Creating a TAE appointment for Instructional Student Assistants

This article covers how authorized users can create a Temporary Academic Employment (TAE) appointment for one or more instructional student assistants (ISAs).

1. Log in to the campus portal and click on Human Resource in the Titan Online widget.

2. Use the Nav Bar to access the Menu and select CSU Temp Academic Employment. Then select CSU TAE Appointment Entry.

NavBar navigation to CSU TAE Appointment Data Entry
  1. Click on the NavBar.
  2. Select Menu.
  3. Then navigate to CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Appointment Data Entry.

You must enter FLCMP as the Business Unit and select an EE Group.

CSU TAE Appt Data Entry search criteria
  1. REQUIRED: Enter FLCMP as the Business Unit. This is a required field, do not remove it.
  2. REQUIRED: Select 11 - ISA as the EE Group.
  3. Optional: Enter the Empl ID (CHRS ID) of the specific employee you would like to view appointment information for.
  4. Optional: Enter a specific Dept ID to see only employees with previous appointments in that department. If you leave this field blank, you will see employees with previous appointments in all department IDs that you have access to view.
  5. Optional: Select a specific Job Code to view only appointments with that job code.
  6. Optional: Adjust the Lookback Dt if you want to go back further in the history. The default date for this field is 18 months ago.
  7. Click Search when you have entered all of your criteria.

4. Use the tools below to view additional information, find specific information, or personalize your view.

Note you can also click on a column heading to sort the search results by that field.

tabs, personalization, and find
  1. Click on a tab to view additional information in the search results.
  2. Click on the view all columns tab to display all of the available information in the search results.
  3. Click Personalize to choose which columns you want to include in the search results.
  4. Click Find to search for a specific employee in the search results. This will bring the specific employee top to the top of your search results.
  5. Click the download to Excel button to export the results to Excel.
  6. Use the navigation arrows to navigate through the pages of results.

5. Have a new employee who isn't in the search results?

If yes, add the new employee

If an instructional student assistant is not in the search results or has never taught for your department before, use this process to add a new appointment for them.

Keep in mind that you can change the Lookback Date in the search criteria if you need to find a teaching associate who taught over 18 months ago.

You will need to have the employee's Empl ID for this process. View How do I find a CHRS ID? or contact your dean's office for assistance.

REQUIRED: An employee CSU Fullerton business email address must be established prior to entering the appointment in TAE. Contact your Department IT Coordinator (DITC) or Deans office for more information.

5.1. Click Add new Person at the bottom of the search results. This applies when the employee is new to the university, new to the department, new to the EE Group, or new to the job code within the EE Group and department.

add new person button

5.2. A new row is added at the top of the search results. Enter the employee's Empl ID (CHRS IS) in the Empl ID field and then press the Tab key on your keyboard.

If you receive a message that the employee does not have an email address, contact your Department IT Coordinator (DITC) or Deans office.

new employee row added

5.3. The new employee's information will populate. Continue to step 6 to find out how to populate each field in the appointment for the new employee.

New employee Empl ID entered
employee information
  1. Review the employee's information including the EmplID (CHRS ID), Empl Rcd (Employee Record Number), Eff Seq (Effective Sequence), and Name.
  2. RECOMMENDED: click on the hyperlink in the Empl Stat column for an employee to view that employee's job history, including in other CSUF departments and other CSU campuses as those campuses roll out CHRS.
employee job history

7. Review the employee's position information.

Employee position info

Not sure if the position number is correct? Contact your college dean's office for assistance.

  1. Verify that the Position Number is correct for the employee. If applicable, update the Position Number by typing in the new number or using the magnifying glass to select a position number.
  2. Verify the Job Code for the employee. If the employee is new to the job code, then, refer to the Add New Person instructions.
    • 1150, 1151, 1152, and 1153 are valid job codes for ISA appointments
  3. Verify the Salary Grade for the employee. If applicable, update the Grade by typing in the new number or using the magnifying glass to select a grade. To determine the appropriate grade, please contact your dean's office for assistance.

8. Enter the appointment details as applicable.

Other Action and Adjust are most often used when revising an appointment, so more information on these options can be found in the Revising an Appointment guide.

appointment details
  1. Enter 002 - 12 Month Appointment as the Appointment Type for the employee's new appointment unless otherwise instructed by your college or Academic HR Services.
  2. If Applicable: Use the Other Action drop-down menu to select an action for the employee's appointment. Do NOT use Termination or Manual Job Load.
  3. If Applicable: Use the Adjust drop-down menu to select an adjustment for the employee's appointment.
  4. The Effective Date will show the effective date of the employee's new appointment. You can adjust this field as necessary.
  5. The End Date will show the end date of the employee's new appointment. You can adjust this field as necessary.

9. Enter the Hourly Rate that the employee will be paid. Then enter the minimum and maximum number of hours the employee will work per week.

Min Hours cannot be set to zero.

Hourly Rate, Min Hours, Max Hours
  1. Enter the Hourly rate that the employee will be paid.
  2. Enter the minimum and maximum number of hours per week the employee will work.

9.1. If you get a Salary error, double check that the hourly rate you entered falls between the minimum and maximum specified in the error. Click OK.

As the California minimum wage changes or other salary changes occur, the error message in CHRS will be updated to reflect it.

Sallary error

10. Place a checkmark in Ready? when you have fully reviewed the employee's new appointment information and the appointment is ready to be submitted for approval.

The Ready? column is an easy way for you to remember which employees' appointments that you have fully entered and reviewed. However, it is also a required field in order for an appointment to be submitted. If an appointment does NOT have this box checked, it will not be submitted.

rehired annuitant, ready
  1. Typically the Rehired Annuitant column will not be applicable to instructional student assistants.
  2. If you are submitting multiple appointments for the same employee, place a check in Diff Appt to create a separate appointment number and appointment notification for the appointment in this row. If you leave this box unchecked, the multiple appointments will be combined into a single appointment number and appointment notification.
  3. When the employee's entire row has been fully reviewed and is correct, place a checkmark in Ready?.

11. To save your changes but NOT submit them for approval, click Save for later. To save and submit your changes for approval, click Save & Submit.

Only rows with the Ready? column checked will be submitted if you click Save & Submit.

save for later and save and submit
  1. Click Save for later to save your changes without submitting the appointment for approval.
  2. Click Save & Submit to save your changes AND submit the appointment for approval.

12. CHRS will check the rows for errors when you save & submit. You will see a window indicating if there are any rows with errors and how many rows were successfully submitted. Click OK.

Note that you will not see any pop-up messages when you choose Save for later. You will see a processing icon at the top right of the screen; once the icon disappears, your changes have been saved.

confirmation of rows submitted

Next Steps

Each department/college may have a different business process, but generally you will need to notify your department/college HR analyst that there are TAE appointments for them to review as the system does NOT sent an approval notification to the Reviewer.

Need Help?

For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].

For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].


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