Using the AI Report Finder
Learn how to use the AI Report Finder tool reporting to identify available reporting tools and build report parameters in TitanNet.
Please note that Reporting access in TitanNet is restricted to users with the Advisor role, such as faculty advisors and academic advising staff. If you need additional access to TitanNet, please submit a Campus Solutions Access Request Form.
1. Log into TitanNet and select Reporting from the navigation menu.

2. Click the Standard Reports tab. Then, click AI Report Finder.
- Click the Standard Reports tab.
- Click the AI Report Finder button.
3. Type a question or keywords into the AI Report Finder chat. Then, click the up arrow to submit to the chat.
Try to be specific and include as much detail as possible. This will help the AI populate report filters later on.

- Type what you would like to search into the chat box.
- Click the up arrow to submit your question.
4. The AI Report Finder will recommend a report that fits the criteria you provided. Click on the link to access the report.

5. The AI Filter Assistant will generate report filters based on what you entered into the chat. It may take a few seconds for the filters to load.

6. The report will populate with data filters. If you need to make changes, you may do so by using the AI Filter Assistant or by adjusting the filters manually.
- You can click the AI Filter Assistant to use AI to adjust the data filters.
OR - You can manually edit the filters logic, fields, conditions and value. Use the drop-down menus, value boxes, and checkboxes to make adjustments to the populated data filters. Click the Add Filter button if you would like to add another data field. Use the Xs next to a row to delete those filters.
6.1. If using the AI Filter Assistant, the text box will list the information that AI has already populated into the report. Type in additional filters you would like to include. Then, click Generate Filters.

- Enter any additional information that you would like to include in the report filters.
- Click Generate Filters.
8. View the report results. You can modify the column fields and export the results to an Excel file.
You can click on a student's name to view their profile. View Student Profile user guides.
- You can type a keyword into the search bar to further filter results (e.g. search for a particular student.)
- Click the Export button to download the report results as a .csv (Excel) file.
- Click View Column Manager to adjust column order and/or toggle column visibility.
- If more than 100 results are retrieved, use the page navigation tools to view additional report results.
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Contact the Helpdesk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.
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