Using Report Filters, Table Options, and Bookmarks for Custom Reports in TitanInsights
This article covers how to use filters and table options to create custom reports in TitanInsights and how to use bookmarks to save your custom reports/views.
Using Filters
Some filters will require you to search for a value if there are too many available values to select from (e.g., all available courses from all colleges). However, you can also enter search criteria for most other filters as well.
1. Click on a drop-down menu to view the available criteria.

2. If the search is required, enter search criteria and then click Search.
Search criteria are not case sensitive and allow for partial matching.

- Enter search criteria in the search value field.
- Then click Search.
2.1. Place a checkmark next to the value(s) you want to use from the search results or choose Select all results to add all of search results. The report will automatically update with your selections as you make them.
You may need to scroll down to view all of the search results.

- Place a checkmark next to the value(s) you want to use from the search results.
- If available, you can also choose Select all results to add all of the search results to the report.
3. If the search is not required, enter search criteria in the search value field. Then select or place a checkmark next to the value(s) you want to use from the search results. The report will automatically update with your selections as you make them.
Search criteria are not case sensitive and allow for partial matching.

- Enter search criteria in the search value field.
- Then select or place a checkmark next to the value(s) you want to use from the search results. If available, you can also choose Select all results to add all of the search results to the report.
You can use the reset function to change an individual filter back to its original setting.
1. Hover your mouse near the filter you want to reset and then click on the three dots button (Options menu).

2. Select Reset.

3. This resets the filter back to the original setting and the report is automatically updated to reflect the change.

You can use the Reset Dashboard feature to remove all of the custom settings/filters you have applied to all reports on a dashboard.
1. Click on the reset dashboard icon at the top left of the page under the TitanInsights logo to remove ALL custom settings applied to ALL reports on this dashboard.
- Notice that TitanInsights will indicate Original dashboard (Modified) if you have applied any custom settings to any of the reports on the dashboard.
- Click the reset dashboard icon at the top left of the page under the TitanInsights logo to remove ALL custom settings applied to ALL reports on this dashboard.
Using Bookmarks to Save Your Custom Settings/Filters
2. Click Add Bookmark.

3. Enter a name for your bookmark. Then click Save.

- Enter a name for your bookmark.
- Then click Save.
1. To save any changes to your bookmark, click on the bookmark button.
- Notice that when you have made changes to a bookmark, TitanInsights will identify it as (Modified).
- Click on the bookmark button.
2. Click on the three dots button next to the bookmark you want to update.

3. Click Update.

1. To rename a bookmark, click on the bookmark button.

2. Click on the three dots button next to the bookmark you want to rename.

3. Click Rename.

4. Enter a new name for the bookmark. Then click Save.

- Enter a new name for the bookmark.
- Then click Save.
5. The bookmark name is updated.

1. To delete a bookmark, click on the bookmark button.

2. Click on the three dots button next to the bookmark you want to delete.

3. Click Delete.

4. Click Yes, Delete Bookmark.

5. The bookmark is deleted.

1. To set a bookmark as the default for a dashboard, click on the bookmark button.

2. Click on the three dots button next to the bookmark you want to set as the default.

3. Click Set as default.

4. The bookmark is now set as the default for the dashboard.

You can access an existing bookmark view to use it as a starting point for a new bookmark view. Essentially you're using the existing bookmark view as a template to create a new bookmark.
1. First, you will need to access the existing bookmark view. Click on the bookmark button at the top right.

2. Click on the bookmark you want to copy.

3. Click on the Add Bookmark button to create a new bookmark using the existing bookmark as a template.
- Notice that the dashboard is now using the bookmark view you selected.
- Click Add Bookmark to create a new bookmark using the existing bookmark as a template.
4. Enter a name for the new bookmark. Then click Save.

- Enter a name for the new bookmark.
- Then click Save.
5. The new bookmark is created and is automatically applied to the current dashboard. You can now start making changes to this bookmark view.
- The new bookmark is created.
- Notice the bookmark is automatically applied to the current dashboard.
6. Be sure to update the new bookmark when you are done making changes!
Customizing Tables
1. Click on the name of the column you want to change.

2. Choose whether you want to Sort ascending or Sort descending.

2.1. For some columns, you will need to choose Sort order and then choose whether you want to sort the column in Ascending or Descending order.

- For some columns, you will need to choose Sort order.
- Then choose whether you want to sort the column in Ascending or Descending order.
3. The report will re-run with the selected sort order for that column.

Some columns will allow you to remove a custom sort order that you have applied.
1. Click on the name of a column where you see the sort icon has been applied.

2. Click Clear sort.

3. The report will re-run to remove the sort option from that column.

Collapsing a column will hide the data in that column for all rows in the table.
1. To collapse columns, click on the column to the left of the ones you want to collapse.
- In this example, I want to collapse the Class Number, Class, Section, and Enrollment Capacity columns.
- I will click on the Catalog Number column to collapse the columns to the right.
1.1. Select Collapse.

2. To expand collapsed columns, click on any of the column names.
2.1. Select Expand.

2.2. Select a specific column you want to expand or select All.
Note that some columns may be connected, so selecting one may automatically select another column (e.g., selecting Class Number (Drill Down) below will automatically also select Class).

Collapsing a row allows you to hide columns of data, but only for a specific row rather than for all rows in the table.
1. To collapse a row, click on the row that you want to collapse.
1.1. Select Collapse.

1.2. The report will re-run for the row and collapse the data in columns to the right of the field you selected.
In this example, the Adolescence & Early Adult course data has been collapsed so it is no longer broken down by class section. However, the data for other rows in the table still show the data by class section.
1. To focus on a row, click on the row you want to focus on.

1.1. Select Focus only on [name of row].

2. To exclude a row, click on the row you want to exclude.

2.1. Select Exclude [name of row].

2.2. The report re-runs to remove the selected row.

3. To return to the full report view, click on the Filters button to show the Filters section (if it is not already showing). Then click on the three dots next to the filter that you want to remove.

- Click on the filters button to show the Filters section (if it is not already showing).
- Then click on the three dots next to the filter that you want to remove (usually the last one).
3.1. Select Delete filter.

3.2. The report will re-run to show the original report.

Need More Help?
For technical assistance with TitanInsights, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.
For questions about getting access to TitanInsights or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.
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