Searching for Documents in the OnBase Web App
This article covers how to search for scanned documents in the OnBase web client using custom queries.
Please note that you must be connected to the campus VPN if you are accessing OnBase from off-campus or while using campus wi-fi. Learn more about connecting to the campus VPN.
PeopleSoft Access Request Forms are required to request access to OnBase and to view specific queries (types of documents). If you are unsure what type of request to submit, contact IT Training at [email protected] or contact the department associated with the document type (e.g., contact Financial Aid about financial aid-related documents).
Note that it is not possible to save your query keywords/settings. Your query keywords will be saved during a session, but once you log out (or are signed out), you will need to enter the query keywords again.
Accessing Documents & OnBase Features
1. Log in to the campus portal and click on the OnBase icon in the Titan Online widget.

1. When viewing a user in PeopleSoft, click on the Docs button.

2. A pop-up OnBase window will appear with all of the documents associated with the user.
Not all OnBase features are available to you when you use this view.

Custom Queries are all of the search templates that you have access to use in OnBase. Each query is set up to search a specific set of documents. Previously, these templates were in separate folders, but in OnBase, they are all in a single list. You can filter the list using the search box above the list.
1. Select a query from the list in the left panel.

1.1. To filter the list of queries, you can enter search criteria in the search box above the query list.

2. Enter a Document Date range to find documents that were uploaded/modified during that date range (if applicable).

- Use the calendar icons to select a date. Or you can type in a date.
- Click on the caret icon to view additional document date options, including relative dates.
2.1. If you clicked on the caret icon, you will see options to select a specific month or select a relative date (e.g., today, previous week, etc.).

- Months will appear in reverse order with the current month at the top of the list.
- Relative date options include today, yesterday, current week, previous week, current month, or year to date.
3. Enter additional keywords to narrow down the search results. Then click Search.
The available keywords will depend on the type of document(s) that this query is tied to.

- Some keyword fields are text fields that allow you to enter specific text to search for such as a first name or last name.
- Some keyword fields are date fields that allow you to specify a date associated with a document to search for.
- Some keyword fields are drop-down menus that allow you to select from specific values to search for.
- Note the comparison operators next to each keyword field. For example, = next to First Name means that OnBase will look for first names that are equal to the keyword entered.
- Click Search when you are ready to search for documents.
You can adjust the size of each pane in OnBase to make it easier to focus on the information that you want to see.
You can hide the query pane or custom query results pane to maximize the amount of space on the screen for other panes.
1. Double click in between the document pane and custom query results pane to hide the custom query results pane.
Query Options
You can easily clear the query keywords to reset the query filters.
1. Click on the clear keywords button at the bottom of the query pane.

2. All of the keywords you entered for the query have been cleared, but the Document Dates are unchanged.

You can view previous queries/searches that you have done today using the Query History button.
1. Click on the query history button at the bottom of the query pane.

2. Click Repeat next to a query to run the query again. Or click Close.

- Click Repeat next to a query to re-run the query.
- Or click Close to close the query history pop-up.
The default comparison operator for most fields is equal (=), but you can change the operator to make your search more complex.
The types of comparison operators that are available will depend on the type of field and the query.
1. Click on the comparison operator next to a keyword field to change the operator. Keep clicking on it until you see the operator you want.

In the example above, the equals (=) means that only documents that have a Scan Date of 7/1/24 will be in the search results.
2. Now the operator is set to the one you want.

In the example above, this can be read as Scan Date > 7/1/24, meaning that documents that have a Scan Date after 7/1/24 will be included in the search results. Documents with a Scan Date of 7/1/24 will not be included.
You can duplicate keyword fields to utilize AND, OR, or TO to create more complex searches.
1. Hover your mouse over the keyword title until you see a + next to your pointer. Then click your mouse.

In the example above, this can be read as Scan Date > 7/1/24, meaning that documents that have a Scan Date after 7/1/24 will be included in the search results. Documents with a Scan Date of 7/1/24 will not be included.
2. This creates a second instance of that keyword field and adds a condition for the two keyword fields (usually AND). Enter text/make a selection for the second keyword field and update the condition (and/or the comparison operators) as desired.

- Update the second keyword field as desired.
- Click on the condition to change it to AND, OR, or TO. The available conditions will depend on the type of keyword field.
- Click on the comparison operators for both keyword fields to change them.
3. Now the condition and operators you want for this keyword are set.

In the example above, now documents with a Scan Date between 7/1/24 - 7/5/24 will be included in the search results. The greater than/equal to (>=) and less than/equal to (<=) operators mean that documents with a Scan Date of 7/1/24 and 7/5/24 will also be included.
Custom Query Results Options
The comparison operators under each column header can be used to further filter your search results.
1. Locate the column you want to filter and make a note of the operator (e.g., equals, contains, etc.).
In the example above, Year is set to Equals, meaning that you can enter a single year to see only documents for that year.
Document Options
The Previous Document and Next Document links are most useful when you have a document open in a new window or have shrunk the custom query results pane to be less visible.
1. Click Previous Document to open the previous document in the search results. Click Next Document to open the next document in the search results.
1. If you don't see the Notes section when you open a document, click on the caret to the right of the document to expand the Notes section.
2. Click on the caret icon to expand an individual note. Or click on the expand all icon to expand all of the notes. Click the search icon to search all of the notes for specific text.
- Click on the caret icon to expand an individual note.
- Or click on the expand all icon to expand all of the notes.
- Click the search icon to search all of the notes for specific text.
3. You can now see the text of each note.

1. To add a note to a document, click on the plus sign button in the Notes section of the document panel or click the Add Note button.
- Click on the plus sign button in the Notes section of the document panel.
- Or click the Add Note button.
2. Click Add to create the note.

- Click Add to create the note.
- Click Show Document to view the document as you create the note.
3. Type the text for your note in Note Text. Then click Save or Save and Close.
Each note cannot be more than 250 characters.

- Type the text for your note in Note Text.
- Then click Save to save the note but remain on this screen.
- Or click Save and Close to save the note and then close the Notes screen.
1. If you don't see the Notes section when you open a document, click on the caret to the right of the document to expand the Notes section.
2. Click on the caret icon to expand an individual note. Or click on the expand all icon to expand all of the notes. Click the search icon to search all of the notes for specific text.
- Click on the caret icon to expand an individual note.
- Or click on the expand all icon to expand all of the notes.
- Click the search icon to search all of the notes for specific text.
3. Click Edit next to the note you want to edit.

4. Edit the note as needed. Then click Save or Save and Close.

- Edit the note as needed.
- Then click Save to save the updated note but remain on this screen.
- Or click Save and Close to save the updated note and then close the Notes screen.
5. The note has now been updated.

Need More Help?
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
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