Advanced Search Filters
This article explains some commonly used search filters in the TitanNet Advanced Search page.
View the Advanced Search Overview article for information on accessing and using Advanced Search, including guidelines on using the different search filters and instructions about saving searches.
You can use each advanced search bucket on its own or combine filters across buckets to refine search results to fit your needs.
Student Information Bucket
The Student Information filters allow advisors to search for students by personal identifying information such as name, CWID, category, gender, race/ethnicity, and student categories.
Getting Started
Across different sections, filters act as "AND" conditions. For example, selecting "Female" from the Gender drop-down, "Yes" from the Transfer Student drop-down, and "STEM" from the Category (In Any of these) menu will generate a list of female transfer students enrolled in STEM programs.
- Click on the caret to expand the Student Information section and view the filters.
- You can search for students by First Name and Last Name.
- You can search for a range students using From Last Name as a lower limit and To Last Name as an upper limit.
- You can search for students by Student ID (CWID). You can search up to 300 CWIDs at a time.
- You can select a Gender from the drop-down menu to filter results by self-identified gender (i.e. male, female, other).
- You can select a Race or Ethnicity to filter results by self-reported race or ethnicity.
- You can filter results by students that are on a Student List that you've created. You may select multiple lists at a time.
- You can filter results by student transfer status in the Transfer Student menu.
- You can search for students by their CSUF Email.
- You can search for students within a particular Category. You can click within the field to open a drop-down menu of options. You can also type within the field to narrow down the available options within the drop-down. Examples of categories include cohort, student groups (e.g. honors, athletes, student government, etc.), program type (undergraduate, graduate, certificate, etc.), account holds, academic standing, graduation candidacy, and the like. The main Category field is set to retrieve results "in any of these" categories that you select. View more information about the In Any of these filter.
- Click on the plus sign button to open the additional "in all of these" and "in none of these" category filters. View more information about the In All of these filter or view more information about the In None of these filter.
Additional Category Filters ("in --- of these" filters)
If you click the plus sign button next to the Category menu, more fields that provide additional Boolean logic for searches will be revealed: "In All of these" and "In None of these".
Search results will contain students that meet any one or more condition–combines selections with “OR”.

In this example, the search results will include students that are Abrego Future Scholars, Guardian Scholars, and/or President's Scholars.
Search results will include students that meet all conditions–combines selections with “AND”.

In this example, the search results will include first-generation students that are also in the University Honors program and have been approved for graduation.
If you use multiple Category fields, "AND" conditions will be applied between the fields. The logic within each individual field remains the same.
In this example, the search results will include students that:
- are on Academic Notice OR Disqualification (In Any of these field)
AND - have applied for graduation AND are part of the Spring 2024 cohort (In All of these field)
AND - do not have Disqualification Advising OR Probation Advising holds. (In None of these field)
Additional Search Parameters
At the bottom of the Advanced Search page, there are three checkboxes next to the Search button that can apply additional filters onto your search.
- By default, only students who are active in the selected term are displayed in the search results. Place a check in the Include Inactive box to include students from past terms who meet your selected criteria. Including inactive students in your search may be helpful for retention and re-enrollment efforts.
- Place a check in the My Students Only box to only include students that are assigned to you in the search results.
- Place a check in the At-Risk Students Only box to limit search results to students with the At-Risk indicator on their record.
Course Data
The Course Data filters allow advisors to pull a query of students based on information such as enrollment term, course, section, status, and Canvas interaction.

Course Data Filters
- Click on the caret to expand the Course Data section and view the filters.
- Use the From Term and To Term drop-down menus to select semesters.
- Select a Course.
- If the course has multiple section types, you can select your preferred Section Type.
- You can choose a particular Section to search.
- Select a course Status from the following: Registered, Midterm Grade Received, Final Grade Received, and Not Registered.
- If you select Midterm Grade Received or Final Grade Received as the status, a data field will appear where you can select for which Additional Grades to search.
- You can select the Number of days since LMS activity with Course to filter by the student's last interaction with the associated Canvas course. The search results will include students whom have never engaged with the course and students whom have dropped the course.
- Click Add More Courses to add additional courses.
LMS Assignments
The LMS Assignments filters allow advisors in TitanNet to check on the status of students' Canvas assignments.

LMS Assignments Filters
If you made a selection in the Assignment Status and For this many assignments fields and want to change it back to "Any", click the X next to your menu selection to reset it to the default.

- Click on the caret to expand the LMS Assignments section and view the filters.
- Use the From Term and To Term drop-down menus to select semesters for which you want to view assignment status.
- Use the Assignment Status drop-down menu to filter by the following Canvas assignment statuses: No Due Date, Completed On Time, Past Due, Not Completed On Time, and Not Yet Due.
- In the Range of Points fields you can enter a minimum and/or maximum number of percentage points received. The results do not take assignments with no point allotment or assignments for dropped courses into account. Students with no point value for the assignment are also not included.
- Use the For this many assignments drop-down menu to search for students who have the specified number of Canvas assignments meeting your selected criteria. The results do not take assignments for dropped courses into account.
Need More Help?
Contact the Helpdesk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.
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