Completing a Finance Access Request Form
This article covers how to complete the PeopleSoft (CMS/ERP) Access Request Form in Adobe Experience Manager in order to request specialized access to the Finance system (CFS/OBIEE).
Please use one of the supported browsers to access ARFs in AEM:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
1. Log into the campus portal, then access your Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Forms Portal.
2. Use the search bar or the page numbers to search for the Finance Access Request Form. Click the paper airplane icon to launch the form.
- Type a search term into the search bar and hit Enter to search.
OR - Use the page numbers to navigate through the different forms.
THEN - Click the paper airplane icon to launch the form.
3. Enter the Employee ID (CWID). Then, tab to autopopulate the other Employee Information fields.
A user needs to be active in PeopleSoft HR in order for an ARF to be submitted on their behalf. It may take a few business days for an employee's record to be activated/updated in the system. ASI and ASC employees will need to contact CMS Security to request that a profile be created for them in the PeopleSoft HR system. View what information CMS Security needs to set up an employee profile.
4. Identify the Account Action Request.
Choose whether the employee is a New User, Existing User, has Changed Departments, or needs their access removed.
Field | Description |
New User | A user who does not currently have Finance access |
Existing User | A user whose Finance access needs to be modified |
Change Department | A user who has moved from one department to another and needs modifications to their Finance access |
Remove All Access | A user who no longer needs any of their Finance access as they have changed roles within the department or have left the department or university |
6. Select type of access needed: Distributed or Central User. The appropriate fields will become available after the selection.
Field | Definition |
Distributed User | An employee that works in a campus department that is not part of central financial operations for the entire campus (e.g. academic departments, student success centers, athletics, etc.) |
Central User | An employee who works in an Administration and Finance department that oversees the entire campus (e.g. Contracts and Procurement, Accounts Payable, Accounting and Financial Reporting, etc.) |
7. Use the drop-down menus to select the appropriate roles to add or remove access to. The Add and Remove buttons underneath the drop-down menu can be used to add or remove rows.
- Select whether to add or remove a role.
- Select which role needs to be added or removed.
- Add or remove drop-down menu rows using the Add or Remove button.
7.1. If Distributed User roles are selected, certain fields in the Department Access section will become available in which to provide additional information.
The Department Access field/s are required. If you do not provide the necessary Department ID, Requestors, or Approvers associated with the role/s being requested, your ARF will be rejected.
A. If Purchase Requisition Data Entry is selected, the Approvers for Requisition Data Entry only (In Division) and Approvers for Requisition Data Entry only (Other Division) fields will become available.
B. Click the Select Approvers button to bring up a checklist of approvers.
C. Place a checkmark next to all of the approvers that should be able to approve requisitions created by this employee. Then click OK.

D. The Approvers for Requisition Data Entry only field will populate with your selection/s.

A. If Revenue/Expense Reports, Purchasing Reports, My Queries is selected, the DeptID(s) for reporting access and Other Division Departments fields will become available.

B. Click on the Select Division Departments or Select Other Division Departments button to bring up a checklist of departments to which the employee should have access.

C. If Select Division Depts is selected, a checklist will open. Place a checkmark next to all of the departments that the employee should be able to view reports for. Then click OK.
D. If Select Other Division Depts is selected, a search field will open. Search for the departments which the employee should have access to view reports for. Click Add to choose the appropriate option/s from the list. Then, click Save to populate the form field.

A. Type the department name or ID into the search box.
B. Click Search to bring up a list of results.
C. Click the Add button next to the department/s you want to list on the form field.
D. Chosen options will populate under the Selected Departments heading.
E. Click Save.
E. The DeptID(s) for reporting access or Other Division Departments field will populate with your selection/s.

A. If Purchase Requisition Approval is selected, the Requestors for Requisition Approval only fields and the DOA for Requisition Approver only section will become available.

B. Click the Select Requestors button to bring up the user search window.
C. Search for the employees for whom the approver should be able to approve requisitions. Click Add to choose the appropriate option/s from the list. Click Save to populate the form field.
Only employees who have purchase requisition entry access will appear in this search. Be sure to add ALL of the employees for whom this approver should be able to approve purchase requisitions.

A. Type the employee name or CWID into the search box.
B. Click Search to bring up a list of results.
C. Click the Add button next to the employee/s you want to list on the form field.
D. Chosen options will populate under the Selected Requestor heading.
E. Click Save.
E. Scroll to the DOA for Requisition Approver Only section. Click the calendar icon to indicate the Effective Date of the Finance Delegation of Authority (DOA) for this employee. Then indicate if the Finance DOA is permanent or temporary. If it is temporary, add the End Date for the authority.
- Use the calendar icon in the date field to select an effective date.
- Use the radio buttons to select if the authority is permanent or temporary.
- If access is temporary, use the calendar icon in the date field to select an end date.
F. Click on Select Division Depts to place a checkmark next to all of the departments for which this employee now has Finance Delegation of Authority. Then, click OK.
G. If Select Other Division Depts is selected, a search field will open. Search for the departments which access is being requested. Click Add to choose the appropriate option/s from the list. Then, click Save to populate the form field.

- Type the department name or ID into the search box.
- Click Search to bring up a list of results.
- Click the Add button next to the department/s you want to list on the form field.
- Chosen options will populate under the Selected Departments heading.
- Click Save.
A. If Position Budgeting & Planning Reports is selected, the DeptID(s) for reporting access and Other Division Departments fields will become available.
B. Click on the Select Division Depts or Select Other Division Depts button to bring up a checklist of departments to which the employee has access.

C. If Select Division Departments is selected, a checklist will open. Place a checkmark next to all of the departments for which the employee should be able to view reports. Then click OK.
D. If Select Other Division Depts is selected, a search field will open. Search for the departments which the requestor should have access to view reports for. Click Add to choose the appropriate option/s from the list. Then, click Save to populate the form field.

- Type the department name or ID into the search box.
- Click Search to bring up a list of results.
- Click the Add button next to the department/s you want to list on the form field.
- Chosen options will populate under the Selected Departments heading.
- Click Save.
E. The DeptID(s) for reporting access or Other Division Departments field will populate with your selection/s.

A. If Budget Management Reports is selected, the DeptID(s) for reporting access and Other Division Departments fields will become available.
B. Click on the Select Division Depts or Select Other Division Depts button to bring up a checklist of departments to which the employee has access.

C. If Select Division Departments is selected, a checklist will open. Place a checkmark next to all of the departments that the employee should be able to view reports for. Then click OK.
D. If Select Other Division Depts is selected, a search field will open. Search for the departments which the requestor should have access to view reports for. Click Add to choose the appropriate option/s from the list. Then, click Save to populate the form field.

A. Type the department name or ID into the search bar.
B. Click Search to bring up a list of results.
C. Click the Add button next to the department you want to list on the form field.
D. Chosen options will populate under the Selected Departments heading.
E. Click Save.
E. The DeptID(s) for reporting access or Other Division Departments field will populate with your selection/s.

9. Click the checkbox to indicate that you've completed the form. Add any comments, if necessary. Click Submit to complete the form.
- Click the checkbox indicating that you have completed the form.
- Your signature and the date will autopopulate.
- Enter any comments, if applicable.
- Click Generate PDF to download a PDF version of the filled out form.
- Click Reset to clear all entries.
- Click Save to save a draft.
- Click Submit to complete the form and send it off for additional signatures.
Next Steps
Need More Help?
For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].
For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].
Morgan D.
Hi, I am trying to fill out the finance access request form on AEM and for some reason I can't find it. It there any other way I can find it or is there another website I should be looking??
Best regards,
Morgan D.
Camille Johnson
Hi Morgan! PeopleSoft access is typically only given to CSUF employees or volunteers with special business justification. If you're logging into AEM Forms using your student ( email, that might be why you're unable to access the form. You might be able to find/submit the form if you log in with your employee account (zz-account or but I would really recommend that you instead ask your supervisor or an administrative staff member in your area of employment to submit the form on your behalf.