Estimated Units Needed Summary Report

This article covers how to run and interpret the Estimated Units Needed Summary report on the Degree Progress dashboard.

This user guide assumes basic knowledge of TitanInsight. View the TitanInsight Basics & Overview guides for more information.

Please use Google Chrome to open the Degree Progress dashboard for optimal performance.

Accessing the Report

If you do not see the TitanInsight icon in your Titan Online widget, you may not have submitted an Access Request Form to request this access. View instructions on the Access Request Form process.

1. Access the TitanInsight Degree Progress dashboard.

2. Click the Estimated Units Needed Summary tab on the Degree Progress dashboard.

degree progress tabs

Report Overview

By default, the Estimated Units Needed Summary report will show students whose catalog year is 6 years ago for the majors that you have access to view and the remaining requirements to graduate.

When you access the report, your personal settings for the report (page) appear. If you have not set up your personal settings, the system defaults will automatically populate.

Estimated Units Needed Summary report

Report Filters

The first section of the report contains the available filters. Utilize the filters to narrow down your report results or find specific values.

Estimated Units Needed Summary filters
Filter Descriptions
Filter Description
College The college associated with the student's area of study
Department The academic area offering the major that the student is enrolled in
Major The subject of study declared by student
Student ID Campus Wide Identification (CWID) number of the student
Current Academic level The student’s class level (e.g., freshman, sophomore, etc.)
Notes Available Indicates whether Advisor Notes are available for the student
URM Grouping Underrepresented minority
First Generation The student is first in their family to attend or graduate from college
Pell Eligibility Flag An indicator that the student can be eligible for Pell Grant financial aid
Cohort Flag Identifies whether to include Cohort or Non-Cohort students
Cohort Description Students grouped together on the basis of matriculation in the same term under the same admissions basis category, such as for full-time first-time freshmen or undergraduate transfers
Enrollment Status Currently enrolled, graduated, or not graduated/not enrolled students
Enrollment Type First-time freshman or transfer student
Degree Program Academic program in a specific discipline
Degree Program Status Completion status of degree program
Expected Graduation Term Student’s anticipated graduation term/year
Units Earned Number of completed units
Units Needed Number of units that are still needed to complete the requirement/sub-requirement

Above the table is a series of drop-down menus that allow you to change which columns appear and the order in which they appear.

Column display menus
Available Columns
Column Description
Cohort Description Students grouped together on the basis of who matriculate in the same term under in the same admissions basis category, such as for full-time first-time freshmen or undergraduate transfers
Enrollment Type First-time freshman or transfer student
Latest College The academic college that the student’s major is in
Latest Major The academic program and concentration the student is enrolled in
Enrollment Status Active enrolled, graduated or non-graduated status for the student
Current Academic Level The student’s class level (e.g. freshman, sophomore, etc.)
URM Grouping Underrepresented minority
Notes Available Indicates whether Advisor Notes are available for the student
Audit Run Date Run date of the audit used to extract degree progress data
Expected Graduation Term Student’s anticipated graduation term/year
Degree Program Academic program in a specific discipline
Courses Current/Future List of courses that the student is currently enrolled in
GPA GPA of all units attempted

Reading the Table

You can click on a line item to drill down for additional detail.

Table results Person ID to GPA columns
Table results Units earner to degree program status columns
Available Columns
Column Description
Units Earned The total number of completed units
Units Attempted The total number of enrolled units
Transfer Units Earned The total number of units completed from a transfer institution(s)
Units Attempted Future The total number of planned or in-progress units
Estimated Units Needed The estimated number of units still needed to complete degree program
Requirement Completed The total number of satisfied degree program requirements
Requirement Not Completed The total number of unsatisfied degree program requirements
Degree Program Status Completion status of degree program
Table results GE A to default columns
Available Columns
Column Description
GEA Number of GE Area A (Core Competencies) units that still need to be completed
GEB Number of GE Area B (Scientific Inquiry & Quantitative Reasoning) units that still need to be completed
GEC Number of GE Area C (Arts & Humanities) units that still need to be completed
GED Number of GE Area D (Social Sciences) units that still need to be completed
GEE Number of GE Area E (Lifelong Learning & Self Development) units that still need to be completed
GEZ Number of GE Area Z (Cultural Diversity) units that still need to be completed
GE Residence Unit Number of GE units taken at CSUF that still need to be completed
GE UD Unit Number of upper-division GE units that still need to be completed
GE Units Total number of GE units that still need to be completed
Major Number of major requirements units that still need to be completed
Major Option  Ignore (internal code)
UD Writing Number of upper-division writing units that still need to be completed
Additional Major Requirements Number of major requirements that still need to be completed
Minor Number of units required for the minor that still need to be completed
CERT Certificate program
Cumulative Units Cumulative number of units applied toward the degree that still need to be completed
Upper-Division Units Number of upper-division units that still need to be completed
Major GPA GPA of all units attempted in the major
Grad Check Stat Degree Checkout Status
Default Ignore (internal code)

Viewing Degree Dashboard Audit

The TitanInsight Degree Progress Analysis tool is not used for official grad check purposes and is not directly connected to the official Titan Degree Audit (TDA). It is recommended for advisors to run a TDA for up-to-date requirement information to review progress of a specific student.

1. Click anywhere on a row to convert to an audit for the selected student.

table results

2. Select DARS Detail Report.

drill down menu

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with TitanInsight, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For questions about getting access to TitanInsight or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.


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