Showing +/- Buttons in TitanInsights to Collapse/Expand Table Data

This article covers how to enable the plus/minus (+/-) buttons for a table in TitanInsights so you can easily collapse or expand data in the tables.

1. When you hover your mouse over a table, a toolbar will appear.

It can be difficult to tell which sections of a report have data and which are used for layout purposes. You may need to move your mouse around to locate the appropriate menu.

animation showing

2. To turn on the plus/minus buttons, click on the three dots (Menu Options) and select Show +/- buttons.

show plus minus buttons
  1. Click on the three dots (Menu Options).
  2. Then select Show +/- buttons.

2.1. You will now see a plus or minus next to one or more columns in the table. Click on the minus button next to a field to collapse the data associated with that row.

Depending on the type of data in the table, you may see plus/minus buttons in multiple columns.

minus buttons showing for table

In the example above from the Class Enrollment Tally - GE Summary report, each GE section is broken down by Closed and Open sections. By default, all of the GE sections are showing; clicking the minus icon next to a GE section will collapse the row.

2.2. Click on the plus button next to a field to expand the data associated with that row.

plus button showing for a row

In the example above, the GE A.1 row has been collapsed. The Available and Enrolled column totals are still showing, but you can no longer see the data by Open/Closed sections. Clicking the plus button next to A.1 will expand the row to show the Open/Closed section totals.

3. To turn off the plus/minus buttons, click on the three dots (Menu Options) and select Hide +/- buttons.

hide plus minus buttons
  1. Click on the three dots (Menu Options).
  2. Then select Hide +/- buttons.

3.1. The plus/minus buttons disappear.

no plus or minus buttons showing

3.2. Be aware! If you disable the plus/minus buttons after collapsing a row, the row will stay collapsed.

row data is collapsed after hiding plus minus buttons

In the above example, notice that the A.1 row was collapsed to hide the Open/Closed section totals. That column remains collapsed even after the plus/minus buttons are hidden.

To fix this, simply show the plus/minus buttons again, click the plus sign next to the collapsed row(s), and then hide the plus/minus buttons.

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with TitanInsights, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For questions about getting access to TitanInsights or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.


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