Student Accept or Decline Admissions Offer

This guide covers how students can accept or decline their admissions offer to the university through their Student Homepage.

You must turn off pop-up blockers in your web browser to avoid any issues, particularly with paying your enrollment administrative charge. View instructions on how to disable pop-up blockers.

The team monitoring comments on this article does not work for Admissions. We are not able to verify admission status or answer student-specific questions received in the comments. Please contact Admissions with admission status inquiries or Student Business Services with questions about payments.

CSUF portal homepage
  1. Locate the Titan Online widget on your portal homepage.
  2. Click on Student Homepage.
  3. You can also click on the PeopleSoft Apps shortcut menu.
  4. Then click on Student Homepage.

3. Select Admission.

Student Homepage

4. Select Accept/Decline Admission Offer.

admission menu options
Accept Admissions Offer

1. Click Accept/Decline.

accept decline page

2. Click Next.

your decision screen

3. Click Accept.

Note: If you would like to decline the admissions offer, please refer to Decline Admissions Offer.

accept admission

4. Click Confirm Acceptance.

If you are eligible for an enrollment administrative charge deferral, it will say Yes next to Charge Deferral in the Your Decision box.

confirm acceptance

If the Charge Deferral says Yes, you qualify for a deferral, so you do not need to pay the charge at this time and will not see the next steps. You're done!

5. Confirm that you understand that there is a non-refundable administrative charge required. Then, click Pay Now.

You will only see the following steps if you need to pay the enrollment administrative charge. You will not see the following steps if you are eligible for a charge deferral.

acknowledge enrollment charge
  1. Place a check next to the statement acknowledging the non-refundable administrative charge.
  2. Click Pay Now.

6. You may briefly see this screen as you are taken to another page to pay the enrollment charge.

Depending on which browser you are using, the new page may open in another tab or window.

message indicating new page will open

6.1. If you are on a Mac using Safari, the pop-up window/tab may still be blocked. Click on the window icon on the right in the address bar to open the payment window.

Safari pop up window blocked; click window icon in address bar

7. You will see the CashNet page where you can pay your enrollment charge. Follow the steps on the left to pay by credit/debit card or electronic check and complete your transaction. Then you're done!

cashnet page to pay enrollment charge
Decline Admissions Offer

1. Click Accept/Decline.

accept decline page

2. Click Next.

your decision screen

3. Click Decline.

Note: If you would like to accept the admissions offer, please refer to Accept Admissions Offer.

decline admission

4. Click Confirm Decline.

confirm decline

5. A page indicating you have declined your admission offer to CSUF will display.

admission declined

Need More Help?

Remember—the team monitoring comments on this article are not able to confirm admission status or answer questions about specific situations. Please refer to the appropriate points of contact listed below.

Questions about your admission requirements or status?

Contact the Office of Admissions at [email protected] or (657) 278-3100.

Questions about your enrollment administrative charge?

Contact Student Business Services at [email protected], (657) 278-2495, or via SBS Live Chat (login required for chat).

Technical issues in accessing Student Homepage or your campus portal account?

Contact the Student IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888 or via live chat (login required for chat).


Daniela Manzo

My credit card information is invalid whenever I try to pay? My family members even let me use their credit cards but it keeps saying the information is invalid. Please help.

Veronica Cabrera

I'm trying to pay but where do I pay.

Lori Arthur

Hi Daniela and Veronica! Please contact Student Business Services for assistance at [email protected], (657) 278-2495, or using their Live Chat feature:$ You can also find information on making payments on their website:

Dalia Ramos

Hello. I have just accepted my offer and made my installment payment. I am still given the option to "accept" again. Does this mean I have to wait for the payment to process for this to change? Thank you.

Camille Johnson

Hi Dalia! If you were able to successfully go through the acceptance and payment process, then you are most likely in prematriculating status. It may take some time for everything to fully process.

Araceli Morales

Hi, the option to pay my enrollment fee doesn't take me to pay. I also followed the instructions, but that does not work either. it takes me to a whole different page. what Can I do? Thank you.

Ariana L Tabler

Hello. Even though my admission says deposit deferral, is there any way to make sure that the application is fully complete by May 1st?

Camille Johnson

Hi Araceli! It sounds like you might have qualified for a deposit deferral. Students that qualify do not have to pay the deposit and will not have to go through Steps 5-8 of the acceptance process. After accepting, these students go into prematriculating status while the admission acceptance is being processed. After processing is complete, you should receive more information via your student portal and email.

Camille Johnson

Hi Ariana! You should be fine if you accept admission before the deadline. To check, you can reach out to Admissions or your major department--they will be able to look up your status and tell you whether you're pending (action needed), prematriculating (admission accepted and processing), or matriculating (processing completed).

Admissions can be reached at:
You can use the campus directory to search for your major department's contact:


What is a deposit deferral?


I wanted to accept my offer at cal state fullerton but I can't because it says to get rid of the popup blocker and I go to the website and it is off .I wanted to ask how do I accept my offer ?

ricky roman

Hi, I accepted my offer but I did not receive an option to pay, it says "deposit defferal: Yes" does that mean I don't have to pay the deposit?

Camille Johnson

Hi Maliah! A deposit deferral means that you do not need to pay the deposit at the time of accepting the admissions offer.

Camille Johnson

Hi Jennifer! If the pop-up blocker is off but you still encounter that issue you may want to try switching browsers. If you're on a phone, it may work better on another device. If you continue to encounter issues, you can reach out to the Student Helpdesk at [email protected] or 657-278-8888.

Camille Johnson

Hi Ricky! Yes, as we went over in Steps 4-5 of the "Accept Admissions Offer" section, students that qualify for a deposit deferral do not need to pay the deposit when they accept admission and will not be taken to CashNet to make a payment.

Sarah Pacheco

I'm trying to cancel my admission to CSUF because I've now decided to attend another school, but I am not sure how to do so.

Camille Johnson

Hi Sarah! Please contact the Admissions Office to request that your admission be withdrawn. Their contact information can be found at:

Elizabeth Rivas

Hey there! i paid my $250 admissions through the portal, however it has not processed yet, do you know if the admissions for fall of 2023 have released yet of if it’s a fluke, i accepted and paid already..

Camille Johnson

Hi Elizabeth! If you just paid the deposit, it might still be processing. These things may take a few business days to process. The semester started last week, which is a peak time for a lot of offices, so it might take longer.

To follow up on your payment, you can contact Student Business Services at [email protected].

For questions about the admission decision and processes, you'll want to reach out to the appropriate office for further inquiries as procedures and dates may vary depending on what type of student you are (freshman, transfer, graduate student, etc.) Undergraduates can contact the Admissions Office via the link in the Need More Help section of this article. Graduate Students can reach out to the department contact listed on this page:

Leandro Pastor

When I clicked to pay my $250 admissions, it didn't take the window to make the payment, seconds later, it sent me an email telling me that my payment was pending even though I never paid. What does that mean?

Camille Johnson

Hi Leandro! You may have qualified for a deposit deferral. For further inquiries about your account, contact Student Business Services. Their contact information can be found at the bottom of their website at:


Good afternoon! I accepted my admission offer and made the payment, and I got an email saying it all went through successfully. However, the task of accepting admission hasn't been taken off of my to-do list in my portal. Will this be a problem in the future?
Thank you.

Camille Johnson

Hi Skylar! Congrats on your admission!

It usually takes a few business days for the acceptance to fully process and for someone to update the status on your portal. If you don't see the item removed from your To-do list after 2-3 business days, then you can reach out to Admissions by opening a ticket at:

Cynthia D.

Hello! When I accepted my CSUF offer it said i qualified for a deposit deferral. Since I did not have to pay the, when would I have to pay the fee?

Camille Johnson

Hello Cynthia! When/if you have to pay that amount depends on a number of factors. Please contact Student Business Services to inquire into your account at [email protected], (657) 278-2495, or using their Live Chat feature:$

Lexi Villagomez

Where do I pay the $250 enrollment fee? I have already accepted my admissions but I thought after I accepted it, the page would tell me where to pay or something like that. But it does deposit defereal and I don't know what that means.

Camille Johnson

Hi Lexi! As mentioned in the article above, a deposit deferral means that you do not need to pay the deposit as part of this process.


I accepted my admission and paid the deposit and I wanted to accept my financial aid award as well but it won’t let me accept anything, is that normal?

Camille Johnson

Hi Karina! I believe accepting financial aid awards is a separate process from accepting your admission. You can view your awards on the Financial Aid section of your Student Homepage. If you have any questions about your awards, you can contact the Financial Aid office at:

Valery V.

I am very confused as I was never given the option to pay the $250 fee. I allowed pop-ups for chrome in settings. I tried on two different devices and I also tried on safari however each time I tried to accept the admission it simply says "Our records show that you have already accepted admission for the current term." Under detailed information it says "You have been admitted and have successfully accepted your offer of admission." The to do list under the admissions page also says "No current to do item information found." However, I am very concerned because I still have yet to pay the admissions fee and I fear my admission will be rejected. What can I do now, is there any other way to make this payment?

Camille Johnson

Hi Valery! If you were never given the option to pay, you may have qualified for a deposit deferral (as mentioned in Step #4 under the "Accept Admissions Offer" section of this article.)

To confirm the status, you can reach out to Student Business Services at [email protected], (657) 278-2495, or using their Live Chat feature:$

Jacquelyn D.

If we received an enrollment deposit deferral, do we need to eventually pay the 250 in order to have the acceptance considered as "complete"? I want to make sure I do not miss my next steps.

Camille Johnson

Hi Jacquelyn! You do not need to do so in order to consider the acceptance as complete. However, you may need to pay in the future to avoid a hold being placed on your account. If you're receiving enough financial aid to cover your expenses, it will cover the $250. If not, you might have to pay out of pocket. You can discuss your account status further with Student Business Services at [email protected], (657) 278-2495, or using their Live Chat feature:$

alyssa keys

Hi, I just accepted my admission to CSUF. Yet it says that I have a deposit deferral, does this mean I have to pay the deposit?

alyssa keys

Also, if I am receiving enough financial aid to cover the expenses, how do I know if I need to pay the deposit of 250?

Camille Johnson

Hi Alyssa! As mentioned in Step #4 under the "Accept Admissions Offer" section of this article ( if you qualify for a deposit deferral you do NOT need to pay the deposit at this time.

Usually Financial Aid will cover this expense if sufficient, but you can contact the Office of Financial Aid if you need more information on your FA awards If your financial aid will not be covering the expense, you can contact Student Business Services to ask about your options: [email protected], (657) 278-2495, or using their Live Chat feature:$

Jeric Binuya

Is it ok the accept the offer on April 30th?

Camille Johnson

Hi Jeric! The deadline to accept admission for Fall 2023 is May 1, so accepting the offer on April 30 should be okay.

Jocelyn R.

I just accepted my admission to CSUF and I paid and confirmed my acceptance I did not receive a confirmation email but my application says this ... "Our records show you have an acceptance decision pending. If had trouble paying the enrollment deposit previously, you may try again..." Is that normal?

Angelique Barreras

I paid and then it went to another page to redirect, but it doesn't show that my son is accepted. I did it 2 more times and no result. I hope its just matriculating. I did this on April 29.

Brianna Markson

Hi! I accepted and paid the deposit yesterday, 4/29, and got the receipt confirmation. I know it may take a little bit to process and for the accept/decline task to go away, but since May 1 is tomorrow, will it be a problem or no since I've already paid?

Parker Heider

I know it’s late but I recently decided for sure to accept, but when I go to accept it takes me to the page with the “I accept this agreement” checkbox about the $250 deposit. I’ve tried on phone and multiple computers and it WILL NOT let me check this box! Pop up blockers are off, I made sure of it and I do not qualify for a deposit deferral. It did let me pay the $250 deposit and I got an email receipt that my card went through but it still does not show I have accepted on the site or in email. Please let me know if this just means it hasn’t processed yet or if it means my acceptance hasn’t gone through at all, especially since tomorrow is the deadline. Thank you!!!

Camille Johnson

Hi Jocelyn! I'm not sure if that's normal. The team monitoring this article does not work for Admissions so we don't have the capacity to look further into this. Please contact the Admissions Office if you need further assistance. A link to their contact information is in the "Need More Help?" section of this article.

Camille Johnson

Hi Angelique! It could be that it was processing over the weekend but I'm not part of the Admissions team so I don't know for sure. If your son hasn't received confirmation today, he can contact the Admissions Office for further assistance. A link to their contact information is in the "Need More Help?" section of this article.

Camille Johnson

Hi Brianna! I can't say for sure because I don't work in Admissions. Keep an eye on your email and student portal to look for updates. If you don't see confirmation, contact the Admissions Office for further assistance. A link to their contact information is in the "Need More Help?" section of this article.

Camille Johnson

Hi Parker! If your payment went through I assume the acceptance is processing, but I'm not in Admissions, so please contact them to be sure! A link to their contact information is in the "Need More Help?" section of this article.

Alison Marquez

Hello! So I paid my enrollment deposit on Friday. I got two emails that day telling me, "Thank you for your payment." However, the next email said, "Your acceptance is not complete until you have successfully accepted your admission offer and paid your $250 NON-REFUNDABLE enrollment deposit." I also checked my To-Do list in my student portal and it shows me that I checked off the Enrollment task. Is there something I should be worried about?

Camille Johnson

Hi Alison! The team monitoring this article does not work for Admissions so we don't have the capacity to look further into this. Please contact the Admissions Office to inquire about the status of your acceptance. A link to their contact information is in the "Need More Help?" section of this article.

vannessa Aranda

If I am unable to pay my enrollment fee on the deadline can I still pay it.

Camille Johnson

Hi Vanessa! Please ask Admissions. A link to their contact information is in the "Need More Help?" section of this article.

Jeff A

After being accepted and paying admission fee received email stating can not be accepted because short two credits? How can this happen? Do we apply for a refund?

Camille Johnson

Hello Jeff! The team monitoring this article does not work for Admissions so we don't know the answer to your question. Please contact the Admissions Office to ask what next steps you should take. A link to their contact information is in the "Need More Help?" section of this article.

Inno O

Hi, I have accepted my offer and paid the fee. "Accept offer" is still in my to-do list. I am able to add classes to my shopping cart but I do not have the "Enroll" button, just the "Delete" button. How should I proceed? Thank you

Camille Johnson

Hi Inno! Did you accept your admission very recently? It usually takes a few business days for that to process, so it could be that your admission is still being processed. If it's been a while since you accepted, you can check in with Admissions to see if there's anything else they need to put your admission through. Their contact information is in the Need More Help? section of this article.

It could also be that your enrollment appointment hasn't opened yet. New transfers and first time freshmen don't register until June. You can view the registration dates at:

Harshit Aryan

When I try to accept my offer for a PG program Fall2023 MS IN CS, it shows that the responses for current term are not being accepted at this time. I really want a admit and can’t do anything because of the message.

Camille Johnson

Hi Harshit! According to the Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) graduate admissions page, after June 1, students have 7 days after admission notice to accept the offer:

If the 7 days has not yet passed for you, you may want to contact ECS Admissions at [email protected] to make an inquiry. When you email them, please provide your CWID so they can easily locate your records.

Venezia Quezada

Does my to-do list update by itself?

Camille Johnson

Hi Venezia! The to-do lists are updated by campus employees in different areas depending on what the item is. For example, if you have a transcript item on your to-do list, the Admissions Office would remove it when you submit your transcripts. You can click on "More" in the to-do list, then click an item on the list to view more information about what department to contact if you need more information.

Venezia Quezada

Can I submit my transcripts through email?

Camille Johnson

Hi Venezia! CSUF accepts electronic transcripts, but they cannot come directly from you. Transcripts must be sent from the school of origin or through an accepted third-party service provider.

Providers for high school transcripts are Parchment and Naviance. Providers for college transcripts are National Student Clearinghouse and SCRIP-SAFE.

For more information, you can visit the Office of Admissions website at or you can contact them at

Brandi R Ryan

I completed the acceptance and paid the registration fee. It is still showing as a to do on my list in my student portal. When will this update as being completed?

Camille Johnson

Hi Brandi! It might take a few days to process the acceptance. In some cases, an employee from the relevant area has to manually remove items from the to-do list. If you're concerned about the status of your acceptance, you can reach out to the Admissions Office. Their contact information is in the Need More Help? section of this article.

yamilet h

Hello my name is Yamilet Herbert- Perez. Today I accepted my admission for the credential program. I was ready to make a payment but once I went to the “to-do’s section” it was not giving me the option to make a payment. I was wondering since I am an alumnus if I do not have to pay or because I might have done something wrong?

Camille Johnson

Hi Yamilet! It's possible that you qualified for a charge deferral, which means that you do not need to pay the $250 enrollment administrative charge (as mentioned in Steps 4-5 under Accept Admissions Offer.)

You can contact Student Business Services for assistance at [email protected] or (657) 278-2495. They can verify whether or not you qualified for the charge deferral and can help you pay if you have any outstanding charges.

Roberto Reyes

I have accepted enrollment for the Fall term of 2024. Recently, I received an email stating that my enrollment administrative charge had been deferred. However, I received another email saying I still need to pay the charge. I am now confused whether I need to make the payment or if I can continue with the rest of my to-do list. Please let me know if there are any further steps I need to take. Thank you for your time, and please feel free to contact me if you need more information.

Camille Johnson

Hi Roberto! I would recommend reaching out to Student Business Services to confirm the state of your enrollment administrative charge. They can be reached at [email protected], (657) 278-2495 or via live chat (login required) at

Lila M

I am trying to accept my admission, but it’s not letting me click on the box where it says “I read and acknowledge my agreement”, but it still lets me click on the “Pay Now” button and brings me to the page where you are supposed to pay.

I’ve also received emails saying my decision to accept my admission is pending, and will be recorded once the administrative charge is successful.

I’ve already clicked on “accept” and “confirm acceptance”. Should I just go ahead and pay without checking off the “I read and acknowledge” box?


I accepted my offer and got a confirmation email. However, I don't have an outstanding balance on my account, it does say on the application, "Charge Deferral: yes" but I don't know what that means. I'm concerned this will affect my status because it says we need to pay by May 10, so should I call Student Business Services or what should I do? I accepted my admission days ago and up until today, there is no outstanding balance.

Camille Johnson

Hi Esmeralda! As mentioned in Step 4 of "Accept Admissions Offer", if you see "Charge Deferral: Yes" that means that you qualify for a deferral, which means that you do not need to pay the enrollment administrative charge.

Lori Arthur

Hi Lila! You can try that if you haven't already, but I recommend contacting Student Business Services to confirm your status. They can be reached at [email protected], (657) 278-2495 or via live chat (login required) at

Alefiyah Taquee

Hello, I missed the deadline to accept my admission into Cal State Fullerton and was wondering if it would still be possible to accept. Please let me know and thank you for the time

Lori Arthur

Hi Alefiyah! Unfortunately, we're not associated with the Admissions Office, so I'm not sure if it's still possible. The Admissions website indicates that they are experiencing a high volume of calls, so they recommend submitting a ticket with them for assistance. You can find a link to submit a ticket on their contact page: You can also try calling them at (657) 278- 3100.


Hello, I accepted the admission offer, but I can't reach the payment website. For my admission, it said "Charge Deferral: No Payment Required"

Camille Johnson

Hi The Cuong! You qualify for a charge deferral, which means that you are not being asked to pay for accepting admission. The payment website is unavailable to you because you do not owe any payment at this time.

Salha Latifi

I want to start my studies in environmental sciences

Camille Johnson

Hi Salha! If you have received an admission letter from the Environmental Studies program, you can use the steps above to accept the offer. Then you should receive more information about registration, orientation, etc.

If you are looking to apply to the program, you can read more about it on the Environmental Studies website at:

If you have additional questions, you can reach the program advisor at [email protected].

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