Fullerton Together: Registering for Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students

The Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students) program aims to prepare incoming freshmen for college-level English and Math by allowing them to enroll in courses the summer prior to their admission term.

This guide will go over the process of enrolling in the Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students) program and registering for Supportive Pathways classes.

1. Log in to the campus portal and access the Student Homepage in Titan Online.

2. Click the Admission tile.

Admission tile in Student Homepage

3. Select Supportive Pathways from the menu on the left side of the page. Then, click Enroll in Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students).

Enroll in Supportive Pathways
  1. Click the Supportive Pathways link in the left menu.
  2. Click the Enroll in Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students) button.

4. Review your Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students) recommendations for Written Communication and/or Mathematics. If you do not want to participate in Fullerton Together, click on the appropriate Opt Out slider to change it to Yes. Then click Confirm Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students) Selection(s).

Supportive Pathways selection screen
  1. View your Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students) recommendation for Written Communication.
  2. View your Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students) recommendation for Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning.
  3. Use the Opt Out slider in the appropriate section if you do NOT want to participate in Supportive Pathways.
  4. View your Financial Aid information to check if you're eligible for a fee waiver.
  5. Click the Confirm Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students) Selection(s) button.

5. Click Confirm Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students) Selection(s).

Confirmation Page

6. Click Return to Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students) Program Page.

Supportive Pathways signup confirmation screen

7. Click Enroll in Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students) at the bottom of the page.

enroll in supportive pathways

7.1. If you qualify for an Supportive Pathways financial aid waiver, a pop-up will appear to let you know that you will not have to pay for any Supportive Pathways course(s). Click OK.

Financial Aid Waiver message

7.2. If you do not qualify for a Supportive Pathways Program financial aid waiver, a pop-up will appear to let you know that you must pay all fees at the time of enrollment. Click OK.

If full payment is not received within 48 hours of enrollment, you will be dropped from the course(s).

No Financial Aid message

8. Select the Term for which you want to enroll.

You should select the Summer prior to your admission term for Fullerton Together courses.

Select Term
Additional ways to search message
Additional ways to search link

You can also leave the search fields blank if you want to broaden the search.

Additional ways to search screen
  1. Select a subject area from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click the Search button.

12. Choose the class you want from the search results.

Some courses have required supplemental courses associated with them.

View Search Results for Math and English

Math corequisites:

  • Students enrolling in ESM 110 must also enroll in ESM 10S.

13. Click > after reviewing the course information.

Class Selection screen

14. Click Next.

Review Class Selection screen

15. If applicable, review the Class Preferences and make a selection. Then click Accept.

Note that not all classes will have Class Preferences.

Review Class Preferences

16. Select whether to Enroll or Add the class to your Shopping Cart. Then click Next.

Students enrolling in supplemental courses must add both courses to the Shopping Cart. You will not be able to enroll in one course at a time if the course has a corequisite.

Placing a class in your shopping cart does not save your place in the class. You must complete the enrollment process for your place in the class to be saved.

Enroll or Add to Cart screen
  1. Choose Enroll to enroll in the course now. Or choose Add to Shopping Cart if you want to add multiple courses to your shopping cart and then enroll in all of them at the same time.
  2. Click the Next button.

17. A Financial Responsibility Agreement will appear if you did not qualify for the financial waiver. Review the agreement. Click the box next to I understand and accept the above statement. Then click Continue.

If you do not qualify for a financial waiver, the amount you owe will be posted on your Student Homepage a few business days after you register. You can view instructions on making payments on the Student Business Services website.

Financial Responsibility Agreement
  1. Click the checkbox next to I understand and accept the above statement.
  2. Click the Continue button.

18. Click Submit.

Review and Submit screen

19. Click Yes to confirm you want to submit.

Confirm submission

20. You'll see a confirmation screen showing that the class was added to your schedule or added to your shopping cart. If you chose to enroll, you're done! If you chose to add the class to your shopping cart, continue with the steps below to finalize your enrollments.

If you need to add more classes to your Shopping Cart, click the Return to Keyword Search Page link, then follow Steps 10-19 until you have added all desired courses to your Shopping Cart.

Schedule and Shopping Cart confirmations

Remember that classes with corequisites must be added at the same time!

Shopping Cart screen
  1. Click the Shopping Cart link in the left menu.
  2. Place a checkmark next to each class you want to enroll in.
  3. Then click the Enroll button.

22. Click Yes to confirm that you want to enroll in the class(es).

Confirm enrollment

23. You'll see a confirmation screen that will confirm that the classes were added to your schedule. You're done!

Enrollment confirmation screen

Need More Help?

Questions about the Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students) Program?

Visit the Fullerton Together (Supportive Pathways for First-Time Students) website for more information.

Contact the Fullerton Together program at Fullertontogether@fullerton.edu or visit the Undeclared and the Academic Advising Office at PLN-1 (Pollak Library, North Side).

Want more details on registering for classes?

Technical issues in accessing Student Homepage or your campus portal account?

Contact the Student IT Help Desk at StudentITHelpDesk@fullerton.edu or 657-278-8888.


Yamilet meza

How come on my portal if shows I qualify for the summer courses fee waived,but I’m still getting charged on my account?

Lori Arthur

Hi Yamilet! Unfortunately, the team monitoring this guide does not have access to specific information for your account. You can check with the Fullerton Together team at fullertontogether@fullerton.edu to find out more about how the fee waiver will work.

Rosalyn Oliva

How come Fullerton Together tells me that taking Math it is not required.

Camille Johnson

Hi Rosalyn! It's possible that you were placed into a non-Supportive Pathways math course. The team monitoring this account is unable to verify information about your specific account, so you may want to get in touch with fullertontogether@fullerton.edu to ask about your requirements.

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