Class Enrollment Report

This article covers how to run and interpret the Class Enrollment report on the Enrollments dashboard.

What does this report show?

The Class Enrollment report shows the total enrolled students for each college/academic group by academic year. The chart provides a visual representation of the data. The table shows the total number of enrolled students for the specified academic year for each college/academic group. Select colleges/academic groups are further broken down into subgroups.

Accessing the Report

1. Log in to the campus portal and access TitanInsights.

2. Click Shared folders to access dashboards/reports.

QuickSight home page

3. Click on the Student folder.

dashboard folders

4. Select Enrollments.

Enrollments folder

5. Select the Enrollments dashboard.

Enrollments dashboard

6. Then click on the Class Enrollment tab.

Class Enrollment tab

Report Overview

When you access the report, your personal filters/settings for the dashboard/report appear. If you have not set up your personal filters, the system defaults will automatically populate.

Degrees Awarded by Major report

Report Filters

The first section of the report contains the available filter. Utilize the filter to narrow down your report results or find specific values.

Academic Year filter

Filter Descriptions

Academic Year The academic year(s) for which you wish to view enrollment data. NOTE: each academic year represents two calendar years (e.g., 2020 = 2020-2021 academic year).

Reading the Chart

The second section of the report contains the filter results as a chart.

You can hover over the bars in the chart to see the specific count for each college/academic group.

Class Enrollment by College chart

The Class Enrollment By College chart shows the total enrollment for the selected academic year(s), broken down by college/academic group.

The legend to the right of the chart shows which colleges/academic groups are represented by the colored bars.

Reading the Table

The table presents the same information; however, the specific enrollment counts are provided and some colleges/academic groups are further broken down into sub groups.

Class Enrollment by College Table Results
Available Columns
Academic Group Code
The code identifying the college or academic group.
Academic Group Desc The name of the college/academic group or subgroup.
Total Enrollment The total number of enrolled students in the college/academic group or subgroup for the indicated academic year.
Total Enrollment Total The total number of enrolled students for the college/academic group or subgroup for the academic year(s) on the report.

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with TitanInsights, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For questions about getting access to TitanInsights or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.