Request Cancelling a Section

This article details the process of canceling a section via the Requests page during Phases 3 and 4 (Administrative Review and Go Live).

1. Log in to Coursedog. If prompted, select Scheduling.

coursedog products page

2. Select Requests from the Scheduling Management menu on the left.

coursedog scheduling page

3. Click Create Request.

requests page

4. Select Section Change. Then, click Create Request.

request type selection
  1. Select Section Change from the Request Type drop-down menu.
  2. Click Create Request.

5. Select a term from the drop-down menu. Set the type of change to Edit Section. Then, type in the course you want to cancel and select the section to cancel. Enter a reason for canceling the class, then scroll down the page to proceed to the next steps.

Do not click Submit Request at this time.

section change screen
  1. Select the term of the class that you want to cancel.
  2. Select Edit Section as the type of change.
  3. Type in the course that you want to cancel. Do not include spaces (e.g. ENGL101 not ENGL 101). Then, select the course. Make sure that you select the correct career (e.g. undergraduate, extended education).
  4. Select the section of the course that you want to cancel.
  5. Type in a reason why the class is being canceled.

6. Scroll down to the Schedule Change Requests card. Click No, then select Schedule Change Form from the drop-down menu.

Schedule Change Requests card
  1. Click No to indicate that you are not changing the class meeting days and times.
  2. Select Schedule Change Form from the drop-down menu.

7. Scroll down to the Class Status card and change the Class Status to Cancelled. Provide a reason why the class is being cancelled. Then, answer the questions about changing the Section Dashboard Class Status, notifying students, and reassigning the room to another section.

class status block
  1. Select Cancelled from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter a reason for the cancellation.
  3. Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not you notified enrolled students that the class is being cancelled.
  4. Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the class is being reassigned to another room.

7.1. When the Class Status is changed to Cancelled, a red message appears at the top of the screen detailing the next steps to properly cancel the class.

cancelled message prompt

8. Scroll down to the Meeting Patterns & Rooms card and delete the current meeting pattern(s). Hover over the meeting pattern(s), then click the minus sign that appears.

meeting patters and rooms block

9. Scroll down to the Instructors card. Delete the current instructor(s) by clicking the minus sign next to their name(s).

instructors block

10. Scroll down to the Exam Meetings card. Click Delete Exam Meeting to remove the scheduled final exam.

exam meetings block

11. Scroll down to the Enrollment Settings card. Click “Yes” to “Cancel if Student Enrolled."

enrollment settings block

12. Scroll back up to the top of the page and click Submit Request.

section change screen

Need More Help?

For training and how-to assistance, contact IT Training at 657-278-5647 or [email protected].

For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 657-278-7777 or [email protected].

You are done. Great job!


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