State-Support Registration Snapshot

This article contains an overview of the reports on the State-Support Registration Snapshot Dashboard. These reports show information for classes that receive financial support from state general funds.

This user guide assumes basic knowledge of TitanInsights. View the TitanInsights Basics & Overview guides for more information.

Please use Google Chrome to open the Registration Snapshot dashboard for optimal performance.

Accessing the Reports

View instructions on accessing the State-Support Registration Snapshot reports.

1. Access TitanInsights student reports.

If you do not see the TitanInsights icon in your Titan Online widget, you may not have submitted an Access Request Form to request this access. View instructions on the Access Request Form process.

2. Open the State-Support Registration Snapshot folder.

Ignore Drill Reports - Registration Snapshot State. This contains information that is accessed from the State-Support Registration Snapshot reports, so you'll be able to view this information by accessing the main reports.

Shared folders list

3. Select State-Support Registration Snapshot.

State-Support Registration Snapshot dashboards

4. Click on the report tab that you want to view.

report tabs
  1. Click on a report tab to view that report.
  2. To view additional available reports, click on the double arrow button.

Available State-Support Registration Snapshot Reports

Registration Snapshot
Registration Snapshot report
  1. Select a term from the drop-down box to view enrollment in that term.
  2. The top table provides an overview of the latest college enrollment by Headcount (HC) and FTES. Enrollment is broken down by the college of the student major (by major) and by the college that offers the course (by course), for the current term and the same term in the prior year.
  3. The bottom table provides enrollment broken down by undergraduate and graduate/postbaccalaureate student standing and by New and Continuing Students.
Class Enrollment Tally - College Level

The Class Enrollment Tally - College Level report provides a side-by-side comparison of college class enrollment by census data and transactional data, for the term and college selected.

Data displayed is aggregated at the college level and includes the class enrollment limit, HC enrolled, available seats, graduate HC, graduate FTES, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate HC, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES, and total FTES (which is a sum of graduate FTES and undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES). The user can drill further to the class enrollment by department to view details of class enrollment at the course level.

Note that GRD and PBAC are different categories. While graduate students are often referred to as postbaccalaureates, PBAC in this instance refers to students that are taking classes after earning their undergraduate degree (e.g. in a certificate program, taking deficiency courses) but are not enrolled in a graduate program.

Select a census term and college on the left and a term and college on the right. Then, compare the census data and the transactional data for the selected criteria.

Class Enrollment Tally - College Level Report
  1. Select a term and college for the Census Class Tally Summary on the left to display the census data for the criteria selected.
  2. Select a term and college for the Class Tally Summary on the right to display the transactional, most up-to-date data for the criteria selected.
  3. Compare the two tables.
  4. Click on a college to drill down on it.
  5. View the legend for field definitions.
Class Enrollment Tally – Department Level

The Class Enrollment Tally – Department Level report provides a side-by-side comparison of department level class enrollment by census data and transactional data, for the term, college, and department selected.

Data displayed is aggregated by college and department and includes the class enrollment limit, HC enrolled, available seats, graduate HC, graduate FTES, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate HC, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES, and total FTES (which is a sum of graduate FTES and undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES). The user can drill further which displays enrollment disaggregated by class.

Note that GRD and PBAC are different categories. While graduate students are often referred to as postbaccalaureates, PBAC in this instance refers to students that are taking classes after earning their undergraduate degree (e.g. in a certificate program, taking deficiency courses) but are not enrolled in a graduate program.

Select a census term, college, and department on the left. Then, select a term, college, and department on the right. Compare the census data and the transactional data for the selected criteria.

Class Enrollment Tally – Department Level Report
  1. Select a term, college, and department for the Census Class Tally Summary on the left to display the census data for the criteria selected.
  2. Select a term, college, and department for the Class Tally Summary on the right to display the transactional, most up-to-date data for the criteria selected.
  3. Compare the two tables.
  4. Click on a college to drill down on it.
  5. View the legend for field definitions.
Class Enrollment Tally – Course Level

The Class Enrollment Tally – Course Level report provides a side-by-side comparison of class enrollment by census data and transactional data, for the term, college, department, and course selected.

Data displayed is aggregated by college, department, and course level and includes the course, GE, course title, course status, units, total number of sections, class enrollment limit, HC enrolled, available seats, graduate HC, graduate FTES, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate HC, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES, and total FTES (which is a sum of graduate FTES and undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES).

Note that GRD and PBAC are different categories. While graduate students are often referred to as postbaccalaureates, PBAC in this instance refers to students that are taking classes after earning their undergraduate degree (e.g. in a certificate program, taking deficiency courses) but are not enrolled in a graduate program.

Select a census term, college, department, and course on the left. Then, select a term, college, department, and course on the right. Compare the census data and the transactional data for the selected criteria.

Class Enrollment Tally – Course Level Report
  1. Select a term, college, department, and course for the Census Class Tally Summary on the left to display the census data for the criteria selected.
  2. Select a term, college, department, and course for the Class Tally Summary on the right to display the transactional, most up-to-date data for the criteria selected.
  3. Compare the two tables.
  4. View the legend for field definitions.
Class Enrollment Tally – Class Level

The Class Enrollment Tally – Class Level provides a side-by-side comparison of class enrollment by census data and transactional data, for the term, college, department, and course selected.

Data displayed is aggregated by college, department, and course level and includes the course, section number, class number, GE, course title, course status, units, class enrollment limit, HC enrolled, available seats, graduate HC, graduate FTES, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate HC, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES, and total FTES (which is a sum of graduate FTES and undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES).

Note that GRD and PBAC are different categories. While graduate students are often referred to as postbaccalaureates, PBAC in this instance refers to students that are taking classes after earning their undergraduate degree (e.g. in a certificate program, taking deficiency courses) but are not enrolled in a graduate program.

Select a census term, college, department, and course on the left. Then, select a term, college, department, and course on the right. Compare the census data and the transactional data for the selected criteria.

Class Enrollment Tally – Class Level Report
  1. Select a term, college, department, and course for the Census Class Tally Summary on the left to display the census data for the criteria selected.
  2. Select a term, college, department, and course for the Class Tally Summary on the right to display the transactional, most up-to-date data for the criteria selected.
  3. Compare the two tables.
Registration by Residence Status

The Registration by Residence Status report provides an overview of Headcount (HC), FTES, and FTES per HC. Enrollment for students with different Residence Status (for fee purposes) is broken down by the various Enrollment Status groups.  

Data provided are based on the student major (not by course).

Select a term from the drop-down box and then select a snapshot date to view enrollment in that term as of that date.

Registration by Residence Status report
  1. Select a term.
  2. Select a snapshot date to view data as of that date.
Registration Snapshot Comparison

Provides a side-by-side comparison of college enrollment by residency, the college of the student’s major, and the college that offers the course, for the term and date selected. Data displayed includes Goal FTES (i.e. target), HC, and actual FTES.

When the Census Flag displays “Y” the selected date has reached or passed the census date for the term; otherwise, Census Flag displays “N”.

Select a term and date from each of the two drop-down boxes to compare enrollment between the two terms.

Registration Snapshot Comparison report
  1. Select a term and snapshot date on the left.
  2. Select a term and snapshot date on the right.
  3. The top two tables show enrollment numbers by residency status.
  4. The bottom two tables show totals across all residencies.
Registration by Level Comparison

Provides a side-by-side comparison of enrollment by undergraduate and graduate/post-baccalaureate student standing and by New and Continuing Students for the term and date selected.

When the Census Flag displays “Y” the selected date has reached or passed the census date for the term; otherwise, Census Flag displays “N”.

Select a term and date from each of the two drop-down boxes to compare enrollment between the two terms.

Registration by Level Comparison report
  1. Select a term and snapshot date on the left.
  2. Select a term and snapshot date on the right.
  3. The top two tables show enrollment numbers by residency status.
  4. The bottom two tables show totals across all residencies.
Units Registration

Provides a side-by-side comparison of the total freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, and graduate/post-baccalaureate HC (and percentage) enrolled by college, broken down by the various units groupings.  

Data on the left half of the dashboard displays the census data for the term and college selected.  Data on the right half of the dashboard displays the transactional, most up-to-date data for the term and college selected.

Select a census term and college on the left, and a term and college on the right, and then click Apply to compare the census data and the transactional data between the selected criteria.

Units Registration Report
  1. Select a census term and college on the left.
  2. Select a term and college on the right.
  3. Compare the census data and the transactional data between the selected criteria. For example, the screenshot above displays 545 CBE freshmen enrolled in 15 units or more, as of Fall 2018 census.

University and Career totals are also summarized below.

Units Registration Summary tables

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with TitanInsights, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For questions about getting access to TitanInsights or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.


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