Manager: Approving Absence Requests, No Leave Taken, & Time Worked
This article covers how managers can approve absence requests, no leave taken requests, and time worked/timesheets for faculty, staff, and student employees who report to them.
Prefer to watch a quick video?
- Video: Manager: Approving No Leave Taken Entries (2 minutes)
- Video: Manager: Approving Timesheets (4 minutes)
- Video: Manager: Approving Absences (3 minutes)
- Video: Manager: Approving Cancellation Requests (2 minutes)
It is highly recommended that you review/approve entries on a weekly basis as all absence entries and timesheets must be approved by a manager by the third calendar day after a pay period ends (e.g., September pay period ends on September 30, so all time entries should be approved by October 3).
Before You Start
You will receive an email whenever you have absence requests or no leave taken requests available for approval. Keep in mind that your timekeeper will NOT get notified about these requests, so be sure to consult with your timekeeper before approving any requests.
Additionally, ensure that your department timekeeper has reviewed/verified all timesheet entries before approving any timesheets.
1. Log in to the campus portal and select Manager Homepage.
View How Do I Access the Manager Homepage/Manager Self Service? for step-by-step instructions.
What do you want to do?
Note that the Approvals tile on Manager Self Service is not working properly, so it is recommended that you use the Multiple Absence Requests menu to review and approve absence requests until the issue can be fixed.
1. Use the Nav Bar to access the Menu and select Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Multiple Absence Requests.
Find out how to add this menu to your Favorites to make it easy to access in the future.

- Click on the NavBar.
- Select Menu.
- Then navigate to Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Multiple Absence Requests.
2. To view all of the details about an entry, scroll to the right or click on the employee's name.
- Scroll to the right to view all of the fields in an absence request.
- Or click on the employee's name to view more details about the absence.
- Click on the magnifying glass to look up a specific employee or absence.
- Or use the Search to find an employee or absence.
What do you want to do?
1. Place a checkmark next to each entry you want to approve. Then click Approve.
Note if you select multiple employees, any comments you enter will be sent to each employee.
- Place a checkmark next to each absence request that you want to approve.
- Optional: Enter a comment about the absence/approval.
- Then click Approve.
2. Click Yes to confirm you want to approve the request(s).

3. You will see a confirmation that the absence requests were successfully approved.

Use Deny if you want to deny the absence request outright. If changes need to be made to the absence request before you can approve it, use the Pushback option.
1. Place a checkmark next to each request you want to deny. Enter a comment as to why you are denying the request. Then click Deny.
Note if you select multiple employees, any comments you enter will be sent to each employee.
- Place a checkmark next to each absence request that you want to deny.
- RECOMMENDED: Enter a comment about why you are denying the request(s).
- Then click Deny.
2. Click Yes to confirm you want to deny the request(s).

3. You will see a confirmation that the absence requests were successfully denied.
The employee will get an email letting them know you denied the absence request along with your comments.

Use Pushback if changes need to be made to the absence request before you can approve it (e.g., employee entered wrong absence type or wrong date for the absence).
1. Place a checkmark next to each request you want to send back to the employee for correction. Enter a comment as to why you are sending back the request (what needs to be corrected). Then click Pushback.
Note if you select multiple employees, any comments you enter will be sent to each employee.
- Place a checkmark next to each absence request that you want to send back to the employee for correction.
- RECOMMENDED: Enter a comment about why you are sending the request back to the employee (i.e., what needs to be corrected).
- Then click Pushback.
2. Click Yes to confirm you want to push back the request(s).

3. You will see a confirmation that the absence requests were successfully pushed back. Click OK.
The employee will get an email letting them know you pushed back the absence request along with your comments.

You can cancel a previously approved absence if the absence is no longer needed or if it needs to be corrected.
2. Select Cancel Absences. Then click on the arrow next to Search Options so you can enter the employee whose absence you want to cancel. Then click Search.
- Select Cancel Absences.
- Click the arrow next to Search Options.
- Enter the name, email, or title of the employee whose absence you want to cancel.
- Then click Search.
3. Place a checkmark next to the employee. Then click Continue.

6. Click Yes to confirm you want to cancel the absence.

7. You will see a confirmation that the cancellation was submitted successfully and the absence request now has a status of Cancelled. You're done!

Next Steps
The employee will receive an email letting them know the absence has been canceled. They can then edit the absence and re-submit it if needed.
Employees may send a cancellation request to you if an absence request has already been approved but the employee wants to cancel the request entirely or they want to make changes to it.

1. Use the Nav Bar to access the Menu and select Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Multiple Absence Requests.
Find out how to add this menu to your Favorites to make it easy to access in the future.

- Click on the NavBar.
- Select Menu.
- Then navigate to Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Multiple Absence Requests.
3. Place a checkmark next to each absence cancellation request that you want to approve. Then click Approve.
If the employee accidentally submitted a cancellation request, you can select the cancellation request and then click Deny.
- Place a checkmark next to each absence cancellation request that you want to approve.
- Then click Approve.
4. Click Yes to confirm the cancellation(s).

5. You will see a confirmation that the cancellation was submitted successfully. Click OK.

Next Steps
The employee will receive an email letting them know the absence has been canceled. They can then edit the absence and re-submit it if needed.
2. Select CSU MSS Approve NLT in the left menu if it is not already selected.

3. All of the No Leave Taken requests ready for approval will appear. Place a checkmark next to each row as you review the details. Enter a Comment at the end of the entry row.
Entries marked as "Needs Correction" require a Comment to let the employee know why there is an issue (e.g., "you took 9/5 as a vacation day this month").
Note that you do have the option to click Select All to place a checkmark next to all rows requiring your approval.
- Place a checkmark next to each entry row as you review it.
- Enter a Comment at the end of the entry row. Comments are optional for entries you intend to mark as Approved, but comments are REQUIRED if you intend to mark the entry as Needs Correction.
4. Click Approve to approve all of the entries that you selected. Or Click Needs Correction to mark all of the selected entries as needing correction.
If you intend to mark some entries as approved and some entries as needs correction, first select all of the entries you want to approve and click Approve. Then select all of the entries you want to mark as needs correction and click Needs Correction.

- Click Approve to approve all of the selected entries.
- Click Needs Correction to mark all of the selected entries as Needs Correction (Rework).
1. First, you will need to check for and allow Exceptions. Click on Team Time on Manager Self Service.
Ideally, employees should make corrections to their time entries to remove exceptions. If a correction cannot be made, managers can allow exceptions so that the employee can be cleared for payment.
You'll see a note on the tile informing you how many exceptions need to be cleared.
2. Select Manage Exceptions.

3. Click on the Allow tab. Place a checkmark next to each exception that you want to allow. Then click Allow.
View the Managing Exceptions guide to view more information on what exceptions mean and who is responsible for clearing them.
- Click on the Allow tab.
- Place a checkmark next to each exception that you want to allow.
- Then click Allow.
5. Use the Nav Bar to access the Menu and select Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Payable Time.
Find out how to add this menu to your Favorites to make it easy to access in the future.
Do not use the Approvals tile on Manager Self Service homepage at this time.

- Click on the NavBar.
- Select Menu.
- Then navigate to Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Payable Time.
7. Select the Time Reporter Group for whom you want to review time worked.
The Description column is likely to be the most helpful in figuring out the department and population for each Time Reporter Group. Time Reporter Groups with Stdts in the name are for student assistant timesheets; all others are for faculty/staff timesheets.

8. Adjust the Start Date and End Date to include the time period you want to review/approve. Then click Get Employees.
If you want to look up a specific employee, you can enter an Employee ID (CHRS ID) or Last Name/First Name.
- Adjust the Start Date and End Date under Change Time in View to include the time period you want to review/approve.
- Then click Get Employees.
9. A list of all of the employees who have submitted timesheet entries appears. You can click on an employee's last name to view their detailed timesheet.
What do you want to do?
Changes cannot be made to timesheet entries after they are approved. Before approving, make sure that the timekeeper has reviewed the entries and verified that no corrections need to be made.
Problem with a time worked entry? You can send it back to the employee for corrections. You will need to contact the employee directly and let them know what needs to be modified. View instructions on how to send timesheet entries back to the employee for correction.
1. Place a check next to each employee whose timesheet you want to approve. To select all employees, click Select All. Then click Approve.
- Place a checkmark next to each employee whose timesheet you want to approve.
- Or click Select All to place a checkmark next to all employees.
- Then click Approve.
2. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to approve the time selected. Click Yes to proceed.

3. You'll see a confirmation that the save was successful. Click OK.

Always push back entries instead of denying them if you want the employee to edit and resubmit their timesheet. If you deny time, the employee will not be able to revise or resubmit their entries in the system. If corrections need to be made after the submission deadline, consult with your department timekeeper.
Before pushing back time entries, make sure that the employee has enough time to make corrections and resubmit their entries before the pay period closes. If corrections need to be made after the deadline, consult with your department timekeeper.
1. Place a check next to each employee whose timesheet you want to send back to the employee for correction. Then click Push Back.
Make note of why the entry is being pushed back to so that the employee can be notified of what to change.
- Place a checkmark next to each employee whose timesheet you want to send back for correction.
- Then click Push Back.
2. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to push back the time selected. Click Yes to proceed.

3. You'll see a confirmation that the save was successful. Click OK.

4. You will be taken back to the Approve Time By Group page. You can continue reviewing/approving timesheet entries if any remain. Or click Team Time to go back to the previous menu.
5. Remember to contact the employee(s) whose timesheet you sent back for correction and let them know what needs to be corrected.
You will want to ask the employee(s) to contact you and/or your department timekeeper once they have updated their timesheet.
View APPROVER: Approving Student Timesheets for details on how to review and approve student assistant timesheets.
Need More Help?
For questions about your specific entries or reporting requirements for your position, contact your department timekeeper or Payroll at 657-278-2521 or [email protected].
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
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