STUDENTS: Accessing, Submitting, and Correcting Timesheets

This article covers how hourly student employees can access their timesheet, report the hours they worked, and make corrections to their time worked entries on their timesheet.

It is recommended to enter hours worked end of each work day to keep the timesheet up to date. All hours worked must be submitted by the last day of the pay period, but some departments may require that you make submissions earlier to ensure enough time for review and approval. Late time submissions will result in a delayed paycheck.

Make sure you enter all your time before the pay period closes at the end of the month. If you have additional entries or corrections after the period is closed, consult with your department Timekeeper.

How do I access my timesheet?

1. Log in to the campus portal and select Employee Homepage in the Titan Online widget.

View How Do I Access the Employee Homepage/Employee Self Service? for more details about accessing the Employee Homepage.

2. Click the CSU Time tile.

Employee Self Service page

3. By default, the Enter Time page will open to the current week.

Enter Time screen

4. If you are on another CSU Time page and need to navigate to time entry, click Timesheet. Then, select Enter Time.

CSU Time menu
  1. From the menu on the left of the screen, click Timesheet.
  2. Select Enter Time.
How do I enter the hours that I worked into my timesheet?

2. If you have multiple Job Titles, select the appropriate one from the drop-down menu. Navigate to the appropriate pay period (month). Then, navigate to the week in which you'll be entering time. Select the Time Reporting/Time Details code from the drop-down menu. Then, type in the number of hours you worked each day. Click Submit.

Students can work up to 20 hours per week during the semester and up to 40 hours per week during breaks (e.g. summer, winter intersession.)

If you did not work on a day, leave the field blank—do not add a 0. Do not enter more than 8 hours per day.

All minutes must be rounded to the 10th. Please refer to the Partial Hours Conversion Chart.

If you're unsure about what Time Reporting Code or Job Title to select, consult your department's timekeeper.

Clicking Submit does not finalize your timesheet. You can return to the timesheet to make additional entries until the pay period closes at the end of the month. If you have additional entries or corrections after the period is closed, consult with your department timekeeper.

Enter Time page with entries
  1. If you have multiple jobs, use the Job Title drop-down menu to select the one that you're entering time for.
  2. Use the arrows to navigate to the appropriate pay period (month).
  3. Use the arrows to navigate to the week in which you'll be entering time.
  4. Use the Time Reporting/Time Details drop-down menu to select a time reporting code. In most cases, you will be selecting REG - Regular Hours Worked. If you need to enter any other sort of time, consult with your department timekeeper.
  5. Enter the hours you worked per day. Round all partial hours to the nearest tenth. Do not enter anything on days when you didn't work and do not exceed 8 hours per day.
  6. Click Submit to enter your hours for that week.
Partial Hours Conversion Chart
Minutes 10ths
1—6 0.1
7—12 0.2
13—18 0.3
19—24 0.4
25—30 0.5
31—36 0.6
37—42 0.7
43—48 0.8
49—54 0.9
55—60 1.0

3. Read the statement and click OK.

Student Assistants will receive the Student Statement prompt.

Student Statement prompt

Instructional Student Assistants (e.g. tutors, Supplemental Instruction leaders, graders, etc.) will receive the Employee Statement prompt as well as a "rules have successfully been applied" prompt.

Employee Statement prompts

4. If you receive an additional prompt, an exception (error) has occurred. Click OK to review your timesheet and resolve the issue(s).

Unresolved exception prompt

4.1. Exceptions are marked with a red triangular alert icon. To view more information about the errors/exceptions, click the icon, then select View Exceptions.

Time entry with alert icon
  1. Click the alert icon.
  2. Select View Exceptions from the menu to view more information.

4.2. View a description of the exception. Click the right arrow icon to return to the timesheet to correct the entry.

View Exceptions page
  1. Read the description of the exception.
  2. Click the arrow to go back to your timesheet to fix the issue. In this example, an exception was generated because the student entered more than 20 hours on the week of October 17. To fix it, the student would have to return to the timesheet and reduce the number of hours entered that week.

4.3. Make the necessary correction(s) on your timesheet and resubmit.

How do I view my time worked?

You can view your hours worked by viewing your Timesheet, using the Weekly Time Summary, or through the Payable Time page.

The Timesheet view will show you time worked as well as the type of time entered for the pay period/week.

The Weekly Time Summary will show you the time entered and time scheduled for each day of the week you're viewing.

The Payable Time view will show you time worked, type of time, estimated pay, and pay status for time entered within the timeframe that you select.

Select how you would like to view your time.


1. Access your timesheet and navigate to the pay period and week you want to view.

If the pay period is closed, the fields will be greyed out and you will not be able to make any edits to the entries.

Enter Time screen
  1. Click on Timesheet in the CSU Time menu.
  2. Select Enter Time.
  3. If you have multiple jobs, use the Job Title drop-down menu to select the one that you want to view time for.
  4. Use the arrows to navigate to the pay period (month) you want to view.
  5. Use the arrows to navigate to the week you want to view.
  6. View the type of time and hours worked reported for that week, along with any comments entered.
Weekly Time Summary

1. Open the Weekly Time Summary. Navigate to the week that you want to view. If you have multiple jobs, select the one you want to view from the drop-down menu.

Weekly Time Summary screen
  1. Click on Weekly Time Summary in the CSU Time menu.
  2. Use the arrows to navigate to the week you want to view.
  3. If you have multiple jobs, use the drop-down menu to select the one that you want to view time for.
  4. The report will show how many hours were reported for each day of the week along with how many hours were scheduled.
Payable Time

1. Open the Payable Time page. If you have multiple jobs, use the drop-down menu to select the one that you want to view. Enter the date range you want to view to populate the summary. Select whether you want to see the Summary or Detail view.

Payable Time screen. Table 1 showing Summary, Table 2 showing Detail.
  1. Select Payable Time from the CSU Time navigation menu.
  2. If you have multiple jobs, use the drop-down menu to select the one that you want to view time for.
  3. Enter a From date to search time entered starting or after that date. You can either type one in (MM/DD/YYYY) or click the calendar icon to select a date.
  4. Enter a Through date to search time entered on or before that date. You can either type one in (MM/DD/YYYY) or click the calendar icon to select a date.
  5. Select whether to view Summary or Detail. The Summary (Table 1) will show the aggregated hours and pay of the selected time period. The Detail (Table 2) will show a daily breakdown of hours worked, pay per day, payable status, and total for the selected time period.
How do I make corrections to my timesheet?

You can only make corrections if your time has not been approved yet and if the pay period is still open. All time must be entered by the end of the month. If you need to make any corrections after the pay period has closed, consult with your department timekeeper.

1. Log in to your portal, access the Employee Homepage, and open your timesheet.

2. Locate the entry you want to modify.

Enter Time screen

3. Make the necessary correction(s) and then click Submit.

Enter Time Screen
  1. Enter the necessary change(s) to your hours.
  2. Click Submit.

4. The updated timesheet entry (or entries) appears in the Timesheet, Weekly Time Summary, and Payable Time sections.

You may wish to contact your timekeeper or manager as soon as possible to let them know that you have corrected the entry.

Need More Help?

For questions about your specific entries or reporting requirements for your position, contact your department timekeeper or Payroll at 657-278-2521 or [email protected].

For technical inquiries, students can contact the Student IT Helpdesk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888.


Heather Roberts

I went in to transfer my hours to the payroll system. I have been overwhelmed this month and have just been jotting my time down. There is no longer a place to enter my time in my portal. Can someone direct me to where this is now?

Camille Johnson

Hi Heather! The steps above outline how to access the timesheet (payroll system) and enter your hours. If you do not see the CSU Time tile in your Employee Homepage, then it's likely that your student assistant appointment is still being processed. I'd recommend reaching out to your department timekeeper (usually the admin staff in the department that you work for) or your boss. They can follow up with Payroll regarding your hiring status and can advise on next steps.

Gizelle Marroquin

I am trying to use my portal to enter my time, but when I go to click on the CSU Time and click on the enter time tile, the page keeps saying I don’t have the authorization for it. Please help!

Camille Johnson

Hi Gizelle! If you don't have access to enter time, it's likely that your hiring is still being processed. Processing times are typically longer at the start of the semester. You can reach out to the hiring representative/timekeeper in the department of your employment to request a status update. They can contact HR on your behalf if necessary and advise on the next steps.

Linet Sanabria V.

My access to the Employee Homepage was finally cleared this week. But I only have an "CSU TAE Appointment Notice" which is empty. No "CSU Time" has appeared yet... is my hiring still processing?

Camille Johnson

Hi Linet! It sounds like your hiring is indeed still processing. You can follow up with the department that you work for and they can reach out to Payroll as needed to request status updates. Please note that the HR system will be down March 19-23, so that may impact processing times and access.

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