Waitlist Summary Report

This article covers how to run and interpret the Waitlist Summary report on the Course Enrollments dashboard.

What does this report show?

The Waitlist Summary report shows a summary of courses and sections with students on the waitlist. The top section of the report includes a total course and total section count as well as waitlist course and section counts. The chart shows the top 10 course sections with waitlisted students and the table provides more specific details about the top 10 course sections.

Accessing the Report

1. Log in to the campus portal and access TitanInsights.

2. Click Shared folders to access dashboards/reports.

QuickSight home page

3. Click on the Student folder.

dashboard folders

4. Select Course Enrollment.

course enrollment folder

5. Select the Course Enrollment dashboard.

course enrollment dashboard link

6. Then click on the Waitlist Summary tab.

Waitlist Summary tab

Report Overview

When you access the report, your personal filters/settings for the dashboard/report appear. If you have not set up your personal filters, the system defaults will automatically populate.

Waitlist Summary report

Report Filters

The first section of the report contains the available filters. Utilize the filters to narrow down your report results or find specific values.

1. Click on the Controls section to expand the filters.

controls section with filters

2. Make your selections for each filter as necessary.

Report filters

Filter Descriptions

Term The specific semester/session for which you want to view data.
College The college(s) you want to include on the report.
Department The department(s) you want to include in the report. The values in the Department column are filtered based on the College value, so when you choose a College, you will only see Departments that are in that College.

Course and Waitlist Counts

The first section of the report has a count of the total courses and sections along with the total courses and sections that have students in the waitlist status.

Course Enrollment - Waitlist Summary chart

Reading the Chart

The Waitlist Top 10 chart is limited to the 10 sections with the most students on the waitlist for the college(s)/department(s) in the selected term. You can hover your mouse over each bar in the chart to see the exact number of waitlisted students for each section.

waitlist top 10 sections

Reading the Table

The Waitlist Top 10 table is also limited to the 10 sections with the most students on the waitlist for the college(s)/department(s) in the selected term, but the table provides more details including the Course ID, description, section, class number, and the specific count of students on the waitlist.

Waitlist Summary Table Results
Column Descriptions
Course ID The ID number assigned to the course section.
Course Desc The name of the course.
Class The course code from the course catalog.
Section The section of the course.
Class Number The class schedule number assigned to the course section.
Waitlist Count The total number of students currently waitlisted for the course section.

Additional Detail

You can view the Class Detail for each section in the table.

1. Click on a Class Number in the table to view additional detail.

Waitlist Summary Table Results

2. Select Class Detail.

Access Enrollment By Academic Group Detail

3. The Class Detail will open in the same browser tab/window. You can now review the details for the selected course section.

Note that you will need to use the horizontal scroll bar below the table to view all of the available data.

Available Columns
Column Description
Term Desc The specific semester or session.
Institution Description The name of the educational institution (CSU Fullerton).
Academic Group Description The name of the college/academic group or subgroup.
Academic Career Description Indicates whether the course is part of an undergraduate or post baccalaureate program.
Subject Description The name of the subject area for the course.
Course Description The name of the course.
Course Code Course ID
Course Offer Number Course Offer Number
Catalog Number The catalog number of the course.
Class Number The class schedule number assigned to the course section.
Class The course code from the course catalog.
Section The section of the course.
Primary Instructor Person Name The full name of the instructor assigned to the course section.
Session Code The session code of the course.
Session Description The type of academic session.
SSR Component Description This identifies the SSR component of a course: Discussion, Lecture, Seminar, etc.
Enrollment Status Description The current enrollment status of the course (Open, Closed).
Class Status Description The status of the class (Active, Stop Further Enrollment, Tentative Section or Cancelled Section).
Class Type Descr The type of class (Enrollment Section, Non-Enrollment Section).
Associated Class The associated class offerings are linked to make a single course offering.
Waitlist Daemon Description The long description for the Waitlist DAEMON.
Automatic Enrollment Waitlist This Auto Enrolls Student from the Waitlist.
Consent Type Required The code indicating the Department or Instructor Consent.
Consent Description This is the long Description for the Consent.
Enrollment Capacity The enrollment capacity of the Class
Waitlist Capacity The waitlist capacity of the Class
Minimum Enrollment Number The number of seats between students during the final exam.
Enrollment Total The total number of students enrolled as part of the reserve capacity sequence
Total Wait List The waitlist total.
Campus Description This is the long description that identifies a campus.
Instruction Mode Description This is the long description for the mode of instruction.
Class Start Date The Class Start Date.
Class End Date The Class End Date.
Start Time The Class Start Time.
End Time The Class End Time.
Room The facility or room used for the class.
Cancel Class Date Class Cancelled Date
Primary Instructional Section The primary instructional section number
Holiday Schedule Description This is the long description of the holiday schedule for a given session
Level The catalog Number Level. For e.g. 100 level, 200 level, etc.

4. To return to the main report, click on the double left arrow button until you see the Waitlist Summary tab.

scroll through report tabs

5. Click on the Waitlist Summary tab to return to it.

return to waitlist summary

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with TitanInsights, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For questions about getting access to TitanInsights or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.