Requisitions Report

This article covers how to run and interpret the Requisitions report on the Purchasing dashboard.

This user guide assumes basic knowledge of Data Warehouse. View the Data Warehouse Basics guides for more information.

What does this report show?

The Requisition report allows you to view and search purchase requisition information from July 2010 to present.

Accessing the Report

1. Log in to the CSUF Data Warehouse (OBIEE).

2. Click on Dashboards and select Purchasing.

Dashboard select
  1. Click on the Dashboards menu in the CSUF Data Warehouse.
  2. Select Purchasing.

3. Click the Requisitions tab on the Purchasing dashboard.

Requisition report select

Report Overview

The Requisitions report will show you all requisitions for your department(s) since July 2010 by default.

When you access the report, your personal settings for the report (page) appear. If you have not set up your personal settings, the system defaults will automatically populate.

Requisitions report

Report Filters

The first section of the report contains the available filters. Utilize the filters to narrow down your report results or find specific values.

Leaving a filter blank is equivalent to selecting all available values with values associated with them (e.g., if you leave Department blank, your report will show all requisitions for all of the departments that you have access to).

Requisition Report Filters
Filter Descriptions
Filter Description
Requisition Date Range The specific date or range of dates for which you wish to view purchase requisition information.
Requisition # The ID number assigned to the purchase requisition.
REQ STATUS The current status of the purchase requisition. Values include:
  • A (Approved)
  • C (Completed)
  • O (Open)
  • X (Cancelled)
Division The specific campus division(s) for which you wish to view data.
Sub-Division The specific campus sub-division(s) for which you wish to view data.
Sub-Division/College The specific campus college(s) for which you wish to view data.
Department/College The specific department ID(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the department ID(s).

Report Parameters

Just under the report filters are the report parameters for the report results table.

Requisition Report Parameters

Business Unit will always be FLCMP (Fullerton Campus).

Total Number of Records Retrieved will be the total number of rows in the search results table.

Any other filters that you have selected in the report filters will also appear in this section.

Report Results Table

The second section of the report contains the report results table.

Requisition Report Results

Column Descriptions

Column Description
REQ ID The ID number assigned to the requisition.
REQ DATE Date the requisition was created in CFS by the Requester.
APPROVAL DATE Date the requisition was approved in CFS by the Approver.
REQ STATUS The current status of the purchase requisition. Values include:
  • A (Approved)
  • C (Completed)
  • O (Open)
  • X (Cancelled)
REQUESTOR Name of the Requester who created the requisition in CFS.
DEPTID The Department ID chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
FUND_CODE The Fund chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
REQ AMOUNT Total amount for each line of the requisition. For requisitions with multiple lines, there will be multiple rows.
REQ LINE DESCRIPTION Line description entered by the Requester when creating the requisition. For requisitions with multiple lines, there will be multiple rows.

Requisition Detail

You can click on the REQ ID hyperlink to view more detail about the requisition.

1. Click on the REQ ID to view additional details.

Req ID hyperlink

2. Click on the Req Detail pop-up that appears.

Req Detail pop up

Req Detail Column Descriptions

Requisition Detail
Column Description
REQ ID The ID number assigned to the purchase requisition.
REQ DATE Date the requisition was created in CFS by the Requester.
APPROVAL DATE Date the requisition was approved in CFS by the Approver.
REQ STATUS The current status of the purchase requisition. Values include:
  • A (Approved)
  • C (Completed)
  • O (Open)
  • X (Cancelled)
REQUESTOR Name of the Requester who created the requisition in CFS.
LINE NUMBER The line number of the requisition. For requisitions with multiple lines, there will be multiple rows.
REQ AMOUNT Total amount for each line of the requisition. For requisitions with multiple lines, there will be multiple rows.
REQ LINE DESCRIPTION Line description entered by the Requester when creating the requisition. For requisitions with multiple lines, there will be multiple rows.
QTY The quantity of the item ordered on the line. For requisitions with multiple lines, there will be multiple rows.
PRICE The price of the item ordered on the line. For requisitions with multiple lines, there will be multiple rows.
ACCOUNT The Account chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION The name associated with the Account chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
FUND The Fund chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
FUND DESCRIPTION The name associated with the Fund chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
DEPTID The Department ID chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The name associated with the Department ID chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
PROGRAM The Program chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The name associated with the Program chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
CLASS The Class chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
CLASS DESCRIPTION The name associated with the Class chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
PROJECT The Project chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION The name associated with the Project chartfield code to be billed for the line charges.

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with the Data Warehouse, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For questions about getting access to the Data Warehouse or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.

For questions about purchase requisitions or purchase orders, contact Contracts & Procurement at [email protected] or 657-278-5230.