Reporting ADO, CTO, and Other Time Reporting Options
This article covers how faculty and staff can report ADO (Additional Day Off), CTO (Compensatory Time Off), and other time reporting options on their timesheet. It also covers correcting entries and viewing the timesheet.
Need to report time worked? View Staff: Reporting Time Worked, Correcting Timesheet Entries, and Viewing Timesheet Entries for more information.
If you get an error, you can review Common Error Messages with Timesheets to learn more about the error and how to fix it.
1. Log in to the campus portal and select Employee Homepage.
View How Do I Access the Employee Homepage/Employee Self Service? for step-by-step instructions.
What do you want to do?
1. Select Enter Time under Timesheet if it is not automatically selected for you.

2. Check that you are entering time for the correct month and week.
- The month for your timesheet is displayed at the top of the screen.
- The week for your timesheet is displayed in the middle of the screen. You can use the left/right arrows to move to a different week.
3. Select the appropriate Time Reporting Code from the drop-down menu.
You will only see Time Reporting Codes that are available for your position. If you are unsure which option to select, contact your department timekeeper or Payroll at 657-278-2521 or [email protected].
Shift differential and Overtime should only be entered by a timekeeper.
The system will automatically generate ADO (Additional Day Off) Earned entries for eligible employees based on their schedule. Employees who have earned ADO can use the ADOT (Additional Day Off Taken) entries to indicate when they have used their ADO.

3.1. If you have absence entries or need to use more than one Time Reporting Code for the same week, click the plus sign button to add another row.
4. Type in the number of hours for each day or enter 1 for time reporting codes that report in whole days. Then press Tab on your keyboard. Continue entering hours/days as applicable for the week. Then click Submit when you have finished.
Some Time Reporting Codes are reported in hours (e.g., 4 hours of CTO taken on a single day) and some are reported in whole days (e.g., 1 ADO taken on a single day).
Clicking Submit does not prevent you from making changes later; this just submits the week's entries.
You only need to enter your hours worked on the timesheet even if you are using a Time Reporting Code in which you earn more than straight time. The system will calculate the appropriate amount. For example, if you worked 2 hours and are earning Comp Time @ 1.5, enter 2 hours on the timesheet and the system will calculate that you earned 3 hours of Comp Time.
- Type in the number of hours for each day or enter 1 for a single day and then press Tab on your keyboard. Continue entering hours as applicable for the week.
- Click Submit when you have finished entering your time worked.
6. Click OK after the rules have been applied.

You can only make corrections if your time has not been approved yet and if the pay period is still open. All time must be entered by the end of the month. If you need to make any corrections after the pay period has closed, consult with your department timekeeper.
1. Select Enter Time under Timesheet if it is not automatically selected for you.

3. Make the necessary correction(s) and then click Submit.
- Enter the necessary change(s) to your hours.
- Click Submit.
5. Click OK after the rules have been applied.

You can view your hours worked by viewing your Timesheet, using the Weekly Time Summary, or through the Payable Time page.
The Timesheet view will show you time worked as well as the type of time entered for the pay period/week.
The Weekly Time Summary will show you the time entered and time scheduled for each day of the week you're viewing.
The Payable Time view will show you time worked, type of time, estimated pay, and pay status for time entered within the timeframe that you select.
Select how you would like to view your time.
1. Select Enter Time under Timesheet if it is not automatically selected for you.

2. Navigate to the month and week that you want to view.
If the pay period is closed, the fields will be greyed out and you will not be able to make any edits to the entries.
- Use the arrows to navigate to the pay period (month) you want to view.
- Use the arrows to navigate to the week you want to view.
- View the type of time and hours worked reported for that week, along with any comments entered.
1. Open the Weekly Time Summary. Navigate to the week that you want to view.
- Click on Weekly Time Summary in the CSU Time menu.
- Use the arrows to navigate to the week you want to view.
- The report will show how many hours were reported for each day of the week along with how many hours were scheduled.
1. Select Payable Time in the CSU Time menu. Enter the date range you want to view. Select whether you want to see the Summary or Detail view.
- Select Payable Time from the CSU Time navigation menu.
- Enter a From date and Through date to search for entries between the two dates. You can either type one in (MM/DD/YYYY) or click the calendar icon to select a date.
- Select whether to view Summary or Detail.
- Summary will show the aggregated hours for the selected time period.
Need More Help?
For questions about your specific entries or reporting requirements for your position, contact your department timekeeper or Payroll at 657-278-2521 or [email protected].
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
Rachel Junn
How will payroll define which overtime earned are to be paid with time or with money in CHRS? Can we still use AEM (OTSD)for those who prefer money instead of time?
Camille Johnson
Hi Rachel! Please reach out to Payroll to ask about this.
Pia Claudio
Will my manager receive a notification after I enter my CTO for Commencement. When I clicked the Submit button, nothing happened and my manager said she did not receive an email notification needing to approve this.
Camille Johnson
Hi Pia! Managers do not receive email notifications when employees submit time via the timesheet. You can check your timesheet to verify whether or not your submission was saved.
If the submission went through, your manager can view and approve the CTO request on the Payable Time page. Instructions on how to do so can be found at:
Pia Claudio
How do we report the extra hours we worked during Commencement? From the drop down, is it CTPR or CTST and what is the difference exactly?
Camille Johnson
Hi Pia! The team monitoring this article isn't affiliated with HR, so we don't know details about the time reporting codes or what the appropriate selection would be to report time worked for Commencement. Please reach out to your department timekeeper or to Payroll ([email protected]) to verify how those hours should be reported.