Timekeeper: Running Absence Management Reports
This article covers how department timekeepers can run reports relating to absences.
1. Log in to the campus portal and click on Human Resource in the Titan Online widget.
Which report do you want to run?
Timekeeper Balance Inquiry allows you to view leave balances for employees in your department(s).
CSU Absence Management Reports offer multiple reports to view absence activity, absence adjustments, excess plus/minus information for alternate schedule employees, and reported absences that have not been processed by Payroll or approved by a manager for employees in your department(s).
Find out how to add this menu to your Favorites to make it easy to access in the future.
1. Use the Nav Bar to access the Menu and select Manager Self Service. Then select Time Management > CSU Timekeeper Balance Inquiry.

- Click on the NavBar.
- Select Menu.
- Then navigate to Manager Self Service > Time Management > CSU Timekeeper Balance Inquiry.
2. Select the As Of Date for your report. Enter additional criteria such as Dept ID, Employee (CHRS ID), or Reports To. Then click Refresh Employees.
If you run this report without many filters, it will take a long time to run. Adding more filters will reduce the time it takes to get results.
- Required: Select the As Of Date. This defaults to today's date, but you can adjust this if you want to view leave balances as of a different date.
- Required: Bus Unit should be set to FLCMP. Do not change this.
- Optional: Select or enter a Dept ID to view only employees in that department.
- Optional: Select an Employee to view only leave balances for that employee.
- Optional: Select a Reports To to view leave balances for employees who report to that person.
- After entering your criteria, click Refresh Employees.
3. Place a checkmark next to the employee(s) whose leave balance you want to view. Then click Continue.
- Place a checkmark next to the employee(s) whose leave balances you want to view.
- Then click Continue.
4. Click on a tab to view information on that leave type or click Show all columns to view all available leave types on the same screen.
Click on a tab or click the Show all columns icon to view all tabs on a single screen.
Absence Balances tab
- Sick, Vacation, and Personal Holiday
Compensatory Time tab
- CTO, Holiday Credit, Holiday CTO, Excess, and ADO balances
Service Accrual tab
- Service Accrual, Service Accrual Carryover, Sick Carryover, Vacation Carryover, and Service Accrual Carryover FTE
PTO Balances tab
- PTO Balances
ETO Balances tab
- ETO Balances
Show all columns
- View all of the tabs on a single screen
5. Click Details to view additional details on the balances for that employee.
5.1. Click on a link to view details for that balance type. Click Return to Summary to go back to the previous page.
Note that when CHRS first goes live, there may only be a lump sum number marked as "conversion" but as time goes on and employees accrue more leave credits/state service, those accruals will appear as individual rows in this view.
- Click on a link in the Absences and State Service section to view details of absence leave types such as Vacation, Sick, Personal Holiday, and Vacation SS.
- Details of the selected balance type will appear in the table.
- Click Return to Summary to go back to the previous page.
6. Click Graduated Vacation Chart to view the leave accrual rates based on years of service.

7. Click CSU Timekeeper Balance Inquiry to go back to the inquiry settings.

1. Use the Nav Bar to access the Menu and select Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt. Then select CSU Absence Management > CSU - AM Inquiry > CSU Absence Management Reports.
Find out how to add this menu to your Favorites to make it easy to access in the future.

- Click on the NavBar.
- Select Menu.
- Then navigate to Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > CSU Absence Management > CSU - AM Inquiry > CSU Absence Management Reports.
2. If you have run this report before, click Search to find your existing Run Control ID. If you have NOT run this report before, click Add a New Value to create a Run Control ID.

- Click Search if you have run this report in the past.
- Click Add a New Value if this is the first time you are running this report.
2.1. ADDING A NEW VALUE: Enter a name for your Run Control ID such as Absence_Reports. Then click Add.
Remember that Run Control IDs can NOT have any spaces in the name, but you can use dashes or underscores if you wish.
Acceptable name variations:
- AbsenceReports
- Absence_Reports
- Absence-Reports

- Enter a name for your Run Control ID such as Absence_Reports.
- Then click Add.
2.2. FINDING AN EXISTING VALUE: Select your Run Control ID from the list of search results.
If you have only created one Run Control ID in CHRS, you may be taken directly to the report parameters page.

3. Enter an Empl ID to look up a specific employee. Or enter a Department to look up all employees in a department. Then click on the look up button next to Period ID to select a pay period.
Broad search results may result in a report being so large as to fail. Try to be as specific as possible to avoid a failed report. At minimum, you should include both Department and Period ID.
- Optional: Enter an Empl ID (CHRS ID) to look up a specific employee.
- RECOMMENDED: Enter a department ID to look up all employees in a department.
- RECOMMENDED: Click on the look up button next to Period ID to select a pay period/month.
3.1. Enter a Period Begin Date and Period End Date and then click Search. To view faculty absences, select a Period ID that begins with FUL and has AY in the Description. To view staff absences, select a Period ID that is just the pay period dates.

- Enter a Period Begin Date and Period End Date to find pay periods that match those dates.
- Then click Search.
- To view faculty AY absences, select a Period ID that starts with FUL and contains AY in the Description.
- To view staff absences, select a Period ID that is just the calendar dates (e.g., 2023-10).
4. Scroll down and click on a report name hyperlink to run an individual report.

Available Reports:
Absence Activity
- Lists all absence-related activity (including entitlements, usage, adjustments, and balances) for each employee during the selected pay period.
Absence Adjustment
- Lists all of the absence adjustments that have not yet been processed.
Excess Plus/Minus – Negative
- Lists all alternate schedule employees with a negative balance of monthly time worked for the selected pay period.
Excess Plus/Minus – Positive
- Lists all alternate schedule employees with a positive balance of monthly time worked for the selected pay period.
Reported Absence Not Processed
- Lists all approved absences that have not yet been processed by Payroll.
Reported Absences
- Lists all reported absences for all employees for the selected pay period.
Reported Absences Not Approved
- Lists all reported absences that have not been approved by a manager.
5. Review the report.
- If applicable, click on any filters above the report results.
- Click on a tab to view it or click on the show all columns icon to combine all of the available information on one page.
- Click on the magnifying glass button to find a specific employee or entry.
- Click Return to Previous Page to go back to the CSU Absence Management Reports - Multi Report page.
6. To download the report to Excel, click on the grid action menu button and then select Download to Excel.

- Click on the grid action menu button.
- Then click Download to Excel.
Need More Help?
For questions about your specific entries or reporting requirements for your position, contact your department timekeeper or Payroll at 657-278-2521 or [email protected].
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
Rachel Junn
I followed the instruction up to #4 and noticed nothing comes up when I click the hyperlink to run the individual report.
Lori Arthur
Hi Rachel! These reports typically open in a new tab/window. Please check if you have allowed pop-ups for the site (you can find instructions for your browser in this guide: https://csuf.screenstepslive.com/m/48642/l/441850-turning-the-pop-up-blocker-on-or-off). If you have allowed pop-ups, then please contact [email protected] as there may be a permission that you are missing.