Common Error Messages in Absence Entry
This article covers some of the common error messages users may encounter in Absence Entry and how to resolve the error.
Overlapping with existing absence Error

Error message text sample:
The Start and End Dates of your absence are overlapping with existing absence. Please modify your Start and/or End Date.
Why did I get this error?
Even if an absence request is canceled or denied, it still remains in CHRS. You cannot create a new absence request that includes the same date(s) that were in a previous absence request.
How do I fix this?
The best solution is to modify the previous absence request with the absence name/type and date(s) for your new request. View instructions on how to rework/correct an absence request.
Forecast Error

Error message text sample:
You must forecast this absence before submitting.
Why did I get this error?
You have to validate that you have enough leave credits to cover this absence before you submit it.
How do I fix this?
Click on the Forecast button and then click Submit again.
Campus Holiday Error
The system will allow you to enter a range of dates where a campus holiday is included in the range, however you cannot start or end an absence on a campus holiday.
Error message text sample: Your absence cannot start on a holiday. The start date coincides with a holiday. Change the start date.
Why did I get this error?
You cannot have a Begin Date or End Date that is a campus holiday. In the example above, the user tried to enter a personal holiday for September 4th, 2023 which was a campus holiday.
How do I fix this?
Change the dates of the absence so it does not start or end on a campus holiday.
Not Enough Balance to Cover this Absence Error
Error message text sample: Error - You do not have enough balance to cover this Absence Request. Please review your balance using the View Forecast Details link.
Why did I get this error?
You do not have enough leave credits to cover the absence. In the example above, the employee is trying to request/enter a sick leave request for 40 hours, but they do not have 40 hours of sick leave available.
How do I fix this?
Click OK and then click on CSU Employee Balance Inquiry in the left menu to view your leave balances. Contact Payroll if you need additional assistance reporting the absence.
Error with Duration
Error message text sample: Based on your current request, the duration should be 16.00 hours. Review your request and modify the Partial Days, Hours, and/or Half Day indicator appropriately.
Why did I get this error?
Typically you will get this error when you enter a Duration that is longer than your scheduled work hours for the day.
How do I fix this?
Modify the Duration to reflect the correct number of hours of the absence.
Start Day/All Days Hours Greater than Scheduled Hours Error
Error message text sample:
Start Day Hours are greater than your scheduled hours for the start day. Calculation used the scheduled hours and the start day hours were set to your scheduled hours.
Why did I get this error?
You have entered a Partial Days absence for a greater amount of hours than you are scheduled to work on one or more days of the absence. In the example above, the user entered a Partial Days absence of 7 hours when they were only scheduled to work for 6 hours that day.
How do I fix this?
Modify the absence entry to reflect the correct number of hours of the absence.
Absence Cannot Start/End on an Off Day

Error message text sample:
Your absence cannot start on an off day. According to your work schedule, the start date is an off day. Change the start date.
Why did I get this error?
You have an alternate work schedule in CHRS such as a 4/10 schedule (work 10 hours 4 days a week) and you have entered a start date or end date for an absence on a day when you are not scheduled to work. In the example above, the employee is schedule to work Monday - Thursday, so entering an absence that starts on a Friday has generated this error because the employee does not work on Fridays.
How do I fix this?
Modify the start/end date of the absence entry to be a day that you are scheduled to work.
Need More Help?
For questions about your specific entries or reporting requirements for your position, contact your department timekeeper or Payroll at 657-278-2521 or [email protected].
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
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