My Current Students Report
This article covers how faculty can use the My Current Students report on the Faculty Student Success Dashboard (FSSD).
What does this report show?
The My Current Students page allows you to view data of your current students, including TitanNet information and Canvas (LMS) data such as Missing Assignments, Grades, Units Attempting, Student Engagement and more.
1. Log in to the campus portal and access the Faculty Dashboard (FSSD).
Report Overview
By default, you will usually see data on all students in your classes for the current semester or the most recent semester when you taught.
- Report filters
- My Current Students Counts: This section will show your Total Headcount, Total FTEs, Average Cumulative GPA, Average Course Grade, Missing Assignments, and Ontime Assignments %.
- My Current Students Graphs: These graphs will show the Student Headcount, Student FTEs, and Cumulative GPA as bar graphs.
- My Current Students Table: This table will contain a list of your students and their details, including their current performance in your class.
- Additional details about this report and where to get help.
- A link to the FSSD Bot for assistance with this report.
Report Filters
You can use the filters at the top of the report to view information for different terms or narrow down the list of students by different variables.
Learn more about how to use filters in TitanInsights, including how to search for a value you want (e.g., searching for a specific term like Summer 2024).
Filter Descriptions
Filter | Description |
Term Desc | The academic term for which you want to view data. |
Ethnicity | Choose from a list of specific reported student ethnicities or view data for all student ethnicities. |
Admit Type | Choose from a list of student types (e.g., first-time freshman, undergraduate transfer, post-bac/graduate) or view data for all student types. |
Class | Choose from a list of the classes/sections for which you are an instructor or view data for all of your classes/sections. |
EOP | Choose specific Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) participation status(es) or view data for all EOP participation statuses. |
Parent Edu Level | Choose specific parent education level(s) or view data for all parent education levels. |
Current Score % (0 to 150) | Percentage score of a student in a course, from 0% - 150%. |
My Current Students - Counts
Field Definitions
Field | Definition |
Total Headcount | The total number of students for your classes. |
Total FTEs | The total number of Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) for your classes. |
Avg. Cumulative GPA | The average cumulative GPA for the students in your classes. |
Avg. Course Grade | The average course grade for the students in your classes. |
Missing Assignments | The number of Canvas assignments that have not been turned in. Click on the number hyperlink to view the details in Canvas. |
Ontime Assignments % | The percentage of Canvas assignments that were turned in on time. |
My Current Students - Graphs

The legend on the far right shows you which class/section is represented by each color in the bar graphs.
Student Headcount Graph
Shows the total number of students in each class/section.
Student FTEs Graph
Shows the total Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) for each class/section.
Cumulative GPA Graph
Shows the cumulative GPA for each class/section.
My Current Students - Table
The table shows detailed information about your students, including their current progress in your class.
Column |
Description |
Term Desc | The specific semester or session. |
CWID | The Campus-Wide ID of the student. |
Person Name | The name of the student. |
The campus email address of the student. | |
First Generation | The reported parent education level for the student. |
Major at Entry | The student’s major upon entering CSUF. |
Academic Career | Indicates
whether the student is part of an undergraduate or post baccalaureate program. |
Sex | The reported sex assigned at birth of the student. |
Ethnicity | The reported ethnicity of the student. |
Underrepresented | Indicates whether the student identifies as an underrepresented group. |
EOP | indicates whether the student participated in the Educational Opportunity Program. |
Parent level edu | The reported parent education level for the student. |
Admit Type | The admit type of the students (e.g., first time student, transfer
student, returning student). |
Repeat Eligible | Indicates whether the student is eligible to repeat the course. |
GPA | The student's GPA. |
Class | The class/section that the student was enrolled in. |
Expected Grad Term | The expected graduation term of the student, if known. |
Units Earned | The total number of units the student has earned. |
Major (Latest) | The student's current major. |
Academic Standing | Indicates whether the student is in good standing with the university. |
Program Status | Indicates whether the student is an active student in the program. |
Program Action | Indicates the last action taken with regards to the student's program. |
Units Attempting | The number of units that the student is enrolled in for the current academic term. |
Units Needed | The number of units that the student needs to graduate. |
Score | |
Points Possible | |
Current Score | The student's current grade percentage in the class. |
Final Score | The student's final grade percentage in the class. |
Assignment Total | The total number of Canvas assignments for the student. Click on the number hyperlink to view the details in Canvas. |
Assignment Ontime | The number of Canvas assignments that the student turned in on time. Click on the number hyperlink to view the details in Canvas. |
Assignment Late | The number of Canvas assignments that the student turned in late. Click on the number hyperlink to view the details in Canvas. |
Assignment Missing | The number of Canvas assignments that the student has not turned in. Click on the number hyperlink to view the details in Canvas. |
Student Engagement | The student's engagement score for the class. Click on the number to view the details of the student's engagement with the class. |
Total Page views |
You can click on a student's CWID in the table to access the student's information in TitanNet, which allows you to gain a broader perspective of the student and see notes, reminders, and class information for that student.
View the TitanNet Faculty Guide for more information on using TitanNet.
Need More Help?
For questions about the reports on the FSSD, please email [email protected] or use the FSSD Bot.
For faculty support, please contact the Academic Technology Center at [email protected] or 657-278–4050.
For technical assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.
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