Financial Summary by Year Report

This article covers how to run and interpret the Financial Summary by Year report on the Budget Management dashboard.

What does this report show?

This report groups together all revenue and expenditures by account type and category to give an overall summary for a single fiscal year or a range of fiscal years. It includes the Department, Fund, Account Category, and Actuals for each fiscal year included on the report.

Accessing the Report

1. Log in to the CSUF Data Warehouse (OBIEE).

2. Click on Dashboards and select Budget Management.

Dashboard selector
  1. Click on the Dashboards menu in the CSUF Data Warehouse.
  2. Select Budget Management.

3. Click the Financial Summary By Year tab on the Budget Management dashboard.

Report selector

Report Overview

The Financial Summary By Year report is a multi-year report by fiscal year.

When you access the report, your personal settings for the report (page) appear. If you have not set up your personal settings, the system defaults will automatically populate.

Financial Summary By Year Report

Report Filters

The first section of the report contains the available filters. Utilize the filters to narrow down your report results or find specific values.

Available filters
Filter Descriptions
Filter Description
Fiscal Year (Between) The range of fiscal years for which you wish to view data. Recall that each calendar year represents a fiscal year (e.g. 2017 = FY 2017-2018).
Period From/Period To The range of accounting periods (months) for which you wish to view data. It is recommended that you use the defaults of 0 and 12 for these fields in order to view all of the data for each fiscal year.
Account Type The specific account code types for which you wish to view data. Available account types include 50 (revenue) and 60 (expense).
Account Category The specific types of account codes for which you wish to view data along with the name of each category.
Fund The specific fund code(s) for which you wish to view data.
Dept The specific department ID(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the department ID(s).
Account The specific account code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the account code(s).
Project The specific project code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the project code(s).
Program The specific program code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the program code(s).
Class The specific class code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the class code(s).

Report Parameters, Available Column Headers, and Report Views

Just under the report filters are the report parameters, the available column headers, and the report views for the report results table.

Available columns

Fiscal Year and Period will show the filters you selected at the top of the report. The Time Run will show when you last ran the report with these filters.

The data used in this report is updated nightly for budget, revenue, and expenditures; it is updated monthly with salary and benefit information when the Labor Cost Distribution (LCD) process is run.

Available Column Headers

The following column headers are available for the report results table.

Use the drop-down menus to select the columns you want to see on your report results table and then click OK.

For all columns except the first one, you can choose the Hide Column option to hide the column from the results table.

Dept Fdescr Both the Department ID and the name associated with the Department ID appear.
Bus Unit Legal entity of the financial group
Fund The Fund code associated with the line item.
Fund Fdescr Both the Fund code and the name associated with the Fund code appear.
Fund CF Status This notes if the Chartfield is currently active or inactive. This is needed for reports run for multiple years with history.
Dept ID The Department ID associated with the line item.
Account The Account code associated with the line item.
Acct Fdescr Both the Account code and the name associated with the Account code appear.
Acct Cat The Account Category code associated with the line item.
Acct Cat Fdescr Both the Account Category code and the name associated with the Account Category code appear.
Acct Type The Account Type code associated with the line item.
Acct Type Fdescr Both the Account Type code and the name associated with the Account Type code appear.
Project The Project code associated with the line item.
Project Fdescr Both the Project code and the name associated with the Project code appear.
Program The Program code associated with the line item.
Prog Fdescr Both the Program code and the name associated with the Program code appear.
Class The Class code associated with the line item.
Class Fdescr Both the Class code and the name associated with the Class code appear.
Scenario The code associated with the type of budget transaction for the line item.
Scenario Fdescr Both the code associated with the type of budget transaction and the name associated with the code appear.
Dept Tree Name The campus creates groupings of chart fields called trees. These are used to give subtotals of more than one chart field.
Dept Level 1 Fdescr On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Dept Level 2 Fdescr On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Dept Level 3 Fdescr On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Dept Level 4 Fdescr On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Dept Level 5 Fdescr On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Fund Tree Name The campus creates groupings of chart fields called trees. These are used to give subtotals of more than one chart field.
Fund Level 1 Fdescr On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Fund Level 2 Fdescr On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Fund Level 3 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Fund Level 4 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Fund Level 5 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Acct Tree Name The campus creates groupings of chart fields called trees. These are used to give subtotals of more than one chart field.
Acct Level 1 Fdescr On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Acct Level 2 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Acct Level 3 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Acct Level 4 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Acct Level 5 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Project Tree Name The campus creates groupings of chart fields called trees. These are used to give subtotals of more than one chart field.
Project Level 1 Fdescr On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Project Level 2 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Project Level 3 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Project Level 4 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Project Level 5 Fdescr
On a chart field tree there are several levels of groupings.
Fund CF Att Type Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Fund CF Att Val Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Fund CF Att Val Descr Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Fund CF Att Val Fdescr Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Fund CF Att Val Fld Name Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Acct CF Att Type Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Acct CF Att Val Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Acct CF Att Val Descr Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Acct CF Att Val Fdescr Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Acct CF Att Val Fld Name Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Project CF Att Type Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Project CF Att Val Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Project CF Att Val Descr Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Project CF Att Val Fdescr Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
Project CF Att Val Fld Name Attributes are values that are associated with a chart field and can be used to group values together for summary style reports.
CSU Fund The Fund number given to the campus from the CO. This fund can have several Campus funds that make it up.
CSU Fund Fdescr The Fund number given to the campus from the CO. This fund can have several Campus funds that make it up.
FIRMS Proj Cd Fdescr Activities on the campus are grouped by Project codes from the CO these can be entire funds or grouping of accounts/Object codes.
FIRMS Obj Cd Fdescr This the nature of the expense or the campus the account. The CO uses standard Objects/Accounts to group expenses. The campus can have several accounts making up one Object code.
SCO Fund This the breakdown of Campus funds into the State Controllers Funds (SCO), the campus can have more then one fund to each SCO fund.
SCO Fund Fdescr This the breakdown of Campus funds into the State Controllers Funds (SCO), the campus can have more then one fund to each SCO fund.
SCO Subfund This the breakdown of Campus funds into the State Controllers Funds (SCO), the campus can have more then one fund to each SCO fund.
SCO Subfund Fdescr This the breakdown of Campus funds into the State Controllers Funds (SCO), the campus can have more then one fund to each SCO fund.
Fund Proc Type Fdescr SCO funds are grouped into Types. Example could be revenue, expense or capital.
CSU Fund Type SCO funds are grouped into Types. Example could be revenue, expense or capital.
Approp Rev Dt Date of state fund
Approp Avl To Date of state fund
State GL Acct Fdescr State object codes descriptions
Net Asset Cat Grouping of state Object codes
Nat Class Fdescr Grouping of state Object codes

Report Views

You can use the Report Views to change the type of data you see in the results table.

Report View Description
Summary By Year (Actuals) Results will show only actuals data (revenue and expenditures)
Summary By Year (Budget Bal) Results will show only budget data
Summary By Year (Budget and Actuals) Results will show both budget and actuals data
Filters Shows the selected filters for the report

Report Results Table

The second section of the report contains the report results table.

Report Results

Column Descriptions

Each column in this report will be one of the fiscal years that you selected in the report filters. Depending on which Report View you are using, you will see Actuals data, Budget data, or both.

Fiscal Year Value (e.g., 2017) For Actuals, this will be the total of all of the revenue and expenditure transactions for that fiscal year.

For Current Budget, this will be the total of all of the budget transactions for that fiscal year.

Additional Detail

You can click on hyperlinks in the fiscal year totals to view the specific transactions included in the total.

Hyperlink in results table

Financial Summary By Year Detail

Details screen

For Actuals, you will see a detail of all of the revenue and expenditure transactions. For Current Budget, you will see a detail of all of the budget transactions.

2. To return to the previous screen, click Return at the bottom left of the screen.

If you use your browser's Back button, you may lose the report filter that you were working with.

Return link

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with the Data Warehouse, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For assistance with the Budget Management reports and data, please email [email protected].


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