Using the Options Box
The Options box on the Student Profile page is where users can initiate actions such as messaging a student, adding notes, submitting an ad-hoc appointment report, scheduling an appointment, and adding to student lists. This guide outlines what functions are available in the Options box and provides instructions on how to use these functions.
- Messages can be sent to communicate with the student about appointments or other matters of relevance.
- Notes are used to add information to a student profile that is not tied to a specific appointment or campaign. Adding notes facilitates easier transmission of information between care units and creates records that can be provided directly to students.
- Appointment Reports (Appointment Summaries) contain information about a specific appointment or drop-in visit, including date/time, type of visit, topics of discussion, and the like.
- Staff/faculty users can schedule an appointment for a student or add a student to a general event.
- Student Lists are used to compile students into groups. Student lists can be used for tracking and to send messages and campaigns in bulk to specific populations.
- Alerts are used to draw attention to a student. Issuing an alert will send the student an email referring them to the relevant department, encouraging them to make an appointment, and informing them of steps they need to take.
What would you like to do?
A new window will open. You can apply a template to your message, type the message manually, or generate a message with AI. When you're ready to send the email, click Send Message.

- Click Apply a Template to select a pre-drafted template.
OR - Enter a subject and body text for the message.
OR - Click Enhance with AI to open the AI helper.
- Click Send Message when the message is ready to send.
By default, the note will be visible to other faculty/staff TitanNet users with access to view notes. You can opt to make the note private or to make the note visible to the student. If you choose to make a note visible to the student, it appears on the Reports page in Navigate360 Student or the Reports tab on the Student Home.
The note will open in a new window. Enter the content of the note and set the relations and visibility. You can also add an attachment. When you're finished, click Save Note.

- Type in the note content.
- (OPTIONAL) You can add any relevant files as an attachment. Attachments must be under 10MB.
- (OPTIONAL) Click into the Note Reason field to select an item from the drop-down menu. For example, if you met with a student to discuss how a Study Abroad program fits into their academic goals, you can add Study Abroad as the Note Reason.
- (OPTIONAL) Copy and paste a relevant URL into the Note URL field. For example, add a link for a Study Abroad program that the student is interested in.
- If you want the note to be private, place a check in the box next to [Your Name] Only.
- If you want to make the note visible to the student, place a check in the box next to the student's name.
- Click Save Note.
The Report on Appointment function on the Student Profile page enables a user to add an ad-hoc Appointment Summary for a student that was attended to but did not schedule an appointment or check-in for a drop-in visit.
If a student scheduled an appointment with you, it's best to file the report from that specific appointment. View instructions on completing an Appointment Summary in the Appointments tab.
The Appointment Report will open in a new window. Make any necessary changes to the Appointment Details. Then, summarize your interaction with the student in the Appointment Summary. If necessary, add a file as an attachment. Click Save this Report to save your entry.
If you are entering a meeting start and end time manually, note that Appointment Summaries must be at least 5 minutes long.
- A Care Unit is a network that provides a particular type of service. Care units can access and manage appointment schedules and documentation within their area. Examples include Advising, Tutoring, Faculty Office Hours, etc.
- Location refers to where the appointment occurred. Examples include the Academic Advising Center, Career Center, University Learning Center, etc.
- Service is the type of support associated with the appointment or the reason for the appointment. Examples include Major Advising, Course-based Tutoring, Resume/Cover Letter Review, etc.
- (OPTIONAL) A specific Course can be associated with an appointment.
- Meeting Type refers to the modality of the appointment (i.e in-person or virtual).
- Date of visit is the date when the appointment occurred.
- Meeting Start Time and Meeting End Time for scheduled appointments default to the start and end times entered when the appointment was created. For drop-in appointments, the start time defaults to when the appointment summary report is opened and the end time defaults to the time that the report is submitted. Note that Appointment Summaries must be at least 5 minutes long
- The Attendees list indicates who was present at an appointment. Unchecking the box denotes a no-show.
- (OPTIONAL) Checkin and Checkout is used for appointments for which the student checked in through the Appointments Center or Kiosk. If the student forgets to check out, the end time defaults to the time that the report is submitted. If these fields are added in manually, the times will not appear in the appointments report, appointment summary report, and check-ins report.
- (OPTIONAL) Suggested Followup date and time can be entered to recommend when a follow-up appointment should take place. Entering a suggestion does not create an appointment.
- The Appointment Summary is where staff/faculty should provide a synopsis of what took place during the meeting.
Attachments can be added if relevant to the appointment. The maximum file size allowed is 10MB.
▪️ Accepted file types: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .ppt, .pptx, .vfb, .msg, .odt, .rtf, .svg
▪️ The platform cannot accept files with the following special characters in the file name: < & $ + , / : ; = ? @ < > [ ] { } | \ ^ ~ % # ` > - Click Save This Report to create an appointment and save the report.
Depending on your permissions and configurations in your area, you might be able to schedule appointments for students with other members of your care unit. You can also schedule/add students to a General Event using these steps.
1. Make the necessary selections from the filters on the left side of the page. Select the care unit, location, service, course, meeting type, and date of the appointment. You can also add comments and choose what type(s) of reminder(s) to send to the attendees.

- Select a care unit from the drop-down menu.
- Select a location from the drop-down menu.
- Select a service from the drop-down menu.
- (OPTIONAL) If the service requires a course or if the appointment is about a specific course, enter the associated course.
- Select a meeting type from the drop-down menu.
- (OPTIONAL) Enter any comments.
- Use the calendar to select a date for the appointment.
- Place a check in the box to send an email reminder to the organizer (the advisor—typically yourself).
- Place a check in the box to send an email reminder to the non-organizer (the student).
- Place a check in the box to send an text reminder to the organizer (the advisor—typically yourself).
- Place a check in the box to send an text reminder to the non-organizer (the student).
2. If necessary, adjust the attendees list. Select an organizer from the table. Then, select a meeting length and availabilities to display. Place a check next to a timeslot to select it. To create a repeating appointment, select a repeat status. When you're satisfied with your selections, click Save Appointment.
- (OPTIONAL) If you want to add additional attendees to the appointment, use the plus button to increase the number of attendees allowed on the appointment.
- (OPTIONAL) If you add additional attendee slots, enter the attendee(s)'s name(s) to add them to the appointment.
- Select an organizer. This is usually yourself, but some users may have access to schedule appointments for other faculty/staff as well.
- Select an appointment length from the drop-down menu.
- Select an availability from the drop-down menu. By default, this will be set to show the organizer's availability for the service or course associated with the appointment.
- Place a check in the timeslot to select an appointment time.
- Select a repeat status from the drop-down menu. By default, this is set to does not repeat.
- Click Save Appointment.
You can use Student Lists to track information about groups of students. You can also bulk send messages, appointment campaigns, and survey campaigns to a Student List.
To add a student to a list that you previously created, place a check next to the list name. Then, click Save.

- Place a check next to the list(s) to which you want to add the student.
- Click Save.
Depending on your permissions and configurations in your area, you might be able to issue an alert on a student to draw attention to them, refer the student to campus resources, and prompt action from the department of concern.
As of March 2024, there are only two available alert reasons: Health Professions Advising and Future Teacher.
1. The alert will open in a new window. Select an alert reason. If the alert is associated with a particular class, select it from the drop-down menu. Enter any relevant comments. Then, take note of the alert details and action(s) that will be taken. When you're finished, click Submit.

- Click into the field to select a reason for the alert.
- (OPTIONAL) If the alert is associated with a specific class, select the class from the drop-down menu. If the alert is not associated with a class, leave the selection as Optional.
- (OPTIONAL) Enter any comments relevant to the alert. The Additional Comments field has no character limit. Alerts and associated comments will be visible to other faculty/staff with the appropriate permissions.
- View the details for each alert reason and action(s) to be taken.
- Click Submit. An email will be sent to the student and the staff to which the student's case is assigned.
2. You can view alerts on the Student Profile, Professor Home, or Reporting page.
1. Access the profile of the student whose alert(s) you want to view. If an alert has been issued for a student, the Staff Alerts box will link to open alerts. Click on the Alert link to view more information.
1. Click the spreadsheet icon in the navigation menu to open the Reporting page.

2. Click the Standard Reports tab. Then, click Alerts Report.
- Click the Standard Reports tab.
- Click Alerts Report in the list of reports.
3. Set your data filters. Then, click Run Report.
- Set your filters logic. By default, the field will be set to match all filters (AND).
- Set your search fields. You will need to select a field. Depending on the field you select, additional required criteria may need to be set. You can also add additional filters.
- Indicate whether or not you want to include inactive users and/or your students only.
- Click Run Report.
4. Scroll to the right on the Report Results to find the Alert columns to view information about the alert.
You can also click on a student's name to be taken to their Student Profile where you can view the alert. View instructions on viewing alerts on the Student Profile.
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Contact the Helpdesk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.
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