation of Employee Compensation/ ACCT 578 Seminar in Taxation of Partnerships/ ACCT 580 Seminar in Taxation of S Corporations, LLCs and LLPs
b. Add the following courses to the Electives in Accounting:
ACCT 460 - Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation/ ACCT 570 - Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders/ ACCT 599 - Independent Graduate Research
3. Change units allocated to the Electives in Accounting from 6 to 9 units.
4. Change units allocated to Other Electives from 9 to 6 units.
Check Section 7
All these fields can be found in People Soft under the Academic Plan Code Table.
The Effective Term of changes will be filled in by the VP of Undergraduate or Graduate Department. Or check the comments if there are any information about effective terms.

Show Markup

This will show the changes being made. In this proposal you can see changes by other users. The rationale shows that there were many changes done. Verify each item and placement in each core.


Note: If there is more than 1 user on the archiving step, talk to the other user before force approving. Only if the other user is comfortable with you force approving to complete the proposal, should you move forward.
Final Steps
Now that the proposal is completed theses are the last steps:
Click on the Print Icon.
Click on Print Options.
Click these 4 boxes.
Click Print Proposal.
Select Save as PDF.
Click Save.

Remember to save the document to a designated folder that is easily accessible.
Click on the files icon and check if there any documents that need to be attached.
If there are files attached, Download the files to the designated folder, save those files as a PDF. Within Adobe, you can combine the files into a single PDF. Once this is completed, continue with naming the document.
The WSCUC is a .docx, download the file and 'save as' into a PDF. Emails also need to be as a PDF. For Emails you will need to open the email and 'save as' into a PDF. Some settings when you try to open emails will show up as blank or will not open. If this happens, email the user who had attached the file.

Since there are 2 files attached to this proposal we can combine the PDF
Combining a PDF

Accountancy_MS is the program that is being archived.
PCF is the name of the proposal type (Program Change Form)
2207* is the term that the change will take effect.
*Scheduling will distribute term numbers for the current and next year
**The 18 after was the year of the particular form, you do not have to do this for each form. There was a number of Accountancy MS programs that were being archived and could not have the same naming convention without being overwritten.
Archiving a program proposal is now complete.
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