Completing a Campus Solutions Access Request Form

This article covers how to complete the PeopleSoft (CMS/ERP) Access Request Form in order to request specialized access to the Campus Solutions (Student Admin) system.

Please use one of the supported browsers to access ARFs in AEM:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari

1. Log into the campus portal, then access your Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms Portal.

2. Use the search bar or the page numbers to search for the Campus Solutions Access Request Form. Click the paper airplane icon to launch the form.

AEM forms search screen
  1. Type a search term into the search bar and hit Enter to search.
  2. Use the page numbers to navigate through the different forms.
  3. Click the paper airplane icon to launch the form.

3. Enter the Employee ID (CWID) of the person for whom access is being requested. Then, tab to autopopulate the other Employee Information fields.

A user needs to be active in PeopleSoft HR in order for an ARF to be submitted on their behalf. It may take a few business days for an employee's record to be activated/updated in the system.

ASI and ASC employees are not automatically added to PeopleSoft, so they will need to contact CMS Security to request that a profile be created for them in the PeopleSoft HR system. View what information CMS Security needs to set up an employee profile.

Finance ARF CWID field

4. Identify the Account Action Request.                                                                                                                          

Account Action Request radio buttons

Choose whether the employee is a New User, Existing User, or has Changed Departments.

Field Description
New User A user who does not currently have Campus Solutions access
Existing User A user whose Campus Solutions access needs to be modified
Change Department A user who has moved from one department to another and needs modifications to their Campus Solutions access

5. Click on the button that appears under the Employee Information tab. The name of this button depends on what department the user works in. Most users will have a Departments tab, but users in the following departments will have a button with their department name: Admissions, Records, Scheduling, Student Business Services, Financial Aid, Extended Education, or International Programs.”

Departments includes all departments that are NOT Admissions, Registration and Records, Scheduling, Student Business Services, Financial Aid, Extended Education, or International Programs. Examples include HRDI, Athletics, IT, academic departments, etc.

Campus Solutions departments tabs

6. Select the user's Office or Role from the drop-down menu.

For users in Admissions, Registration and Records, Scheduling, Student Business Services, Financial Aid, Extended Education, or International Programs, the role selected determines most security needs for the employee. If additional access needs to be added or removed, use the drop-down menus in the Security Request section to specify what other access is needed.

If the correct office or role does not appear in the drop-down menu, select Other. A text box will appear into which you can enter the appropriate office or role.

Office or Role selection drop-down menu

7. Use the drop-down menus in the Security Request section to select the appropriate roles to add or remove access to. The Add and Remove buttons can be used to add or remove rows. The Other boxes allow you to specify a specific role or other access that is not listed in the Role drop-down menu.

Roles with an asterisk require a business justification which must be entered into the “Business Justification” box at the bottom of the form.

Please note that some roles have pre-requisite roles that must also be requested. For example, if you want to request the role FS SREAB Manager, you must also request TitanNet access (which includes FA SREAB Access and FS SREAB Advisor).

Security request section of ARF
  1. Use the drop-down menu to select whether to Add/Remove a role.
  2. Select which Role needs to be added or removed.
  3. Click Remove next to a row to delete the row.
  4. Click Add to add a new row.
  5. Check the Add Other box if you are requesting to add a role that's not included in the Role drop-down menu.
  6. Check the Remove Other box if you are requesting to remove access to a role that's not included in the Role drop-down menu.
  7. Provide details for Other requests in the text field.
  8. If a role requires a business justification, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the information in the Business Justification field. You can also use this field to elaborate on the access/specific roles needed or the requirements of the user's position that may assist a business analyst in understanding why the access is needed.
Security Request section definitions
Security Definition
Curriculum Security These roles relate to the campus class schedule and course catalog, not to an individual student's class schedule.
Records Security These relate to student records roles, not including viewing a student's biodemographic data.
Admissions Security Most of these roles relate to viewing/verifying information for an individual student, including viewing their Student Center data and biodemographic data.
My Queries These relate to specific PeopleSoft queries that a user needs to run, not to OBIEE/Data Warehouse reports/queries.
Financial Aid Security Most of these roles relate to viewing financial aid information for an individual student.
Student Business Services Security These roles relate to viewing an individual student's financial information, so note that a business justification is required for any access.
Data Warehouse These relate to Campus Solutions OBIEE/Data Warehouse reports that the user needs to access.

7.1. If access to Update Service Indicators is being requested, list the Service Indicators that the user needs access to update.

Records Security section showing Update Service Indicators fields
  1. Select Update Service Indicators if user needs access to add or release service indicators.
  2. A text field will appear. List the Service Indicators that the user needs access to update.

8. Click the Signatures button.

Signatures button

9. Click the checkbox to indicate that you've completed the form. Add any comments, if necessary. Click Submit to complete the form.

Signatures screen
  1. Click the checkbox indicating that you have completed the form.
  2. Your signature and the date will autopopulate.
  3. Enter any comments, if applicable.
  4. Click Generate PDF to download a PDF version of the filled out form.
  5. Click Submit to complete the form and send it off for additional signatures.

Need More Help?                                                                                                                                                      

For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].  

For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].


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