Self-Support Registration Snapshot
This article contains an overview of the reports on the Self-Support Registration Snapshot Dashboard. These reports show information for classes that do not receive funding from state tax revenue and operate solely on student fees, such as Extended Education.
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Please use Google Chrome to open the Registration Snapshot dashboard for optimal performance.
Accessing the Reports
1. Access TitanInsights student reports.
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Available State-Support Registration Snapshot Reports
Provides a side-by-side comparison of college enrollment by the college of the student’s major and the college that offers the course, for the term and date selected. Data displayed includes HC, FTES, and total units per census term and per current term.
- Select a term from the Term Description menu.
- The Registration Snapshot date will specify the date
- The Census Term and Current Term are specified.
- The six columns on the left of the table display census term information.
- The five columns on the right of the table display current term information.
- The table at the bottom breaks down the data by undergraduate and graduate/postbaccalaureate new, continuing, and total HC, FTES, and units.
Registration by Department Comparison provides an overview of department enrollment by Headcount (HC) and FTES. Enrollment is broken down by self-support, state-support, and Open University HC/FTES.
Select a term, date, and department on the left. Then, select a term, date, and department on the right. Compare the data for the selected criteria.
When the Census Flag displays “Y” the selected date has reached or passed the census date for the term; otherwise, Census Flag displays “N”.
- Select a term, date, and department on the left.
- Select a term, date, and department on the right.
- Compare the two tables.
The Self-Support Class Enrollment Tally provides a side-by-side comparison of class enrollment by census data and transactional data, for the term, college, and course selected.
Data displayed is aggregated by college, and course level and includes the course, section number, class number, course title, course status, modality, units, class enrollment limit, HC enrolled, available seats, graduate HC, graduate FTES, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate HC, undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES, and total FTES (which is a sum of graduate FTES and undergraduate/post-baccalaureate FTES).
Select a census term, college, and course on the left. Then, select a term, college, and course on the right. Compare the census data and the transactional data for the selected criteria.
- Select a term, college, and course for the Census Class Tally Summary on the left to display the census data for the criteria selected.
- Select a term, college, and course for the Class Tally Summary on the right to display the transactional, most up-to-date data for the criteria selected.
- Compare the two tables.
Need More Help?
For technical assistance with TitanInsights, please contact the IT Help Desk at [email protected] or 657-278-7777.
For questions about getting access to TitanInsights or how to use the reports, please contact IT Training at [email protected] or 657-278-5647.
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