Completing a Human Resources Access Request Form
This article covers how to complete the PeopleSoft (CMS/ERP) Access Request Form in order to request specialized access to the Human Resources (CHRS) system.
Please use one of the supported browsers to access ARFs in AEM:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
1. Log into the campus portal, then access your Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms Portal.
2. Use the search bar or the page numbers to search for the HR Access Request Form. Click the paper airplane icon to launch the form.
- Type a search term into the search bar and hit Enter to search.
OR - Use the page numbers to navigate through the different forms.
THEN - Click the paper airplane icon to launch the form.
3. Enter the employee's CWID. Then, tab to autopopulate the other Employee Information fields.
A user needs to be active in CHRS in order for an ARF to be submitted on their behalf. It may take a few business days for an employee's record to be activated/updated in the system. ASI and ASC employees will need to contact CMS Security to request that a profile be created for them in the CHRS system. View what information CMS Security needs to set up an employee profile.
4. Identify the Account Action Request.
Choose whether the employee is a new user, existing user, or has changed departments.
Field | Description |
New User | A user who does not currently have Human Resources access |
Existing User | A user whose Human Resources access needs to be modified |
Change Department | A user who has moved from one department to another and needs modifications to their Human Resources access |
5. Next, select type of access needed: Distributed Campus User or Centralized HRDI User. The appropriate fields will become available after the selection.
Field | Definition |
Distributed Campus User | An employee that works in a campus department that is not part of central Human Resources (HRDI) operations for the entire campus (e.g. academic departments, student success centers, athletics, etc.) |
Centralized HRDI User | An employee who works in a Human Resources department that oversees the entire campus (e.g. Payroll, Talent Acquisition, Total Wellness, etc.) |
5.1. The Human Resources Distributed Roles fields will be available if Distributed Campus User access is selected.
5.2. The Human Resources Core/Central Roles fields will be available if Centralized HRDI User access is selected.
Central Users may submit ARFs for distributed access. When doing so, they should select Distributed User.

6. Click on the Human Resources Roles button that appears: either Human Resources Distributed Roles or Human Resources Core/Central Roles.
If you chose Distributed Campus User in step 5, the tab will be called Human Resources Distributed Roles. If you chose Centralized HRDI User, the tab will be called Human Resources Core/Central Roles.

7. Use the drop-down menus to select the appropriate roles to add or remove access to. The Add and Remove buttons can be used to add or remove rows.
Click the Role Description Reference link on the top of the form for more information on the roles.
All requests will be reviewed by HR. Central user requests will also be reviewed by an IT ERP HR business analyst.

- Select whether to add or remove a role.
- Select which role needs to be added or removed.
- Click Add to add another row.
- Click Remove next to a row to remove the row.
8. If Distributed Campus User roles are selected, you will need to specify the Department ID(s) for the requested roles. Click Select Department.
The Department Access field/s are required. If you do not provide the necessary Department IDs associated with the role/s being requested, your ARF will be rejected.

8.1. Place a checkmark next to all of the departments that the employee should be able to view reports for. Then click OK.
All of the departments in the employee's division will show up on this screen.

- Place a checkmark next to each department for the roles selected.
- Then click OK.
9. Click the Signatures button.

10. Click the checkbox to indicate that you've completed the form. Add any comments, if necessary. Click Submit to complete the form.

- Click the checkbox indicating that you have completed the form.
- Your signature and the date will autopopulate.
- Enter any comments, if applicable.
- Click Generate PDF to download a PDF version of the filled out form.
- Click Submit to complete the form and send it off for additional signatures.
Next Steps
Need More Help?
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
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