Creating a Late Start Appointment

This article covers how authorized users can create a Late Start appointment in Temporary Academic Employment (TAE).

1. Log in to the campus portal and click on Human Resource in the Titan Online widget.

Where is the appointment in the approval process?

View Checking the Status of a TAE Appointment and Faculty Appointment Notices to determine where the appointment is in the approval workflow.

I am creating a new appointment with a Late Start

The instructions below are a truncated version of the full instructions on creating TAE appointments that highlight how to mark an appointment as Late Start. View all of the TAE guides for more specific instructions on how to create TAE appointments in full.

1. Use the Nav Bar to access the Menu and select CSU Temp Academic Employment. Then select CSU TAE Appointment Entry.

NavBar navigation to CSU TAE Appointment Data Entry
  1. Click on the NavBar.
  2. Select Menu.
  3. Then navigate to CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Appointment Data Entry.

You must enter FLCMP as the Business Unit and select an EE Group.

CSU TAE Appt Data Entry search criteria
  1. REQUIRED: Enter FLCMP as the Business Unit. This is a required field, do not remove it.
  2. REQUIRED: Select the EE Group.
  3. Optional: Enter the Empl ID (CHRS ID) of the specific employee you want to create an appointment for.
  4. Optional: Enter a specific Dept ID to see only employees with previous appointments in that department. If you leave this field blank, you will see employees with previous appointments in all department IDs that you have access to view.
  5. Optional: Select a specific Term (e.g., 2237, 2243, etc.) to view existing appointments for the selected term.
  6. Optional: Select a specific Job Code to view only appointments with that job code.
  7. Optional: Adjust the Lookback Dt if you are not able to find the faculty in the search results. The default date for this field is 18 months ago.
  8. Click Search when you have entered all of your criteria.

3. Enter the appointment details as applicable. Select Late Start in the Adjust menu and then enter the employee's first day of work in the Effective Date.

appointment details
  1. Select Late Start from the Adjust drop-down menu.
  2. Select Effective Date for the Late Start appointment.

4. Continue filling out the appointment details such as WTU, FTE, Hours, etc.

5. Place a checkmark in Ready? when you have fully reviewed the employee's new appointment information and the appointment is ready to be submitted for approval. Click the plus sign button to add a new row for the employee.

The Ready? column is an easy way for you to remember which employees' appointments that you have fully entered and reviewed. However, it is also a required field in order for an appointment to be submitted. If an appointment does NOT have this box checked, it will not be submitted.

unconditional, rehired annuitant, ready
  1. If the employee has a full-time, full year appointment, place a checkmark in Unconditional.
  2. If the employee is a rehired annuitant, place a checkmark in REH Annuit.
  3. When the employee's entire row has been fully reviewed and is correct, place a checkmark in Ready?.
  4. Need to add another employee record row/appointment row for this employee? Click the plus sign to add another employee record row.

6. To save and submit your changes for approval, click Save & Submit.

Only rows with the Ready? column checked will be submitted when you click Save & Submit.

save and submit

7. CHRS will check the rows for errors. You will see a window indicating if there are any rows with errors and how many rows were successfully submitted. Click OK.

confirmation of rows submitted

Next Steps

Each department/college may have a different business process, but generally you will need to notify your department/college HR analyst that there are TAE appointments for them to review as the system does NOT sent an approval notification to the Reviewer.

The appointment notice has been sent to the employee, but Payroll has not processed the appointment

The appointment will need to be pushed back to the Originator so the appointment can be revised. The appointment will then be re-submitted for approval and go through the approval workflow.

The appointment has been processed by Payroll

If the appointment has been processed by Payroll, the Originator can use the CSU TAE Appointment Data Entry screen to create a revised appointment for the employee and send it through the approval workflow.

I am adding a Late Start to a current appointment in the same department (Mid Semester Time Base Change)

If the faculty has a mid semester time base change, the Originator can use the CSU TAE Appointment Data Entry screen to terminate the existing appointment and create a new appointment row that starts on the first day the faculty has additional WTUs applied.

Need Help?

For specific questions about TAE appointments and processes, contact Academic HR at [email protected].

For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].

For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].

You are done. Great job!


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