Creating, Viewing, and Modifying a Plan

This article covers how faculty, staff, and students can create, view, and modify a Titan Degree Plan (TDP) for a student.

NOTE: Faculty and staff need to request access to run TDPs; visit this site to learn more about the Campus Solutions Access Request Form.

Access and Overview

Access Titan Degree Planner
Titan Online widget

For more detail on how to access the Titan Degree Planner, view the Accessing Titan Degree Audit & Planner article.

2. Faculty/Staff will need to click on Students and then enter the Campus-Wide ID (CWID) or name of the student that they want to view.

select students

For more detail on how to search for students, view the Accessing Titan Degree Audit & Planner article.

3. Click Plans to access the Titan Degree Planner.

TDA homepage

4. Any existing plans will appear. You can also create a new plan.

manage plans
Titan Degree Planner Overview
overview of Plan
  1. The settings you selected for this Plan
  2. Access a PDF version of the Plan
  3. Each term will appear in its own section on the left of the screen
  4. Show Past Terms allows you to view previous terms
  5. The Degree Progress section shows your progress towards completing your degree requirements, including in-progress, planned, and completed courses.
  6. Total Progress shows the percentage of the degree completion including your in-progress and planned courses.
  7. Your Titan Degree Audit allows you to compare your plan with the degree audit to find areas where you have unfulfilled requirements. There are two views: Sections To Do will show you only sections with unfulfilled requirements and All Sections will show you all sections of your degree audit.
Plan & Audit Legends

Plan Legend

Plan legend for types of courses
Item Description
REQUIRED COURSE This specific course must be completed for a General Education, Major, or Minor requirement.
A course you have added to your Plan to indicate you intend to take it during a specific term.
SELECT COURSE A General Education, Major, or Minor requirement that has more than one course that meets it. Or a placeholder for a requirement that must be fulfilled by something other than a course (e.g., Undeclared students must declare a major, Pre-majors such as Pre-Business must declare a concentration).
ALERT PLANNED There is a problem with a course that you have marked as Planned. Click View Details to see what the issue is (e.g., missing pre-requisite, missing co-requisite, etc.).

Audit Legend

audit legend for course requirements
Item Description
Checkmark icon Completed requirement
Blue dots icon In Progress requirement
PL + calendar icon Planned requirement
Orange x icon Unfulfilled requirement

Create and Modify Plans

Create a new plan

Students can create their own plans or work with an advisor to create a plan. You can also create multiple plans to explore different pathways to completing your degree.

1. Click Add New Plan.

add new plan

2. Enter a name for this new plan.

You can enter any name for the plan, but you may want to include information that helps you differentiate this plan from any others you may have.

plan name
  1. Enter a name for this new plan.
  2. By default, the Program (Catalog Year) will be set to your current major and catalog year.

3. Choose the first term you want to appear on the plan. Then choose how you want Planner to set up the courses for each term.

term and course setup
  1. Choose the first term that you want to appear on the plan. Typically this will be the next available semester.
  2. Choose how you want Planner to set up the courses for each term:
    • Graduation Term: specify what term you want to graduate and Planner will populate the requirements you need to fulfill each term in order to graduate at the end of the specified term (if possible)
    • Units Per Term: specify how many units you want to take each term and Planner will populate a maximum of that many units in each term until all degree requirements are on the plan
    • Courses Per Term: specify how many courses you want to take each term and Planner will populate a maximum of that many courses in each term until all degree requirements are on the plan

4. Optional: Click Yes under Additional Terms to add Summer and/or Winter terms to your plan.

additional terms
4.1. Use the drop-down menu to select either Summer or Winter. Then enter the number of units you want to take in that term. Click Add more terms if you want to add both Summer and Winter terms to your plan.

Keep in mind that adding Summer and/or Winter terms means that the term(s) will be added for each year of the plan. You will be able to remove individual terms if you don't want to take classes during *all* Summer or Winter terms.

adding a summer term
  1. Click on the Terms to Add drop-down menu to select Summer or Winter.
  2. Then enter the number of units you want to take in that term.
  3. Click Add more terms if you want to add both Summer and Winter terms to your plan.

5. Click Save Plan when you are ready to create the plan.

save new plan

6. It may take a few minutes for your plan to generate, as Planner is also running a new audit behind the scenes.

plan is generating

7. The plan will be populated and you can now edit it.

View other sections of this guide for details on how to edit a plan.

new plan has been created

8. For Required Courses, you can confirm the course for this term, move it to another term, or view the course description.

options for required courses
  1. Click Confirm to plan the course for this term.
  2. Or click the down arrow to view additional options.
  3. Select Move Term to move this course to a different term.
  4. Select View Course Description to view a description of the course from the course catalog along with the typical availability.

9. For Select Courses, you can click Select to view the courses that meet the requirement or move the requirement to another term.

options for select courses
  1. Click Select to view the courses that meet the requirement and select a course to add to this term.
  2. Or click the down arrow to view additional options.
  3. Select Move Term to move this requirement to a different term.
9.1. After clicking Select, all of the courses that meet the requirement will appear. Click Select next to the course you want to add to the plan.
options when you select a course
  1. Click Search and Filter Options to look for a specific course or courses in a specific department.
  2. Click View Details next to a course to view the course description from the course catalog.
  3. Click Select next to a course to add it to your plan.
  4. Click Cancel to go back to your plan without adding a course.

10. Click Add next to Add Course or Note to add an additional course to the term or add a note to the term.

Typically notes will be added by an advisor, but you can use this to create a note for yourself as well.

add course or note
  1. Click Add to add a course or note.
  2. Click Add Course to add an additional course to this term.
  3. Click Add Note to add a text note to this term.

11. Courses will show as Planned after you confirm, select, or add them for a term.

planned courses on plan

12. Click Save Progress to save any changes you made to the plan, including confirming and selecting courses.

Please note that it may take a few minutes for your plan to be saved, as Planner is also running a new audit behind the scenes.

save changes
View or modify an existing plan

1. Click on the Plan Name or click on Edit next to the plan and select Edit.

edit a plan
  1. Click on the Plan Name.
  2. Or click Edit next to the plan.
  3. And then select Edit.

2. It may take a few minutes for your plan to open, as Planner is also running a new audit behind the scenes.

plan is generating

3. You can now view or modify your plan.

View other sections of this guide for details on how to edit a plan.

viewing plan
Download a PDF of your plan

Be sure you have saved all of your changes before downloading a PDF of your plan to make sure the PDF has the most up-to-date version of your plan.

1. Click the PDF of Plan button at the top of your plan.

PDF of Plan button highlighted

2. Depending on your browser settings, the PDF may open in a new tab or appear in your Downloads folder. Click the download button in your browser to save a copy to your computer. Or click the print button to print the plan.

PDF of plan open in browser
  1. Click the download button in your browser to save a copy to your computer.
  2. Or click the print button to print the plan.
  3. In the first term on the printout, you may see test scores or other entry requirements.
  4. Previously completed terms will show Earned for the courses you completed as well as the final grade you received.
  5. The current term will show In Progress for the courses you are currently taking.
  6. Future terms will show Planned for the courses that you have confirmed, selected, or added to the term.
  7. Alerts for any planned courses will also appear on the PDF of the plan.
Confirm courses on your plan

Titan Degree Planner generates a recommended plan based on your settings, but you must confirm required courses, select courses for requirements, or add courses for the plan to be complete.

Confirming a required course will mark the course as planned for the term.

1. Click Confirm to confirm that you want to add this required course to this term.

confirm a course

2. The course will now show as Planned for this term.

required course is now planned
Select courses on your plan

Titan Degree Planner generates a recommended plan based on your settings, but you must confirm required courses, select courses for requirements, or add courses for the plan to be complete.

Choosing Select for a Select Course shows you the courses that meet a requirement and you can select which course you want to add to your plan as a Planned course.

1. Click Select next to a Select Course requirement.

select course on plan

2. All of the courses that meet the requirement will appear. Click Select next to the course you want to add to the plan.

options when you select a course
  1. Click Search and Filter Options to look for a specific course or courses in a specific department.
  2. Click View Details next to a course to view the course description from the course catalog.
  3. Click Select next to a course to add it to your plan.
  4. Click Cancel to go back to your plan without adding a course.
2.1. Some requirements are placeholders for non-course requirements. Review the information in the pop-up to determine what is needed for the requirement. Contact an advisor if you are unclear about what is needed for the requirement.

For assistance with General Education requirements, contact the Academic Advisement Center.

For assistance with major or minor requirements, contact your major/minor department's advising center.

non-course requirements

In the example above, the pop-up is saying that pre-major students have to declare a major/concentration to satisfy the requirement.

Although there is a message that says to manually add a course to satisfy this option, it's not possible to meet this requirement with a course. The example student is a Pre-Business major, so the student needs to declare their Business concentration (e.g., Accounting, Finance, Marketing, etc.) to fulfill this requirement.

3. The course will now show as Planned for that term.

selected course is now planned
Add courses to your plan

These steps cover how to add a course that is not currently one of your General Education, major, or minor requirements. However, if you add a course to your plan that meets a requirement, saving your plan will update the plan to show the requirement as fulfilled.

1. Click Add next to Add Course or Note and then select Add Course.

Be sure to use the Add Course or Note that is in the term that you want to add the course to.

add course
  1. Click Add next to Add Course or Note.
  2. Then select Add Course.

2. Enter the course ID (e.g., ASTR -101) or course name (e.g., Introduction to Astronomy) in the search field. Then select the course you want to add to your plan.

The search will also look for partial matches, so you can enter a partial course ID (e.g., ASTR or ASTR - 1) or partial course name (e.g., Astronomy).

Note that there is a space between the course name (e.g., ASTR) and ID (e.g., -101) so it is ASTR -101, not ASTR-101 in Titan Degree Planner.

search courses to add
  1. Enter the course ID (e.g., ASTR -101) or course name (e.g., Introduction to Astronomy) in the search field.
  2. Check the Include Title box if you are searching for a course by name (e.g., Introduction to Astronomy).
  3. Click View Details next to a course to view the course description from the course catalog.
  4. Click Select next to a course to add it to your plan.

3. The course is added to your plan as a Planned course. Click Save Progress to update your plan.

It's important to save your changes so any requirements that are met by the course you added can be removed from your plan.

If you have also restricted each term to a specific number of units or number of courses per term, Planner will reorganize the plan accordingly.

added course is planned
  1. The course is added to your plan.
  2. Click Save Progress to update your plan.

4. Any requirements that are met by the added Planned course are now removed from the plan.

In the example below, ASTR-101 meets the GE B.1 Physical Science requirement, so the GE B.1 Physical Science requirement has been removed from the plan.

updated plan
Remove courses from your plan

You can only remove Planned courses from your plan. Required and Select Courses can only be moved to another term.

Typically, you will remove a Planned course from your plan because you want to select a different course that meets a particular requirement.

Note that removing a course from your plan that is tied to a General Education or major requirement will also temporarily remove the requirement from your plan. As soon as you save the update plan, Planner will re-add the requirement to your plan.

1. To remove a Planned course, click on the Edit button next to the course and then select Remove Course from Plan.

remove a planned course
  1. Click on the Edit button next to the course.
  2. Then select Remove Course from Plan.

2. Click Yes to confirm you want to remove the course from your plan.

confirm removing course

3. The course is removed from your plan. Click Save Progress to update your plan.

It's important to save your changes so the requirement that was associated with the removed course can be re-added to your plan.

course removed

4. The requirement associated with the removed course will now be added back to your plan and you can select a different course that meets the requirement.

If you moved the requirement to a different term before removing it, you may find that the requirement has been re-added to the original term it appeared in (e.g., in the example below, if you moved Acct-201A from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025 and then removed it, the Acct-201A requirement will reappear under Fall 2024).

updated plan with requirement re-added
Move courses to another term/semester

You can move Required Courses, Select Courses, and Planned courses to another term.

1. Click the drop-down menu next to a course or requirement and select Move Term.

move course to another term

2. Choose the term where you want to move the course/requirement. Then click Move Term.

choose the term
  1. Choose the term where you want to move the course/requirement.
  2. Then click Move Term.

3. The course/requirement is now in the term you selected.

Note that you will still need to confirm required courses or choose select courses if you have not done so already.

course moved to another term
Add additional terms/semesters to your plan

You can add additional terms (semesters) to your plan if you want to extend your plan beyond what is currently on your plan or if you want to add in a Winter or Summer term. Multiple terms can be added, but you will have to add them one by one.

1. Click Add Term at the top of the plan.

add term to plan

2. Select the Term (Fall, Summer, Spring, Winter) and Year that you want to add. Then enter the number of Units you want to take during that term. Then click Add Term.

enter term to add
  1. Select the Term (Fall, Summer, Spring, Winter) that you want to add.
  2. Select the calendar Year for the term (e.g., Summer 2025, Fall 2028).
  3. Enter the number of Units you want to take during that term.
  4. Then click Add Term.

3. The added term will appear at the very bottom of your plan. You can add specific courses to the term using the Add Course or Note option or click Save Progress at the top of the plan to have Planner automatically suggest requirements for that term.

You can also move requirements from another term to the newly added term.

new term added
  1. The added term will appear at the very bottom of your plan.
  2. You can add courses to the term using the Add Course or Note option.
  3. Or click Save Progress at the top of the plan to have Planner automatically suggest requirements for that term.
Delete terms/semesters from your plan

Note that there is no confirmation pop-up when you delete a term; as soon as you choose Delete Term, the term and all of its courses will be immediately removed from your plan.

1. Click on the down arrow next to the term you want to delete. Then click Delete Term.

delete term
  1. Click on the down arrow next to the term you want to delete.
  2. Then click Delete Term.

2. The term and all of the courses in it will immediately be removed from your plan. Click Save Progress to save your change. Or click on Plans to close this plan without saving.

term removed
  1. Click Save Progress to save your change and update your plan to account for the deleted term.
  2. Click on Plans to close this plan without saving, if you didn't mean to delete the term.
2.1. If you navigate away from the plan without saving, you may be prompted to confirm you want to leave the page.
pop-up indicating you have unsaved changes to your plan
Set a preferred plan

The plan that is marked with a solid star is your preferred plan. This can help you (and your advisor) keep track of which plan you are currently following.

Note that a plan that is marked as preferred cannot be deleted.

1. Click on the star next to the plan that you want to set as preferred.

choose preferred plan

2. A solid star now appears next to your new preferred plan.

preferred plan updated
Change the name of a plan

1. Click Edit next to the plan you want to rename. Then click Rename.

rename a plan
  1. Click Edit next to the plan you want to rename.
  2. Then click Rename.

2. Enter a new name for the plan. Then click Save.

enter new name for plan
  1. Enter a new name for the plan.
  2. Then click Save.

3. You'll see a notification that the plan name was changed.

plan name updated
Delete a plan

You can delete any plan as long as it is not marked as preferred. Deleting old plans can also help you (and your advisor) keep track of your active plan.

1. Click Edit next to the plan you want to delete. Then click Delete.

delete a plan
  1. Click Edit next to the plan you want to delete.
  2. Then click Delete.

2. Click Yes to confirm you want to delete the plan.

confirm deleting this plan

3. You'll see a notification that the plan was deleted.

plan deleted
Update the plan settings

You can update the Plan Name, Graduation Term, and/or Graduation Year for your plan by updating the Plan Settings.

1. Click Update Plan Settings at the top of your plan.

update plan settings

2. Update the Plan Name, Graduation Term, and/or Graduation Year as desired. Then click Update Plan.

make updates to plan settings
  1. Update the Plan Name (if applicable).
  2. Update the Graduation Term (if applicable).
  3. Update the Graduation Year (if applicable).
  4. Then click Update Plan.

3. It may take a few minutes for your plan to generate, as Planner is also running a new audit behind the scenes.

plan is generating

4. You are now viewing your updated plan.

plan settings updated
Save changes to a plan

It's important to save your plan after you have made changes so Planner can re-check your requirements based on the courses you have planned.

1. Click Save Progress to update your plan.

You will see a message in red at the top of your plan when you have unsaved changes to your plan.

save changes

2. It may take a few minutes for your plan to be updated, as Planner is also running a new audit behind the scenes.

plan is generating

3. Your changes are now saved and you can continue making changes or exit Titan Degree Planner.

updated plan
Fix an "Alert Planned" Course Alert

Course Alerts are designed to help you fix issues with your planned courses. Typically you will get course alerts when you are missing a pre-requisite or co-requisite for a planned course.

1. Click View Details when you see the Alert Planned label to find out more about the alert.

sample alert planned course alert

2. Below are some examples of alerts. The first example shows a missing co-requisite course. The second example shows a missing pre-requisite course.

Co-requisite: two courses that must be taken during the same term

Pre-requisite: one course that must be taken before taking another course

Missing Co-Requisite Course Example
Missing Pre-Requisite Course Example
  1. In this example, the student has not planned the required co-requisite course, CPSC-120A, in the same term as CPSC-120L.
  2. In this example, the student has not planned the required pre-requisite course, CPSC-120, for a prior term.

3. To fix a co-requisite issue, add the required co-requisite course to the same term.

add co-requisite to same term

In this example, CPSC-120A and CPSC-120L are co-requisites that must be taken in the same term. The student has planned both courses for Fall 2024, so the alert will be cleared when the plan is saved.

4. To fix a pre-requisite issue, add the pre-requisite course to a prior term.

add pre-requisite to prior term

In this example, CPSC-120 is a pre-requisite for CPSC-121, so the student needed to add CPSC-120 to their plan to clear the alert.

  1. The student added CPSC-120 as a planned course for Fall 2024.
  2. CPSC-121 is planned for Spring 2025, so the course alert will be removed when the plan is saved.

5. Click Save Progress to update your plan.

It's important to save your changes so all requirements can be re-checked and the course alerts can be removed if the requirements are now met.

course removed

6. The Alert Planned Course Alert will disappear if all pre-requisites and co-requisites have been planned.

co-requisite course alert removed
pre-requisite course alert removed
Fix an "Unfulfilled Requirement" warning that appears after planning all course requirements in Planner

After you have planned all of your course requirements, you may see an "unfulfilled requirement" warning in the Degree Progress panel. Check the Audit to see the remaining requirements and how to fulfill them.

1. After planning all requirements, you may see warnings in the right panel under Degree Progress.

warning unfulfilled requirements
  1. Sections To Do will list a 1 in red.
  2. A warning in red reads: You still have at least one unfulfilled requirement left before completing your degree. Check the Unfulfilled Requirements tab below to  see what else you need to complete. You may need to plan additional coursework.

2. Check the Audit to see what requirements are still needed.

sample audit warning
  1. Click on the carat icon (>) to expand the section of the Audit that is not complete (noted with an orange x).
  2. Review the text to see what needs to be completed. You may need to scroll to view all of the information.

3. For Cumulative Number of Units Applied Toward Degree warning, you will need to manually add additional general electives to the plan to meet the 120 unit minimum for the degree to be complete.

Contact the Academic Advisement Center or your major department's advising center for assistance in selecting additional general electives for your degree.

less than 120 units on plan

All degrees require a minimum of 120 units be completed. Some majors do not have enough units for students to reach 120 units without taking additional units. At this time, the Titan Degree Planner has not been programmed to add in a requirement for additional general elective course(s) needed to reach 120 total units.

You will need to manually add one or more general elective courses to the plan to reach the 120 units minimum for the degree.

In the example above, the student has earned 115 units but still needs to take 5 units and those 5 units are not on the student's plan. At least 5 units worth of courses must be added to the student's plan.

3.1. Once you have added enough courses/units to your plan, click Save Progress. The plan will update and you should see that the Cumulative Number of Units Applied Toward Degree requirement has been met.
all requirements met

4. Other requirements may be based on course grade or GPA and must be "cleared" by completing the course(s) with the required grade or GPA.

If you are unsure what is needed to meet a particular requirement on the audit, contact the Academic Advisement Center or your major department's advising center.

course grade requirement

In this example, the International Business major requires that each course must be completed with a grade of "C" or better. This requirement will show as incomplete until all of the courses listed are completed with a grade of "C" or better.

Need More Help?

For technical issues with the Titan Degree Planner, contact the Registration & Records Help Desk.

If you want assistance in creating a plan, contact the Academic Advisement Center or your major department's advising center.


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