Accessing the Graded Class List
This article covers how faculty can access their graded class list from the Faculty Homepage (Faculty Center).
1. Log in to your Faculty Homepage.
4. Your Graded List Summary appears.
Select a filter and then click Apply to update the report.
Filter | Description |
Term | The semester (e.g., Fall 2018). |
Reading the Table
The Graded Class List Summary table shows each class that the faculty taught for the selected semester along with the grade distribution by count or percentage of enrolled students who earned each grade.
To switch between the Count and Percentage view options, use the View By drop-down menu just above the table.
Field | Description |
Subject | The course subject (e.g., HUSR). |
Catalog Number | The course catalog number (e.g., 101A). |
Course | The title of the course (e.g., Introduction to Art). |
Max Units | The maximum number of units a student can earn for the course. |
Section | The course section number (e.g., 01). |
Class Number | The ID number assigned to the specific section of the course (e.g., 12345). |
Primary Faculty | The primary instructor granted the ability to assign and approve grades for the course. |
Instructor Name | The instructor of record for the course. |
GPA | The average GPA for all students enrolled in the course. |
Enroll Count | The total number of students enrolled in the course. |
Grade | The count or percentage of students enrolled in the course who received the grade listed in the column header (e.g., the percentage of enrolled students who received an A+ in the course). |
Accessing the Graded Class List Detail
1. Click on a class number to view the Graded Class List detail.

2. Review the detail information. Click Return at the bottom of the screen to return to the previous screen.
Before downloading or printing the Graded Class List detail, be sure to hide the CWID and name of the student to protect student privacy. See below for instructions on hiding this information.

Reading the Chart
The Graded Class List Summary chart shows each class that the faculty taught for the selected semester along with the grade distribution by count or percentage of enrolled students who earned each grade.
To switch between the Count and Percentage view options, use the View By drop-down menu just above the table.

Downloading and Printing the Graded Class List
1. When printing or downloading the detail report, hide columns by right-clicking (or Command + click on a Mac) on the column and selecting Exclude Column.

- Right-click (or Command + click on a Mac) on the Name field.
- Select Exclude column.
Repeat this with the CWID column to hide the student's Name and CWID.
2. Now you can click on the Print link at the bottom of the screen to create a printable PDF or click on Export > Excel 2007+ to export the results to Excel.

If you choose to export your results as Data, please note that you may have to manually remove the students' names and CWIDs from the Excel spreadsheet.
- Click Print > Printable PDF to create a printable PDF version of these results.
- Click Export > Excel 2007+ to export the results to Microsoft Excel.
Need More Help?
Contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777 for additional assistance.
Dr. Gloria Monti
Is there an option to meet with somebody to go through this process? I have always submitted paper documents and this is new to me. Also, if this is all online, why is there an option to print?
Thank you,
Camille Johnson
Hi Dr. Monti! Most functions on CMS have an option to print, which typically generates a PDF or Excel file which can be downloaded and printed if need be. For more guidance on accessing graded class lists, you can reach out to the Academic Technology Center or Online Education and Training, both of which are located in PLS-237. Contact information is as follows: [email protected] or 657-278-4050; or [email protected].