Admissions Dashboard Overview

This article contains an overview of the Admissions dashboard including: available reports and report defaults.

This user guide assumes basic knowledge of TitanInsights. View TitanInsights Basics and Overview for more information.

Important Information About These Reports

The Admissions reports allow users to obtain information on applicants to CSU Fullerton.

  • The application totals for a term are finalized as of the census date for that term.
  • If you select a term that includes no data, the term will be excluded from the report.
  • Applicants who applied for a second baccalaureate are reported under the Post-Baccalaureate career.

Downloading Table Data to Excel

When you use the option to download the data in a table to Excel or as Data (see the article on downloading data), you will be downloading the columns showing on the report.

Available Reports

Note that select users may have access to additional reports that are not covered by these user guides.

  • Application Profile: The Application Profile report shows charts and tables for all applicants for the term(s) selected. The charts provide a visual representation of the data. The table shows the number of applicants for each admit type and academic program. Users can click on an academic program to view applicant numbers for each major by academic level, admit type, or gender.
  • Applications by College/Major: The Applications by College/Major report shows charts and tables for all applicants for the term(s) selected by College. The table shows the number of applicants in each College for each application status (total, admitted, waitlisted, department review, ineligible, admission offer accepted, NSO, and enrolled). Users can click on a College to view applicant numbers for each major in that College. 
  • International Applicants: The International Applicants report shows charts and tables for all foreign (F1 Visa) applicants for the term(s) selected. The charts provide a visual representation of the data. The table shows the number of international undergraduate and post-baccalaureate applicants for the term(s) selected.

Report Defaults

  • Application Profile: The Application Profile report will default to show all of the current admit terms and all academic careers.
  • Applications by College/Major: The Applications by College/Major report will default to show all of the current admission terms and all colleges.
  • International Applicants: The International Applicants report will default to show all of the current admission terms.

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with TitanInsights, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For questions about getting access to TitanInsights or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.