Sharing TitanInsights Views (Custom Reports)

This article covers how to share a custom view/report in TitanInsights with other campus users.

Important Notes

  • Campus users that you share with must have access to the dashboard/report that you are sharing.
  • If your view also includes specific departments, the campus user must also have access to those departments to access your view.

Learn how to create a custom report/view in TitanInsights by viewing our guide on Using Report Filters, Table Options, and Bookmarks for Custom Reports in TitanInsights.

1. Click on the share button at the top right.

sharing button

2. Select Share this view.

share view option
share link

For best results, the user that you share with should log in to TitanInsights and then click on your share link.

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with TitanInsights, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For questions about getting access to TitanInsights or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.


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