FY Salary Detail Report

This article covers how to run and interpret the FY Salary Detail report on the Budget Management dashboard.

What does this report show?

This report supplements the FY Salary Budget report by providing drill down detail into the YTD Projected Pay. This detail shows each employee and their YTD pay for each month as well as projected pay for the remainder of the fiscal year and is similar to the Employee Salary Projection report.

Accessing the Report

1. Log in to the CSUF Data Warehouse (OBIEE).

2. Click on Dashboards and select Budget Management.

Dashboard selector
  1. Click on the Dashboards menu in the CSUF Data Warehouse.
  2. Select Budget Management.

3. Click the FY Salary Detail tab on the Budget Management dashboard.

Report selector

Report Overview

The FY Salary Detail report is a year-to-date report by fiscal year.

When you access the report, your personal settings for the report (page) appear. If you have not set up your personal settings, the system defaults will automatically populate.

FY Salary Detail Report

Report Filters

The first section of the report contains the available filters.  Utilize the filters to narrow down your report results or find specific  values.

Available filters
Filter Descriptions
Fiscal Year
The beginning calendar year of the Fiscal Year for which you wish to view data (i.e., FY 2017-2018 = 2017).
The specific fund code(s) for which you wish to view data.
Account Description
The specific account code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the account code(s).
The specific program code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the program code(s).
The specific class code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the class code(s).
The specific project code(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the project code(s).
The specific campus division(s) for which you wish to view data.
The specific campus sub-division(s) or college(s) for which you wish to view data.
Master Department
A Master Department groups several departments together. Use this to  select one or more specific master departments for which you wish to  view data.
The specific department ID(s) for which you wish to view data along with the name associated with the department ID(s).

Report Parameters and Available Column Headers

Just under the report filters are the report parameters and the available columns headers for the report results table.

Available columns

Report Parameters

Fiscal Year will match the Fiscal Year in the report filters.

Closed Period will be the most recent accounting period/month that has closed.

Therefore, the report will be showing year-to-date information for  the selected fiscal year from July 1st through the Closed Period.

Available Column Headers

The following column headers are available for the report results table.

Use the drop-down menus to select the columns you want to see on your report results table and then click OK.

For all columns except the first one, you can choose the Hide Column option to hide the column from the results table.

The campus division associated with the line item.
The sub-division/college associated with the line item.
Master Department
The master department associated with the line item.
The department ID and department name associated with the line item.
Account Description
The account code and name associated with the line item.
The fund code associated with the line item.
The program code and name associated with the line item.
The class code and name associated with the line item.
The project code and name associated with the line item.

Report Results Table

The second section of the report contains the report results table.

Report Results

Column Descriptions

FY Budget
The total amount of the revised budget allocated for the line item as of the fiscal year and closed period.
YTD Projected Pay The amount currently spent this fiscal year on salaries for the line item plus salary projections for the rest of the fiscal year.
Department Position Budget
The amount budgeted for the salaries of the position(s) in the line item.
Budget Available
This total is calculated based on the revised budget minus the YTD projected pay and the department position budget.

Additional Detail

You can click on hyperlinks in the FY Budget, YTD Projected Pay, Department Position Budget, or Budget Available totals to view additional YTD Projected Pay details.

Hyperlink in results table

FY Salary Detail - YTD Projection Detail

Detail screen

The table at the top shows the report result information from the previous screen.

The table on the bottom shows the same chartfield but with the Jobcode Description, Position Description, Position Number, Employee Name, Class Description, Union Code, Position Status, Actual FTE, Actual Pay, Projected Pay (in yellow), and Total for each of the positions.

2. To return to the previous screen, click Return below either table.

If you use your browser's Back button, you may lose the report filter that you were working with.

Return link

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with the Data Warehouse, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For assistance with the Budget Management reports and data, please email [email protected].


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