Advanced Search Overview
This article provides basic information on accessing and using the Advanced Search feature in TitanNet.
Advanced Search in TitanNet is a powerful tool that allows users to pull student information using predetermined filters. With this tool, users are able to access data about student populations by applying specific search criteria onto a query.
TitanNet pulls data from PeopleSoft in a nightly process every day, so data will be current up to the previous nightly refresh.
Getting Started
1. Log in to the campus portal. Click the TitanNet icon in the Titan Online widget.

EAB, the manufacturer of the Navigate software that runs TitanNet, has identified the following pointers for using the Advanced Search.
- Be mindful that most search filters create “AND” statements—as you build a search by laying on various filters, the query will run by adding all of these filters together.
Example: Major: Biology AND Classification: Junior AND Predicted Support Level: Moderate
will generate a list of junior Biology majors with moderate support needs.
- Note that some filters create “OR” statements, where you can make multiple selections within a given field. These search fields are indicated by the presence of an In Any of these identifier in the title.
Filters that allow you to make “OR” statements include:
• Category
• Tag
• Enrollment Term
• College/School
• Concentration
Example: Major: Biology OR Chemistry AND Classification: Junior OR Sophomore AND Predicted Support Level: Moderate OR Low
will generate a list of junior or senior students majoring in either Biology or Chemistry that have moderate or low support needs.
- While In Any of these statements allow for the creation of more inclusive searches, selections made in In All of these or in In None of these fields limit the scope of a search.
Example: Major (In Any of These): Biology OR Chemistry AND Category (In All of These): Transfer, First Generation AND Pell Eligible AND Category (In None of These): Transfer Orientation Completed
will generate a list of Biology or Chemistry majors that are transfer, first generation, Pell Eligible students that have not completed the transfer orientation.
- Keep in mind that the Advanced Search functionality will pull lists of current students that fit the parameters of the search, and information populating in the results will be a reflection of student data up to the last nightly refresh. The Advanced Search functionality is not meant to be a historical search, however, you can create parameters based on historical conditions by using the Enrollment History, Term Data, and Course Data fields.
Saving Searches and Search Results
After running a search, you can save your search parameters so that you can easily run the search again without having to enter the search filters each time.
Note that this saves the search parameters only—not the search results. To save a list of students, you will need to add them to a student list.
2. Enter a name for the search. Then, click Save Search.
Only you will be able to see the name, so pick something that makes sense to you.

- Type in a name for your search.
- Click Save Search.
3. To apply the saved search parameters to a new search, open the Saved Searches menu. Select which search you want to run. Then, click the Search button.

- Click Saved Searches to bring up a list of your saved searches.
- Select which search parameters you want to apply to your search.
- Click Search.
4. When you run a saved search, you can rename or delete it by clicking the respective button.

- Click Rename to enter a new name for the search.
- Click Delete Saved Search to remove the search from your saved searches.
Saving your results as a student list creates a static list that will not change unless you modify it yourself. You can then return to this list later on to identify the particular students to which your criteria applied.
1. After running a search, select which students you want to save to a list. Then, click Actions.

- Place a check next to the students that you want to save to a list. To select all students, place a check in the box in the table header.
- Click Actions.
2. Select Add to Student List from the Actions menu.

3. Select a list to add the students to or create a new list for them. Then, click Save.

- To add the students to an existing list, place a check next to the list you wish to add them to.
OR - Click Create new list and enter a name for the list that you wish to create and add the students to.
- Click Save.
4. You can access the student list in your Students tab or on the Lists and Saved Items page.

- Go to your Student tab in Staff Home and select the list you want to view from the List Type drop-down menu.
OR - Click the bullet list icon in the navigation menu to open the Lists and Saved Items page.
Need More Help?
Contact the Helpdesk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.
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