Employee Salary Projection Report
This article covers how to run and interpret the Employee Salary Projection report on the Budget Management dashboard.
What does this report show?
This report shows salary projections for specific employees. It is similar to the Salary Expenditure (SEP) report. It includes: Jobcode ID, Position Number, Person Name, FTE, Person ID, each month of the fiscal year, and Total.
As of July 2018, this report replaces the Salary Expenditure Projection (SEP) report.
1. Log in to the CSUF Data Warehouse (OBIEE).
2. Click on Dashboards and select Budget Management.
- Click on the Dashboards menu in the CSUF Data Warehouse.
- Select Budget Management.
Report Overview
The Employee Salary Projection report is a fiscal year overview showing actual salary expenditures for past months and salary projections for future months.
When you access the report, your personal settings for the report (page) appear. If you have not set up your personal settings, the system defaults will automatically populate.
Report Filters
The first section of the report contains the available filters. Utilize the filters to narrow down your report results or find specific values.
Filter | Description |
Fiscal Year | The beginning calendar year of the Fiscal Year for which you wish to view data (i.e., FY 2017-2018 = 2017). |
Accounting Period | The month(s) for which you wish to view data. |
Fund | The specific fund code(s) for which you wish to view data. |
Account | The specific account code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the account code(s). |
Program | The specific program code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the program code(s). |
Class | The specific class code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the class code(s). |
Position Number | The specific position number(s) for which you wish to view data. |
Division | The specific campus division(s) for which you wish to view data. |
Department | The specific department ID(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the department ID(s). |
Jobcode | The specific jobcode(s) for which you wish to view data long with the name associated with the jobcode(s). |
Available Column Headers
Just under the report filters are the available columns headers for the report results table.
The following column headers are available for the report results table.
Use the drop-down menus to select the columns you want to see on your report results table and then click OK.
For all columns except the first one, you can choose the Hide Column option to hide the column from the results table.
Column | Description |
Division | The campus division associated with the line item. |
Department | The department ID and department name associated with the line item. |
Account Description | The account code and name associated with the line item. |
Fund Code | The fund code associated with the line item. |
Program Code | The program code and name associated with the line item. |
Class | The class code and name associated with the line item. |
Jobcode | The jobcode and name associated with the line item. |
Position Number | The position number associated with the line item. |
Person ID | The Campus-Wide ID (CWID) associated with the person in the position. |
Report Results Table
The second section of the report contains the report results table.
The columns in yellow contain projection data.
Column Descriptions
Column | Description |
Person Name | The name of the employee currently occupying the position. |
FTE | This column indicates the total Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) of the person in the position in the line item. Note that a position may have an FTE of 1.00 with two people occupying that position at .50 FTE each. |
Person ID | The Campus-Wide ID (CWID) associated with the person. |
Monthly Totals | For each month in the fiscal year, the actual salary amount paid for the position OR projected salary amount (if column is in yellow). |
Total | This total is calculated by adding up the actual salary amounts and the projected salary amounts for the fiscal year for the position. |
Need More Help?
For technical assistance with the Data Warehouse, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.
For assistance with the Budget Management reports and data, please email [email protected].
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