My Courses Comparison Report
This article covers how faculty can use the My Courses Comparison report on the Faculty Student Success Dashboard (FSSD).
What does this report show?
The My Courses Comparison tab allows you to compare data for one or more of your courses. You can compare data within the same term (i.e., if you taught two courses in Fall 2022, you can compare the data for each course) or between two terms (i.e., if you taught in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, you can compare the data for each term).
1. Log in to the campus portal and access the Faculty Dashboard (FSSD).
Report Overview
By default, you will usually see data for all of your classes/sections for the current semester or the most recent semester when you taught. Sometimes this means that both sides of the comparison are for the same term, so you will need to adjust one of the sides for an effective comparison.
- Report filters
- My Courses: This section shows details about the selected Class.
- Course GPA: This graph shows the course GPA for this Class as compared to similar course GPAs.
- Repeat Eligible Students (C- or Less): This graph shows the percentage of students who were eligible to repeat the selected Class as compared to similar courses.
- Grade Distribution Graph: This graph shows the grade distribution for the selected Class as compared to similar courses.
- Additional details about this report and where to get help.
- A link to the FSSD Bot for assistance with this report.
Report Filters
Learn more about how to use filters in TitanInsights, including how to search for a value you want (e.g., searching for a specific term like Summer 2024).
Filter Descriptions
Filter | Description |
Term Desc | The academic term for which you want to view data. |
Class | Choose from a list of the classes/sections for which you are an instructor or view data for all of your classes/sections. |
View By | Choose from a list of parameters to organize the data by that parameter:
Total Headcount and Class GPA
The first section of the report shows the Total Headcount (total number of students enrolled in the selected class(es)) and Class GPA (the average GPA of all of the students in the selected class(es)) for the selected term.
Class GPA Graphs
The Class GPA graphs will show the average GPA for the class(es) you selected organized by the parameter you selected (EOP, Ethnicity, Parent Education Level, Sex, or Underrepresented).

The legend on the far right shows what each bar in the graph is showing. These options will differ depending on the specific parameter you selected (EOP, Ethnicity, Parent Education Level, Sex, or Underrepresented).
Repeat Eligible Students (C- or Less) Graphs
The Repeat Eligible Students (C- or Less) graphs will show the percentage of students who are eligible to repeat your selected class(es) organized by the parameter you selected (EOP, Ethnicity, Parent Education Level, Sex, or Underrepresented).

The legend on the far right shows what each bar in the graph is showing. These options will differ depending on the specific parameter you selected (EOP, Ethnicity, Parent Education Level, Sex, or Underrepresented).
Grade Distribution Graphs
The Grade Distribution graphs show the grade distribution for each class/section by grade percent. Hover your mouse over each bar to see the specific grade percent for each class section.

The legend beneath the graph shows you which class/section is represented by each color in the bar graphs.
Need More Help?
For questions about the reports on the FSSD, please email [email protected] or use the FSSD Bot.
For faculty support, please contact the Academic Technology Center at [email protected] or 657-278–4050.
For technical assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.
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