Course Grade Distribution Report (Self Support)

This article covers how to run and interpret the Course Grade Distribution report on the Course Grade Distribution - Self Support dashboard.

This user guide assumes basic knowledge of TitanInsights. View TitanInsights Basics and Overview for more information.

What does this report show?

The Course Grade Distribution-Self Support report shows a summary of the course grade distribution for the college and then a breakdown of the course grade distribution and SOQ data by course and section for self-supported programs. Users can view data for a single term.

Accessing the Report

1. Log in to the campus portal and access TitanInsights.

2. Click the Student folder in the Shared folder.

Student folder selection

3. Click the Course Grade Distribution - Self Support folder.

Course Grade Distribution Self Support folder selection

4. Click Course Grade Distribution - Self Support in Shared folders/Students.

Dashboard selection

5. Click the Course Grade Distribution tab on the dashboard.

Course Grade Distribution select

Report Overview

By default, the Course Grade Distribution report will show the previous term and all of the college(s), department(s) and/or courses you have permission to view.

When you access the report, your personal settings for the report (page) appear. If you have not set up your personal settings, the system  defaults will automatically populate.

View the Grading Symbols Chart for more detail about all of the grading symbols used on the Course Grade Distribution dashboard reports.

Course Grade Distribution Report Overview

Report Filters

The first section of the report contains the available filters. Utilize the filters to narrow down your report results or find specific values.

Course Grade Distribution Report Filters

Filter Descriptions

Filter Description
College The academic college(s) for which you wish to view data; users will only see colleges that they have permission to view.
Department The CSUF academic departments for which you wish to view data; users will only see academic departments that they have permission to view.
Course The title of the course (e.g., Child Development) for which you wish to view data.
Term Desc The academic term (e.g., Fall 2015) for which you wish to view data.
Subject The course subject (e.g., HUSR) for which you wish to view data.
Catalog Number The course catalog number (e.g., 101A) for which you wish to view data.
Class Number The ID number assigned to a specific section of a course (i.e. 13741) for which you wish to view data.

Report Parameters

Use the drop-down menu above each table to change the data you see in the results charts and tables.

Course Grade Distribution Report Parameters

Available Parameters

Name Description
Count Shows the count of enrolled students who earned each grade.
Percentage Shows the percentage of the enrolled students who earned each grade.

Reading the Tables

Course Grade Distribution Report College Summary Table

The Course Grade Distribution Report College Summary table shows the overall grade distribution for the college(s) selected by the percentage or count of enrolled students who earned each grade.

Course Grade Distribution Summary Table results
Available Columns
Column Description
GPA The average GPA for all students enrolled in courses in the specified college for the term selected.
Enroll Count The total number of students enrolled in courses in the specified college for the term selected.
Academic Group The academic group(s) that were specified for the term selected.
Grading Symbol Columns (e.g. A+ through RD)
The percentage or count of students enrolled in the selected college who received the grade listed in the column header for the term selected (e.g., the percentage of enrolled students who received an A+ in an ARTS course in Fall 2015 or the number of enrolled students who received a C+ in an HHD course in Fall 2015).

Course Grade Distribution Report Table

The Course Grade Distribution Report table shows the grade distribution for each section of each course and the Student Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ) results for each section of each course.

Course Grade Distribution Report Table
Available Columns

The academic college(s) that were specified for the term selected.


The academic department(s) that were specified for the term selected.

Subject The course subject (e.g., HUSR).
Catalog Number The course catalog number (e.g., 101A).
Course The title of the course (e.g. Child Development).
Max Units The maximum number of units a student can earn for the course.
Section The course section number (e.g. 01).
Class Number The ID number assigned to a specific section of a course (e.g. 13741).
Primary Faculty Name The primary instructor granted the ability to assign and approve grades for the course.
GPA The average GPA for all students enrolled in the course section for the term selected.
Enroll Count The total number of students enrolled in the course section for the term selected.
Grading Symbol Columns (e.g. A+ through RD)
The percentage or count of students enrolled in the selected course section who received the grade listed in the column header for the term selected (e.g., the percentage or number of enrolled students who received an A+ in CAS 101 in Fall 2015).
SOQ: Instructor Name The name of the instructor listed on the Student Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ) that students completed for the course.
SOQ: Mean The mean of the responses on the SOQ.
SOQ: Type The type of SOQ that the students completed: paper or online.
SOQ: Deviation The standard deviation of the responses on the SOQ.
SOQ: Total Reps The total number of responses received for all questions from all students who completed an SOQ for this course.
SOQ: A through E The percentage of students who rated the instructor at each data point on the Likert scale on the SOQ. Typically A reflects a higher/positive rating and E is a low/negative rating.

Need More Help?

For technical assistance with TitanInsights, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.

For questions about getting access to TitanInsights or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.