Budget Management Dashboard Overview

This article contains an overview of the Budget Management dashboard including: available reports and report defaults.

Available Reports

The following reports are currently available for the Budget Management dashboard:

  • Baseline Position Budget: Updated nightly, this report is the Baseline Salary Budget Roster which  takes permanent budget by organization and identifies all permanent employees. It can be used to verify if there are enough funds to cover salaries of existing employees, replacements or new positions in an organization. It pulls baseline salary budget and compares with official employee compensation rate that translates to annual salaries and gives a budget plan. This report identifies budget need of an  organization from a Multi-Year Planning perspective. It represents an approved annualized funding plan for salary of permanent employees and identifies permanent structural deficits, if any. This report can also be called Annual Permanent Positions Roster. It includes: Budgeted FTE, Baseline Budget, Annualized Salary, Annualized TBH (To Be Hired) Salary, and Base Available.

  • Baseline Budget All Employees: Similar to the Baseline Position Budget report, the Baseline Budget All Employees report is a Position Roster for all employees, not just permanent ones funded from Baseline and One-Time funding. Although detailed position information is only available for salaried employees based on annual salary, you can see the allocated budget for temporary help (including fiscal year renewals), student assistants, and other non-permanent employees. It includes: Budgeted FTE, Baseline Budget, Annualized Salary, Annualized TBH (To Be Hired) Salary, and Budget Available. Departments can budget for non-salaried (hourly employees) using TBH Salary for planning purposes (optional).

  • FY Salary Budget: This report identifies budget need from a Current Fiscal Year Planning Perspective (non permanent/annual budget to account for the impact of changes throughout the fiscal year) based onactual YTD payroll (such as stipends/lump sum payments and overtime). It includes: FY Budget, YTD Projected Pay, Department Position Budget, and Budget Available. Similar to the Baseline Position Budget Report, this report includes budget need for vacant/to be hired positions. Users can drill down in the report to see details of each position with regards to Department Position Budget.

  • FY Salary Detail: This report supplements the FY Salary Budget report by providing drill down detail into the YTD Projected Pay. This detail shows each employee and their YTD pay for each month as well as projected pay for the remainder of the fiscal year and is similar to the Employee Salary Projection report.

  • FY Salary and OEE Budget: This report shows your current balance for all of your transactions (both salary and non-salary transactions) and projections for payroll expenses. It includes: Baseline Budget, Revised Budget, Current Year Actuals, Encumbrance, Pre-Encumbrance, Budget Balance Available, Expenditure Forecast - Payroll Expense, and Projected BBA Including Payroll.

  • Financial Summary By Year: This report groups together all revenue and expenditures by account type andcategory to give an overall summary for a single fiscal year or a range of fiscal years. It includes the Department, Fund, Account Category, and Actuals for each fiscal year included on the report.

  • Budget Projection by Source: This report shows expenditure projections through the end of the fiscal year for salaries, benefits, OE&E, and revenue, from all funding source(s) that may be applied to those line items, and the net difference. It includes: Expenditure Category, Expenditure Projection, ASI, Capital, Continuing Education, Cost Recovery, Financial Aid, Graduation Initiative, Health Facilities, Housing, Lottery, Operating Fund, Parking, SW CO Grants, State GF, Student Health Center, Student Success Initiative, Trust, Total, and Surplus (Shortage).

  • Budget Projection by Category: This report shows expenditure projections through the end of the fiscal year broken down by fund and program. It also breaks down the projections by expenditure category and shows the surplus/deficit. It includes: Expenditure Projection, OE&E, Revenue, Salaries, Benefits, Balance Sheet, and Surplus/Deficit.

  • Budget Transaction Detail: This report is a detail report of all of your budget transactions (both salary and non-salary transactions) such as initial baseline budget, benefits, budget transfers, carry forward, etc. It includes: Scenario, Journal ID, Journal Line Description, Document Line Description, Journal Line Reference, Journal Date, Baseline Budget, and Revised Budget.

  • Employee Salary Projection: This report shows salary projections for specific employees. It is similar to the Salary Expenditure (SEP) report. It includes: Jobcode, Position Number, Person Name, FTE, Person ID, Actual Pay (white) or Projected Pay (yellow) for each month of the fiscal year, and Total.

Report Defaults

Each report on the Budget Management dashboard has default settings that are applied if you do not set up your own personal preferences for the page using Page Options (see Data Warehouse Basics & Overview user guides for more on this).

  • Baseline Position Budget: By default, the report will show the current fiscal year, THEFD, and accounts 601030, 601100, 601101, 601201, and 601300.
  • Baseline Budget All Employees: By default, the report will show the current fiscal year, THEFD, and accounts 601030, 601100, 601101, 601102, 601103, 601201, 601300, 601301, 601302, 601303, 601304, 601800, 601802, 601803, 601804, 601805, 601807, 602001, 602002, and 602011.
  • FY Salary Budget: By default, the report will show the current fiscal year, THEFD, and accounts 601030, 601100, 601101, 601201, and 601300.
  • FY Salary Detail: By default, the report will show the current fiscal year, THEFD, and accounts 601030, 601100, 601101, 601201, and 601300.
  • FY Salary and OEE Budget: By default, the report will show THEFD and both revenue and expenditure accounts (60; 50).
  • Financial Summary By Year: By default, the report will show the current fiscal year, all accounting periods, both revenue and expenditure accounts (60; 50), and THEFD.
  • Budget Projection by Source: By default, the report will show both revenue and expenditure accounts (60;50).
  • Budget Projection by Category: By default, the report will show both revenue and expenditure accounts (60;50).
  • Budget Transaction Detail: By default, the report will show the current fiscal year, the current accounting period (year to date), and THEFD.
  • Employee Salary Projection: By default, the report will show you the current fiscal year, all accounting periods, THEFD, and accounts 601030, 601100, 601101, 601201, and 601300.

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with the Data Warehouse, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For assistance with the Budget Management reports and data, please email [email protected].


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